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Solaris vs. Linux: Ecosystem-based Approach and Framework for the Comparison in Large Enterprise

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Solaris vs. Linux: Ecosystem-based Approach and Framework for the Comparison in Large Enterprise

操作系统 2011-05-10 23:17
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(slightly skeptical) Open Source Software Educational Society

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Softpanorama Search
Version 1.4

Solaris vs. Linux: Ecosystem-based Approach and Framework for the Comparison in Large Enterprise EnvironmentsDr. Nikolai Bezroukov

Copyright 2005-2011, Dr. Nikolai Bezroukov. This is a copyrighted unpublished work. All rights reserved.


Most of the paper was written in 2005-2006, long before Oracle acquisition of Sun and some references to this fact were added only as afterthought.

Readers with strong allergy to grammar and syntax errors should probably avoid reading this paper until later, supposedly more polished, versions. The current version is pretty raw. English is not the native language for the author. Treat it is as a preprint

This is not a scientific comparison per se but more of an attempt to formulate (and for the author to understand himself the issues involved ;-) the framework for comparison of two complex and successful OSes. This framework might be used by future
researchers of this problem as well as business decision makers.

Please pay attention to the version posted. This paper covers results of the research in progress. If you consider a particular part of the paper biased/incorrect please provide
feedback. Opinions of the author change as he deeper understands issues involved in the process of this complex research. The topic is too complex and some errors are inevitable in a paper written
by a single author. Actually the fact that a particular person is interested in the theme to the extent that he/she wrote such a paper is a strong argument against his/her depth of knowledge in one or both OSes that he/she tries to compare ;-).

As large enterprises are slow adopters of new technologies and as the paper is a volunteer effort it can be substantially behind the curve and most results are applicable only to enterprise versions of OSes that were current in 2006-2007. This was the time
when the bulk of the paper was written. Amount of time that the author can devote to research of the topic is currently very limited and things are moving slowly (but they are moving). As of July 2008 some parts of the paper looks already outdated (the success
of Oracle Linux as another enterprise edition with its own ideas (port of Suse YAST,
BTRFS filesystem, etc) is not reflected in the paper; Solaris 10 developments after the acquisition of MySQL are also not fully reflected in the current version of the paper. Advances in hardware
which increased the value of ZFS (solid state disks) are also missing. They might speed up widespread adoption of ZFS as new enterprise-class filesystem.

The paper was written with the explicit goal to serve as an antidote to primitive reviews on Linux self-congratulation sites styled like
"I found old PC in the closet, dusted it off, tried to install Solaris on it; my God what a crap Solaris is in comparison with Linux". Such reviews are not only misleading, they disorient open source enthusiasts (especially among staff of large companies)
conditioning them against a more stable and in several areas (virtualization is one; Java applications performance is another) more advanced server OS that has a lot to offer. The role of paper as an "antidote" to overselling of linux in enterprise environment
somewhat influenced the style making the paper more polemic, then it probably should be. Please note the author consider Linux and Solaris to be two best enterprise OSes out of for variants available, the tandem which can replace other enterprise Unix cocktails

When you open your Windows

you'll see a light blue sky filled with clouds.

If you look past the clouds, you'll only see the Sun.

-- Alan Orndorff

"The rumors of SPARC's death have been greatly exaggerated"





The historical dimension of "Solaris vs. Linux" debateThe
ideological dimension of "Solaris vs. Linux" debateTwo views on IT in commercial enterprises: utility vs. competitive advantageThe
Current Status of Enterprise Deployment

Nine factors framework for comparison of two flavors of Unix in a large enterprise environment

