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Tutorial: Storyboard in XCode 4.2 with Navigation Controller and Tabbar Controller (Part 2)(中文注解)

2011-10-28 09:22 323 查看

Get the project from part 1 here – Storyboard
complete demo (part 1)

Get the table images here - Table
Images for Storyboard tutorial


Started / New View Controller

First of all, unpack the images zip file you downloaded above and drag the images into the Supporting
group in your project. There should be eight of them (0 through to 7). Once you’ve dragged in those images we need to create a new View Controller. We’re going to use this for our ‘detail view’ once a movie has been selected
in the table. So, create a new file (File -> New -> New
). ChooseUIViewController subclass.
Give it a class name of Tab2_ItemViewController and
untick both boxes. Good stuff.

We may as well set up the code for this new class now (it’s not complex). So open upTab2_ItemViewController.h and
change it’s content to this….

(首先,下载图片导入到项目的Supporting Files下,然后新建一个基于UIViewController类的新Controller,命名为Tab2_ItemViewController.在Tab2_ItemViewController.h文件里添加以下代码)

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface Tab2_ItemViewController : UIViewController
NSString *selectedItem;
NSInteger selectedIndex;
IBOutlet UILabel *outputLabel;
IBOutlet UIImageView *outputImage;

@property (nonatomic) NSInteger selectedIndex;

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *selectedItem;


As you can see, all we are doing here is creating some instance variables we will use to hold our selected movie name (selectedItem) and the table row index (selectedIndex) which we will use to display the related image. We also define some outlets for Interface
Builder to display the details. Now open upTab2_ItemViewController.m and
change it’s content to this…


#import "Tab2_ItemViewController.h"

@implementation Tab2_ItemViewController

@synthesize selectedIndex, selectedItem;

- (void)viewDidLoad

[super viewDidLoad];

[outputLabel setText:selectedItem];

[outputImage setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d.jpg", selectedIndex]]];


Nothing much going on here either really. Note though, I’ve stripped out all the predefined boilerplate junk which I won’t be using for the demo. What we’re left with is the viewDidLoad method which is simply setting a label and image which we’re going to
create in Interface Builder in just a moment.

a data source for the table

Next we are going to edit our TableViewController to give our app somewhere to grab it’s data. Ordinarily I’d use Core Data for this purpose but wanted to keep this fairly simple. Instead, we are going to use a very basic array which will hold a bunch of
movie names (Kevin Smith movies – my favourites!). Let’s do the edits first and then i’ll explain what’s going on. Open up Tab2_TableViewController.h and
change it to the following…


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface Tab2_TableViewController : UITableViewController
NSMutableArray *myData;


Again, nothing spectacular going on here. We are simply declaring an array to store our table data. Now open up Tab2_TableViewController.m and
change it to the following….


#import "Tab2_TableViewController.h"
#import "Tab2_ItemViewController.h"

@implementation Tab2_TableViewController

// When the view loads, define our data
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];

// Define our test data
myData = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:
@"Chasing Amy",
@"Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back",
@"Red State",
@"Cop Out",
@"Jersey Girl",

// Return number of sections in table (always 1 for this demo!)
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
return 1;

// Return the amount of items in our table (the total items in our array above)
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
return [myData count];

// Return a cell for the table
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
// A cell identifier which matches our identifier in IB
static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"CellIdentifier";

// Create or reuse a cell
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
if (cell == nil) {
cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier];

// Get the cell label using it's tag and set it
UILabel *cellLabel = (UILabel *)[cell viewWithTag:1];
[cellLabel setText:[myData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]];

// get the cell imageview using it's tag and set it
UIImageView *cellImage = (UIImageView *)[cell viewWithTag:2];
[cellImage setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d.jpg", indexPath.row]]];

return cell;

// Do some customisation of our new view when a table item has been selected
- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
// Make sure we're referring to the correct segue
if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:@"ShowSelectedMovie"]) {

// Get reference to the destination view controller
Tab2_ItemViewController *vc = [segue destinationViewController];

// get the selected index
NSInteger selectedIndex = [[self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow] row];

// Pass the name and index of our film
[vc setSelectedItem:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [myData objectAtIndex:selectedIndex]]];
[vc setSelectedIndex:selectedIndex];


Okay, again I’ve stripped out a lot of boilerplate code which you may see in your original file and littered some comments around. In our viewDidLoad method, we are defining the contents of our data array (the items which will appear in the table) – eight
items in total. Next, we return number of sections and number of rows in the table. Following that, we have our cellForRowAtIndexPath: method
which returns a single cell for the table. In this method we either reuse or create a table cell and populate it with a title and an image which we will set up in a moment. I’m using the ‘tag’ value to identify elements in my table cell.

