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2012-03-09 00:00 344 查看

当你在客户端用view source看JSP生成的代码时,会发现有很多空行,他们是由< %...% >后的回车换行而生成的,也就是说每一行由< %...% >包含的JSP代码到客户端都变成一个空行,虽然不影响浏览,但还是希望能把他们删掉。这里将为大家介绍如何删除JSP编译后的空行。


1. 支持JSP 2.1+ ,在每个要去空行的页面里包含下面代码:

<%@ page trimDirectiveWhitespaces="true" %>

在 Tomcat 6.0.14下测试JSP编译成功

2. 支持servlet 2.5+, 即 web.xml的 XSD版本为2.5,在web.xml中加入如下代码







在tomcat 6.0.14下测试JSP编译成功

3. Tomcat 5.5.x+,在Tomcat安装目录/conf/web.xml中找到名叫"jsp"的servlet,添加下面一段代码:






trimSpaces Should white spaces in template text between actions or directives be trimmed? [false]



I'm getting a lot of whitespace in my JSP that I don't intend to be there. Why is it appearing and how can I get rid of it?

The extra whitespace is coming from newlines, often at the end of declaration lines at the beginning of the JSP. For example, the following jsp:

<%@ page import='java.util.*' %>
<%@ page import='java.io.*' %>
Hello world
Has newlines in these locations:

<%@ page import='java.util.*' %>NL
<%@ page import='java.io.*' %>NL
Hello worldNL
The result contains the newlines, which may be surprising:

Hello world
One solution is to let the JSP tag extend across the newline:

<%@     page import='java.util.*'
%><%@ page import='java.io.*'
%>Hello world
Another solution is to use JSP comments to remove the newlines:

<%@ page import='java.util.*' %><%--
--%><%@ page import='java.io.*' %><%--
--%>Hello world
Another solution is to use the XML syntax of JSP. Parsing of XML causes removal of extra whitespace.

<jsp:directive.page import="java.util.*"/>
<jsp:directive.page import="java.io.*"/>

<jsp:text>Hello world</jsp:text>
Resin also supports the use of the '/' character to eat whitespace (this is a Resin specific feature):

<%@ page import='java.util.*' %>/
<%@ page import='java.io.*' %>/
Hello world

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