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一个对自己负责的软件开发人员该怎么做(How to do for one qualified developer)

2011-12-06 23:30 501 查看

1. 不断去学习运用新技术。

2. 时刻总结自己所学所用,不然一年二年甚至几个月就会忘掉这些技术。我自己对这点深有感触,在好几次面试中,被面试官问到做过的项目,用过的技术时,一下子想不起来,因为不总结,就心里知道大概怎么样,说不好,这样也给面试官司留下不好印象。

3. 不断扩大技术面,有些东西不一定很深,但要知道大致怎么做,这样在换工作环境时,需要这方面的技术,会很上手。比如现在用到的WPF要精通,WF现在没用过,但是要有一定的了解。

4. 对设计要熟悉运用,并时刻用在现在的项目中去实践。

5. 英语能力要强。如果不是外企的话,书面英语要好。因为很多技术只有英文。如果是外企,口语也特别重要。不然,肚子有东西说不出来。


Developers do as following as soon as possible:

Firstly, study and apply new technology. Otherwise, maybe out.

Secondly, summarize studied and applied knowledge. If not, you will forget these in one year, two years or several months. For this point, I feel deeply. In several interviews, I didn't think these when the interviewer ask relative technology on my done
projects. It made that interviewers thought my technology not good.

Thirdly, increase technology fields. It is beneficial to your new job.


Fifthly, your English need be very good. Beacause many technology materials are only English, no Chinese. If you are not in foreign companys, your written English is only good. Otherwise, spoken English is very importment. If not, your knowledge can't be
expressed clearly.

So, I must do that I finish frequently assignments(task) for summarizing my self, such as writing professional blogs.
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