Four major areas of Linux and Solaris deployment


Low Level Servers

Midrange servers

High End servers


Comparison of internal architecture and key subsystems

Contributions of Solaris and Linux to the Unix kernel architecture

Some kernel-level differences



Java performance

Process Management


Hardware: SPARC vs. X86

Development environment


General level of OSS support

Scripting languages support


Configuration Management and Bug Tracking Tools


Solaris as a cultural phenomenon

Using Solaris-Linux enterprise mix as the least toxic Unix mix available





It is important to understand that operating systems kernels are a side show of open source movement or
open distributed collaboration movementin a broader sense. Scripting languages and applications (especially scripting languages) are the key components of the open source movement and at the same time enablers of other forms of open collaboration
exemplified by Wikipedia. So it's Perl, PHP, Python, Apache, Jboss, bind, postfix, Postgress and MySQL that are flagships of the movement with LAMP stack (for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python) as open source one of the highest achievements. I would
like to stress it again that the essence of the movement is in utilizing and, simultaneously, enabling distributed collaboration. Many Linux enthusiasts make a typical for technological utopians error. They think that their beloved OS due this wonderful thing
called distributed Internet development will wipe away all traces of its predecessors — as if when you change the fuel you change the car. That's proved to be false: Linux is and will remain just a flavor of Unix with its own (multiple) strengths and no
less numerous weaknesses.

Moreover, Linux kernel is just a side show, a new "SuperBIOS" on which open applications run and from the technical standpoint it has all the attractiveness of the good old BIOS (which is another way to say that it's pretty boring). Moreover, Linux is just
one of many interesting open source kernels, which (for unrelated to its technical merits reasons) gets all PR ink. FreeBSD and other BSD kernels are similar in technical capabilities, less bloated and have some subsystems (FreeBSD) or packaging (OpenBSD)
that are more technically interesting. In many cases they can substitute Linux in LAMP stack and nobody will ever notice the difference. Actually the difference can be positive: FreeBSD pioneered jails -- a light weight virtual machine in 1999; OpenBSD pioneered
integration of SSH and firewalls and defines the state of the art of secure X86-based Unix; NetBSD still defines the standard in Unix portability although Linux recently doing pretty well in this category too.

This article suggests that Sun efforts to put Solaris 10 on Opteron on equal footing with Solaris for UltraSparc further moved the pendulum from the Linux kernel on the technical side of the open source operating systems arena. Period during which Solaris
used to have open code and open source version was producused (OpenSolaris) enabled distributed collaboration and stimulated internal review of the codebase which was extremly beneficial and those benefots will not diassere with Oracle returning Solaris to
closed source model. On Intel servers Solaris can be used instead of Linux in LAMP stack with the immeduate benefits in security. The fact that Sun aqured and Oracle now owns MySQL ensure tht it will work smoothly in Solaris on Intel environment.

All those developments makes tandem of Solaris and Linux probably the best enterprise Unix cocktail out of other mixtures of four ingredients available for large enterprise environment (AIX, HP-UX, Linux and Solaris. While some specialists (including
the author) prefer Solaris and other Linux there is no question that this tandem is the most potent tandem of enterprise-class OSes currently available and should be treated as such. Polemical style of the article should not over-shadow this very important

From an political standpoint the assimilation of any alternative sub-culture into the mainstream signals both the success in reaching much wider audience, as well as the abandonment of radicals within the movement and dramatic watering-down of key principles
leading to the identity crisis. The latter is already impacting the OSS movement in general and linux in particular. Many people now understand that while individual developers still play very important roles in open source communities, the mature communities
are dominated by vendor interests and Linux is no exception to this rule. Now it's mostly about Red Hat, Novell, IBM and Ubuntu and only after that about Linus Torvalds. In this sense open source Solaris was the last nail into Linux exclusivity coffin. Also
the codebase has grown and matured (in 2011 Linux is 20 years old which is probably equal 60 in human lifespan scale :-). With aging the pace of development of Linux considerably slowed and "the guard is tired" effect became very pronounced. Due to this Microsoft
managed to counter the challenge and even re-vitalize itself in the process (MS Server 2008, Windows 7).

At the same time the parallel process of aging of IT, especially trend toward excessive bureaucratization created a natural counter-trend that somewhat revitalized linux. Despite becoming establishment OS supported by such a stalwart of IT establishment
as IBM (aka "death star of bureaucratization") Linux now again stated to play an extremely important role of a weapon countering growing dilbertization of enterprise IT, the role of a "rebel OS" that it played at the very beginning, before being cooped by
IBM. This is one important area in which the author see Linux as definitely superior to Solaris.

