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2011-11-07 17:50 561 查看
2008-05-28 16:38







(1) 新域:存储所有新成生的对象

(2) 旧域:新域中的对象,经过了一定次数的GC循环后,被移入旧域



GC浅谈: GC的工作目的很明确:在堆中,找到已经无用的对象,并把这些对象占用的空间收回使其可以重新利用。





l tracing算法(tracing collector): 从根集开始扫描,识别出哪些对象可达,哪些对象不可达,并用某种方式标记可达对象。基于tracing算法的垃圾收集也称为标记和清除 (mark-and-sweep)垃圾收集器。

l compacting算法(compacting collector):在清除的过程中,将所有的对象移到堆的一端,堆的另一端就变成了一个相邻的空闲内存区,收集器会对它移动的所有对象的所有引用进行更新,使得这些引用 在新的位置能识别原来的对象。一般增加句柄和句柄表。

l coping算法(coping collector):该算法的提出是为了克服句柄的开销和解决堆碎片的垃圾回收。它开始时把堆分成一个对象面和多个空闲面,程序从对象面为对象分配空间,当对象满了,基于 coping算法的垃圾收集就从根集中扫描活动对象,并将每个活动对象复制到空闲面(使得活动对象所占的内存之间没有空闲洞),这样空闲面变成了对象面,原来的对象面变成了空闲面,程序会在新的对象面中分配内存。

l generation算法(generational collector):在程序设计中有这样的规律:多数对象存在的时间比较短,少数的存在时间比较长。因此,generation算法将堆分成两个或多个,每个子堆作为对象的一代 (generation)。由于多数对象存在的时间比较短,随着程序丢弃不使用的对象,垃圾收集器将从最年轻的子堆中收集这些对象。在分代式的垃圾收集器运行后,上次运行存活下来的对象移到下一最高代的子堆中,由于老一代的子堆不会经常被回收,因而节省了时间。

l adaptive算法(adaptive collector):在特定的情况下,一些垃圾收集算法会优于其它算法。基于adaptive算法的垃圾收集器就是监控当前堆的使用情况,并将选择适当算法的垃圾收集器。



在sun 的文档说明中,对JVM堆的新域,是采用coping算法,新域会被分为3个部分

l 第一个部分叫Eden。 (伊甸园??可能是因为亚当和夏娃是人类最早的活动对象?)

l 另两个部分称为辅助生存空间(幼儿园),我这里一个称为A空间,一个称为B空间。








l JVM堆的大小决定了GC的运行时间。如果JVM堆的大小超过一定的限度,那么GC的运行时间会很长。

l 对象生存的时间越长,GC需要的回收时间也越长,影响了回收速度。

l 大多数对象都是短命的,所以,如果能让这些对象的生存期在GC的一次运行周期内,wonderful!

l 应用程序中,建立与释放对象的速度决定了垃圾收集的频率。

l 如果GC一次运行周期超过3-5秒,这会很影响应用程序的运行,如果可以,应该减少JVM堆的大小了。

l 前辈经验之谈:通常情况下,JVM堆的大小应为物理内存的80%。


l 大家都知道GC的执行时间是不确定的,调用System.gc()也无法确定GC什么时候执行,这个函数只是向JVM发一个申请,究竟什么时候做,还得老大JVM决定。

l JVM也不能保证Finalize方法一定会被调用,而且对finalize方法的使用要注意,GC为了支持finalize,对覆盖这个函数的对象作很多附加的工作,同时,它要让在finalize运行之后,将要释放的对象变成可访问到的(树状结构中),GC还要再检查一次这个对象是否变成可访问到的,如果一来,GC的性能就打了折扣了。另外,finalize不同于Java其它的普通方法,它是通过类似于c语言的通过分配内存来干活的,相当于在finalize()内部调用了类似于full()的c函数。所以,资料上不推荐用finalize进行普通清除。

l 查了N多的资料,JVM的缺省选项在通常情况下是最优的。

l 尽早释放无用的对象,如果对象无用了,就将其设置为null,这就告诉GC,这个对象你可以回收了。但要注意,如果对象是很复杂的类型(树,图等),或有监听器,那就要小心了。







Some Useful -XX Options

Default values are listed for Java SE 6 for Solaris Sparc with -server. Some options may vary per architecture/OS/JVM version. Platforms with a differing default value are listed in the description.

Boolean options are turned on with
and turned off with
Numeric options are set with
. Numbers can include 'm' or 'M' for megabytes, 'k' or 'K' for kilobytes, and 'g' or 'G' for gigabytes (for example, 32k is the same as 32768).

String options are set with
, are usually used to specify a file, a path, or a list of commands

Flags marked as manageable are dynamically writeable through the JDK management interface (com.sun.management.HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean API) and also through JConsole. In

Monitoring and Managing Java SE 6 Platform Applications, Figure 3 shows an example. The manageable flags can also be set through
jinfo -flag.

The options below are loosely grouped into three categories.

Behavioral options change the basic behavior of the VM.

Performance tuning options are knobs which can be used to tune VM performance.

Debugging options generally enable tracing, printing, or output of VM information.