( 在viewDidLoad的方法里,我们定义了一个data数组。存储了cell里用到的label标题内容。然后,在 numberOfSectionsInTableView 和 numberOfRowsInSection 方法里return了sections和rows的数目。在cellForRowAtIndexPath:方法里我们构建了cell,并通过tag对应到我们在IB里建的label和imageView,然后赋值)

Finally, we come to a new method for iOS5 called prepareForSegue:sender: which
is an important addition to the storyboarding. This method is linked by a specified identifier to a segue from the storyboard (you know those link thingies which link all your views together). The method is called after your view is initialised and before
it is displayed, so we use this method to do some customisation (in this instance, we’re using it to pass the title of our selected movie and the selected table index row so we can figure out which image to use. So stepping through this method, you see that
we first check to see if the segue identifier matches the one we will set in just a moment. Then we grab a reference to the view controller we’re about to display (remember, at this stage it’s already been initialised). Then we simply set the instance vars
we defined earlier.

(prepareForSegue:sender: 方法是iOS5新加入的方法,主要是在一个viewController迁移到另一个viewController时,目标Controller已被初始化但还没被显示时调用。在这个方法里一般通过segue参数获得源controller和目标controller来传递适当的数值。比如在这里我们把name和index传递给了tab2_ItemViewController)

And that’s all the coding that’s required. The rest we will do in the storyboard.


Right, so now we only have to hook everything up and we’re ready to roll! Open up the storyboard file again and click on the (Tab2
Table View Controller
) table view. Under ‘style
choose grouped.
I prefer grouped tables for looks. Now select the blank (prototype) cell and in the Identifier box,
type in CellIdentifier (no
spaces). This must match exactly the name used in the cellForRowAtIndexPath:method.
If we were to run at this point we would see a blank table with eight entries but no data. We need to put a label and an image view into that blank cell. Drag in a UILabel from
the Objects list (Utility panel) and put it somewhere in the blank cell. Do the same with a UIImageView.
This should automatically resize to around 35 x 35 pixels when dragged into the empty cell. Arrange it something like this…

(下面我们打开storyboard,选中tab2 table view controller里tableView, 把style改成grouped. 然后选中一个cell,在Identifier输入 CellIdentifier. 这个必须和cellForRowAtIndexPath:方法里定义的一样。最后再拖一个UILabel和一个UIImageView控件到cell上,如下图)

I’ve chosen to put my image view on the left and my label on the right (with right justification). Feel free to be creative with your layout! Now, most important – we’re going to use the Tag value
to identify these two elements when we draw the table content, so first select your label and
change Tag value
to 1 (you
can find Tag under the Attributes Inspector – third icon from right in the Utility panel). Next, select the UIImageView and
change it’s tag value
to 2.
Go ahead and run your project – under Tab 2 View you should now see a rather satisfying table complete with titles and images…


When we select a row, it’d be nice to see how to push a new view with some details. We’re only going to show the same label and image in it’s own view – but you could of course, use this for anything at all (editing etc). Earlier on we created a new class
called Tab2_ItemViewController. It’s already locked and loaded for use here, so lets drag a brand new UIViewController just
to the right of our table. Once it’s in place, select it and in the Identity Inspector (third icon from left in utility panel) change the class to Tab2_ItemViewController.
Now go back and select the cell in the table view (making sure it IS the cell you select and not the label!) and CTRL+Click
(or right-click drag) to our newly created View Controller. Choose ‘Push
from the submenu. You’ll notice the navigation bar will be automatically added – why not take this chance to double click the bar and give it a title…. say “Movie
” or something. Something else happened here which you may not have noticed. When we connected the table cell, it was automatically given a disclosure indicator (the chevron on the right hand side). Just make sure it’s not being
overlapped by your label or image and adjust if needed.

(在storyboard上新建一个UIVewController, 在右边设置属性里把class改成Tab2_ItemViewController.然后右键点击tab2_tableViewController上的cell,拖拽到这个新建的Tab2_ItemViewController上,选择push)

Hang in there…. almost done. On your new view controller, drag in a UILabel and
a UIImageView.
You can make the image view 70 x 70 pixels in the Size Inspector if you like. Arrange them however you like. I’ve made my label the width of the view and centred. I’ve put the image right underneath it – and made the whole view background colour a horrid
pink. When you’re done, we need to connect these two elements up. Simply CTRL+Click
(or right-click drag) from the status
(where the battery icon is!) to the label and choose outputLabel.
Then again from the status
to the image view and choose outputImage.


And now the final, final step. Remember earlier in our code where we specified a name for our Segue? Well we now need to name that Segue. Click the connection between the tableview and the view controller and in the Attributes Inspector, for the identifier
enter the name ShowSelectedMovie.
Remember it must match exactly the one we used in the prepareForSegue: method
earlier. Here’s what the finished storyboard should look like roughly (except perhaps the pink background!)

(最后,选中连接tab2_tableViewController和tab2_ItemViewController这间的Segue, 在identifier属性里填入ShowSelectedMovie,记的这个要和prepareForSegue方法的名字一样)

That’s all! We’re done. Quick…. go and try your work of art. Everything should function perfectly…. if you select a table row, we will now see the movie details. Job done!

Storyboard Tutorial Project
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