When one tries to provide a sober assessment of relative merits of those two OSes in large enterprise IT environment and concentrates on the nonpolitical, real world issues of administering multiple flavors of Unix servers one fact emerges as really startling:
there is a hidden resistance of such an environment to changes to the extent that savings from the introduction of any new flavor of Unix into existing enterprise Unix flavors mix are essentially non-existent.
That happens because proliferation of Unix flavors in large corporate environment has its own significant costs especially if the number of flavors exceeds two. Unless the number of existing Unix flavors are cut with the introduction (a new flavor of Unix
is not added to the mix but replaced one, or, better, two existing flavors) only open source applications and first of all scripting languages can produce sizable benefits for a large enterprise from adoption of open source. Operating systems are peripheral
to this issue as long as they can run of the cheapest hardware available (Intel architecture). It is possible to capture lion share of open source benefits using Solaris X86 or even Windows (it's funny that Windows with SFU 3.5 is POSIX certified while linux
is not). As the key is open collaboration is not the availability of source code or the

usage of specific license, but voluntary knowledge transfer between the members of the community, Linux is neither necessary nor sufficient for producing financial or other benefits from open source adoption, especially for system administrators who need
to deal with the increased complexity of the environment due to an introduction of a new OS. Moreover introduction of Linux in environments with strong Solaris presence might be counterproductive due to negative effects of OS proliferation and lower stability
of the codebase ("permabeta effect"). Solaris 10 X86 looks like a safer bet both in terms of stability security and scalability.

The scope and intensity of negative affects of OS proliferation might surprise many readers, especially in case when the number of Unix flavors increases from two to three or even more. This mainly due to dilutions of sysadmins expertise, as most can support
with the high quality only two distinct Unix OS flavors (that's actually three OSes as any Unix administrator who respects himself should know Windows 2003 server as the main competitor).

Increasing the number even by one turns changes the quality of work environment. Due to the current complexity (or, more correctly, overcomplexity) of Unix environments most sysadmins can master well just one flavor of Unix. Better one can survive supporting
two (with highly asymmetrical level of skills, being usually considerably more proficient in one flavor over the other). But in case they need to support three or more flavors skills of sysadmins can even deteriorate from the mental overload.

In system administration the devil is in the details and details for each flavor are different. Additional complex issues arise in IT infrastructure with too many different flavors of Unix as each of them have different mechanisms for common tasks (identity
management is one good example). If those multiple flavors of

Unix require additional expensive software to be used just to make them more compatible
Linux tends to increase, not decrease the variety of Unixes in the large enterprise environment.
In other words Linux is suffering from famous Unix curse.That's why positive effects of linux introduction without removing one of existing flavors of Unix are much more questionable
for large enterprises then for startups.

Not everything can be run on linux both for technical and political reasons. That means that despite having important "home field" advantage for open source software deployment, the saturation point for Linux in large corporate infrastructures exists and
might be lower then generally assumed. Often Linux introduction further balkanize Unix by increasing the number of supported Unix flavors by one or two (if both Red Hat and Suse are used). There are also problems with linux stability and additional security
risks: Linux is Microsoft of Unix world, flavor on which most attacks are developed, tested and used by script kiddies. For this reason alone few IT managers want to put all open source eggs into one basket.

The paper carries a strong pro-sysadmins and thus "counter-proliferation" of Unix flavors stance. Excessive variety of Unix flavors can be considered as a sign of low status of It in the organization, as well as a sign is a sign of both technically and
politically weak IT management. Interests of system administrators should be a priority consideration in any new OS introduction in large enterprise environment. As the hero of famous O. Henry story "The Roads We Take" quipped in slightly different from
large enterprise IT circumstances "Bolivar cannot carry double." ;-) [O.Henry1910]. The article warns potential adopters that it is very difficult to capture
value by just adding a new rider on the system administrator horse independently of which operating system we are talking about: be it linux (with its multiple enterprise personalities: RHEL, SLES and Ubuntu) or any of the traditional troika of enterprise
flavors (Solaris, AIX, HP-UX).

While limited to discussion of Solaris vs Linux in large enterprise environment, the paper introduces a generic framework of OS comparison that can be used for other Unix flavors comparison with Linux as well as between each other. In all such discussions
it is paramount to separate tremendous price/performance advantages of Intel hardware from the advantages of the OS.

Copyright © 1996-2011 by Dr. Nikolai Bezroukov.
www.softpanorama.org was created as a service to the UN Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP) in the author free time.
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Created Jan 2, 2005. Last modified: March 06, 2011




下一篇:比较 Solaris、Linux 和 FreeBSD 内核(转)
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