Behavioral Options

Option and Default ValueDescription
-XX:-AllowUserSignalHandlersDo not complain if the application installs signal handlers. (Relevant to Solaris and Linux only.)
-XX:AltStackSize=16384Alternate signal stack size (in Kbytes). (Relevant to Solaris only, removed from 5.0.)
-XX:-DisableExplicitGCDisable calls to System.gc(), JVM still performs garbage collection when necessary.
-XX:+FailOverToOldVerifierFail over to old verifier when the new type checker fails. (Introduced in 6.)
-XX:+HandlePromotionFailureThe youngest generation collection does not require a guarantee of full promotion of all live objects. (Introduced in 1.4.2 update 11) [5.0 and earlier: false.]
-XX:+MaxFDLimitBump the number of file descriptors to max. (Relevant to Solaris only.)
-XX:PreBlockSpin=10Spin count variable for use with -XX:+UseSpinning. Controls the maximum spin iterations allowed before entering operating system thread synchronization code. (Introduced in 1.4.2.)
-XX:-RelaxAccessControlCheckRelax the access control checks in the verifier. (Introduced in 6.)
-XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGCDo young generation GC prior to a full GC. (Introduced in 1.4.1.)
-XX:+UseAltSigsUse alternate signals instead of SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 for VM internal signals. (Introduced in 1.3.1 update 9, 1.4.1. Relevant to Solaris only.)
-XX:+UseBoundThreadsBind user level threads to kernel threads. (Relevant to Solaris only.)
-XX:-UseConcMarkSweepGCUse concurrent mark-sweep collection for the old generation. (Introduced in 1.4.1)
-XX:+UseGCOverheadLimitUse a policy that limits the proportion of the VM's time that is spent in GC before an OutOfMemory error is thrown. (Introduced in 6.)
-XX:+UseLWPSynchronizationUse LWP-based instead of thread based synchronization. (Introduced in 1.4.0. Relevant to Solaris only.)
-XX:-UseParallelGCUse parallel garbage collection for scavenges. (Introduced in 1.4.1)
-XX:-UseParallelOldGCUse parallel garbage collection for the full collections. Enabling this option automatically sets -XX:+UseParallelGC. (Introduced in 5.0 update 6.)
-XX:-UseSerialGCUse serial garbage collection. (Introduced in 5.0.)
-XX:-UseSpinningEnable naive spinning on Java monitor before entering operating system thread synchronizaton code. (Relevant to 1.4.2 and 5.0 only.) [1.4.2, multi-processor Windows platforms: true]
-XX:+UseTLABUse thread-local object allocation (Introduced in 1.4.0, known as UseTLE prior to that.) [1.4.2 and earlier, x86 or with -client: false]
-XX:+UseSplitVerifierUse the new type checker with StackMapTable attributes. (Introduced in 5.0.)[5.0: false]
-XX:+UseThreadPrioritiesUse native thread priorities.
-XX:+UseVMInterruptibleIOThread interrupt before or with EINTR for I/O operations results in OS_INTRPT. (Introduced in 6. Relevant to Solaris only.)
Back to Options

Performance Options

Option and Default ValueDescription
-XX:+AggressiveOptsTurn on point performance compiler optimizations that are expected to be default in upcoming releases. (Introduced in 5.0 update 6.)
-XX:CompileThreshold=10000Number of method invocations/branches before compiling [-client: 1,500]
-XX:LargePageSizeInBytes=4mSets the large page size used for the Java heap. (Introduced in 1.4.0 update 1.) [amd64: 2m.]
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=70Maximum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid shrinking.
-XX:MaxNewSize=sizeMaximum size of new generation (in bytes). Since 1.4, MaxNewSize is computed as a function of NewRatio. [1.3.1 Sparc: 32m; 1.3.1 x86: 2.5m.]
-XX:MaxPermSize=64mSize of the Permanent Generation. [5.0 and newer: 64 bit VMs are scaled 30% larger; 1.4 amd64: 96m; 1.3.1 -client: 32m.]
-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=40Minimum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid expansion.
-XX:NewRatio=2Ratio of new/old generation sizes. [Sparc -client: 8; x86 -server: 8; x86 -client: 12.]-client: 4 (1.3) 8 (1.3.1+), x86: 12]
-XX:NewSize=2.125mDefault size of new generation (in bytes) [5.0 and newer: 64 bit VMs are scaled 30% larger; x86: 1m; x86, 5.0 and older: 640k]
-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=32mReserved code cache size (in bytes) - maximum code cache size. [Solaris 64-bit, amd64, and -server x86: 48m; in 1.5.0_06 and earlier, Solaris 64-bit and and64: 1024m.]
-XX:SurvivorRatio=8Ratio of eden/survivor space size [Solaris amd64: 6; Sparc in 1.3.1: 25; other Solaris platforms in 5.0 and earlier: 32]
-XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=50Desired percentage of survivor space used after scavenge.
-XX:ThreadStackSize=512Thread Stack Size (in Kbytes). (0 means use default stack size) [Sparc: 512; Solaris x86: 320 (was 256 prior in 5.0 and earlier); Sparc 64 bit: 1024; Linux amd64: 1024 (was 0 in 5.0 and earlier); all others 0.]
-XX:+UseBiasedLockingEnable biased locking. For more details, see this
tuning example. (Introduced in 5.0 update 6.) [5.0: false]
-XX:+UseFastAccessorMethodsUse optimized versions of Get<Primitive>Field.
-XX:-UseISMUse Intimate Shared Memory. [Not accepted for non-Solaris platforms.] For details, see
Intimate Shared Memory.
-XX:+UseLargePagesUse large page memory. (Introduced in 5.0 update 5.) For details, see
Java Support for Large Memory Pages.
-XX:+UseMPSSUse Multiple Page Size Support w/4mb pages for the heap. Do not use with ISM as this replaces the need for ISM. (Introduced in 1.4.0 update 1, Relevant to Solaris 9 and newer.) [1.4.1 and earlier: false]
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