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Excel 文件操作代码

2012-04-15 22:06 375 查看
#include "stdafx.h"

#include "comdef.h"

#include <cmath>

#import \

"C:\Program Files (X86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12\mso.dll" \

rename("DocumentProperties", "DocumentPropertiesXL") \

rename("RGB", "RBGXL")

//Microsoft VBA Objects

#import \

"C:\Program Files (X86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA6\vbe6ext.olb"

//Excel Application Objects

#import "C:\Program Files (X86)\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12\EXCEL.EXE" \

rename("DialogBox", "DialogBoxXL") rename("RGB", "RBGXL") \

rename("DocumentProperties", "DocumentPropertiesXL") \

rename("ReplaceText", "ReplaceTextXL") \

rename("CopyFile", "CopyFileXL") \

exclude("IFont", "IPicture") no_dual_interfaces

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int f(int x)


return x*x;


int TestExcel()


//Surround the entire interfacing code with a try block



//Initialise the COM interface


//Define a pointer to the Excel application

Excel::_ApplicationPtr xl;

//Start one instance of Excel


//Make the Excel application visible

xl->Visible = true;

//Add a (new) workbook


//Get a pointer to the active worksheet

Excel::_WorksheetPtr pSheet = xl->ActiveSheet;

//Set the name of the sheet

pSheet->Name = "Chart Data";

//Get a pointer to the cells on the active worksheet

Excel::RangePtr pRange = pSheet->Cells;

//Define the number of plot points

unsigned Nplot = 100;

//Set the lower and upper limits for x

double x_low = 0.0, x_high = 20.0;

//Calculate the size of the (uniform) x interval

//Note a cast to an double here

double h = (x_high - x_low)/(double)Nplot;

//Create two columns of data in the worksheet

//We put labels at the top of each column to say what it contains

pRange->Item[1][1] = "x"; pRange->Item[1][2] = "f(x)";

//Now we fill in the rest of the actual data by

//using a single for loop

for(unsigned i=0;i<Nplot;i++)


//Calculate the value of x (equally-spaced over the range)

double x = x_low + i*h;

//The first column is our equally-spaced x values

pRange->Item[i+2][1] = x;

//The second column is f(x)

pRange->Item[i+2][2] = f(x);


//The sheet "Chart Data" now contains all the data

//required to generate the chart

//In order to use the Excel Chart Wizard,

//we must convert the data into Range Objects

//Set a pointer to the first cell containing our data

Excel::RangePtr pBeginRange = pRange->Item[1][1];

//Set a pointer to the last cell containing our data

Excel::RangePtr pEndRange = pRange->Item[Nplot+1][2];

//Make a "composite" range of the pointers to the start

//and end of our data

//Note the casts to pointers to Excel Ranges

Excel::RangePtr pTotalRange =


// Create the chart as a separate chart item in the workbook

Excel::_ChartPtr pChart=xl->ActiveWorkbook->Charts->Add();

//Use the ChartWizard to draw the chart.

//The arguments to the chart wizard are

//Source: the data range,

//Gallery: the chart type,

//Format: a chart format (number 1-10),

//PlotBy: whether the data is stored in columns or rows,

//CategoryLabels: an index for the number of columns

// containing category (x) labels

// (because our first column of data represents

// the x values, we must set this value to 1)

//SeriesLabels: an index for the number of rows containing

// series (y) labels

// (our first row contains y labels,

// so we set this to 1)

//HasLegend: boolean set to true to include a legend

//Title: the title of the chart

//CategoryTitle: the x-axis title

//ValueTitle: the y-axis title



6L,(long)Excel::xlColumns, 1L, 1L, true,

"My Graph", "x", "f(x)");

//Give the chart sheet a name

pChart->Name = "My Data Plot";


//If there has been an error, say so

catch(_com_error & error)


cout << "COM ERROR" << endl;


//Finally Uninitialise the COM interface


//Finish the C++ program

return 0;

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