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第四章 COM组件与.Net组件互操作---3、DotNet使用COM组件

2011-11-26 17:28 393 查看
在这里我们只讨论如何在Dotnet中使用COM,首先我们必须创建一个COM组件。为了节省篇幅,我们直接使用第三章的Calcualtor COM组件库,这个组件库我们实现了ICaluclator和ICaluclator2接口。

为了在DotNet中使用COM组件,首先必须创建一个Runtime Callable Wrapper (RCW),它实现了对COM组件的包装,隐藏了IUnknown和IDispatch接口,并处理COM对象的引用计数问题。RCW使用TlbImp.exe来实现对COM的.Net包装。这个工具位于…\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin目录下。下面我们看看这个工具命令参数。

Syntax: TlbImp TypeLibName [Options]


/out:FileName File name of assembly to be produced

/namespace:Namespace Namespace of the assembly to be produced

/asmversion:Version Version number of the assembly to be produced

/reference:FileName File name of assembly to use to resolve references

/tlbreference:FileName File name of typelib to use to resolve references

/publickey:FileName File containing strong name public key

/keyfile:FileName File containing strong name key pair

/keycontainer:FileName Key container holding strong name key pair

/delaysign Force strong name delay signing

/unsafe Produce interfaces without runtime security checks

/noclassmembers Prevents TlbImp from adding members to classes

/nologo Prevents TlbImp from displaying logo

/silent Suppresses all output except for errors

/verbose Displays extra information

/primary Produce a primary interop assembly

/sysarray Import SAFEARRAY as System.Array

/machine:MachineType Create an assembly for the specified machine type

/transform:TransformName Perform the specified transformation

/strictref Only use assemblies specified using /reference and

registered PIAs

/strictref:nopia Only use assemblies specified using /reference and

ignore PIAs

/? or /help Display this usage message


Tlbimp COM.dll /out:Dotnet.dll


Tlbimp Calculculator.dll /out: interop.Calculator.dll.

这样会生成一个interop.Calculator.dll文件。这个工程也可以直接通过Visual Studio 2005来完成。下面我们创建一个DotNet C#的控制台程序TestCOM,见图4-1。(具体创建步骤见参考文献[4])。

图4-1 C#版的控制台程序

接着选择“项目”->“添加引用…”,出现如图4-2所示的界面,选择COM属性业,选择Calculator 1.0类型库。单击确定。

图4-2 添加COM引用


图4-3 完成COM组件Calculator的引用添加


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

using Calculator;//使用组件库

namespace TestCOM


class Program


static void Main(string[] args)



Calculator.CCalculatorClass obj = new Calculator.CCalculatorClass();

ICalculator calc = (ICalculator)obj;//强制转换获取接口

double d = calc.Add(2, 3);//调用接口的方法

System.Console.WriteLine("2+3=" + d);

ICalculator2 calc2 = (ICalculator2)obj;//强制转换获取接口

d = calc2.Mul(2, 3);//调用接口的方法

System.Console.WriteLine("2X3=" + d);




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