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XNA and Windows 7 Multi-touch

2011-10-26 23:21 246 查看


I am pretty sure, that like me you are more than capable of scanning the web for snippets of info on how to do this, well I thought, to save you the time and effort I’ll put up a simple how-to here.

As ever I am standing on the shoulder of giants, the first thing I do to get multi-touch into my XNA project is to use a regular windows form to render to. I dare say there it a much better way to do this with WPF, which I am sure I’ll have a look at when
I have time, but for now, I am using the good old 2.0 Windows Form. Now for this I have used a great post by another XNA MVP Pedro Guida aka “Ultrahead” showing
how to get XNA to render to a panel control. I can’t for the life of me find his original post, it may have even been on The Code Project and also used the MS
Multitouch code samples.

The spawn of these two resources has given me my own Panel control that XNA can render to AND the Windows 7 Multi-touch API can be hooked up to.

So, how does all this hang together first off we open up a new XNA Windows Project, then Add a Windows Form to the project, we then need to create our own Panel object so that it can interact with multi-touch.

The code for the new Panel class is 99% taken from the MS Multitouch samples and it involves hooking into the WndProc method on the control.


public class XNAWindowsMTPanel : Panel



// Protected members, for derived classes.

// Touch event handlers

public event EventHandler<WMTouchEventArgs> Touchdown; //
touch down event handler

public event EventHandler<WMTouchEventArgs> Touchup; //
touch up event handler

public event EventHandler<WMTouchEventArgs> TouchMove; //
touch move event handler

// EventArgs passed to Touch handlers

public class WMTouchEventArgs : System.EventArgs


// Private data members

private int x; // touch x client coordinate in pixels

private int y; // touch y client coordinate in pixels

private int id; // contact ID

private int mask; // mask which fields in the structure are valid

private int flags; // flags

private int time; // touch event time

private int contactX; // x size of the contact area in pixels

private int contactY; // y size of the contact area in pixels

// Access to data members

public int LocationX


get { return x; }

set { x = value; }


public int LocationY


get { return y; }

set { y = value; }


public int Id


get { return id; }

set { id = value; }


public int Flags


get { return flags; }

set { flags = value; }


public int Mask


get { return mask; }

set { mask = value; }


public int Time


get { return time; }

set { time = value; }


public int ContactX


get { return contactX; }

set { contactX = value; }


public int ContactY


get { return contactY; }

set { contactY = value; }


public bool IsPrimaryContact


get { return (flags & TOUCHEVENTF_PRIMARY) != 0; }


// Constructor

public WMTouchEventArgs()





// Private class definitions, structures, attributes and native fn's


// Touch event window message constants [winuser.h]

private const int WM_TOUCHMOVE = 0x0240;

private const int WM_TOUCHDOWN = 0x0241;

private const int WM_TOUCHUP = 0x0242;

private const int WM_MOUSEMOVE = 0x0200;

private const int WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x0202;

private const int WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x0208;

private const int WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0209;

// Touch event flags ((TOUCHINPUT.dwFlags) [winuser.h]

private const int TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE = 0x0001;

private const int TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN = 0x0002;

private const int TOUCHEVENTF_UP = 0x0004;

private const int TOUCHEVENTF_INRANGE = 0x0008;

private const int TOUCHEVENTF_PRIMARY = 0x0010;

private const int TOUCHEVENTF_NOCOALESCE = 0x0020;

private const int TOUCHEVENTF_PEN = 0x0040;

// Touch input mask values (TOUCHINPUT.dwMask) [winuser.h]

private const int TOUCHINPUTMASKF_TIMEFROMSYSTEM = 0x0001; // the dwTime field contains a system
generated value

private const int TOUCHINPUTMASKF_EXTRAINFO = 0x0002; // the dwExtraInfo field is valid

private const int TOUCHINPUTMASKF_CONTACTAREA = 0x0004; // the cxContact and cyContact fields are

// Touch API defined structures [winuser.h]



private struct TOUCHINPUT


public int x;

public int y;

public System.IntPtr hSource;

public int dwID;

public int dwFlags;

public int dwMask;

public int dwTime;

public System.IntPtr dwExtraInfo;

public int cxContact;

public int cyContact;



private struct POINTS


public short x;

public short y;


// Currently touch/multitouch access is done through unmanaged code

// We must p/invoke into user32 [winuser.h]



[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]

private static extern bool RegisterTouchWindow(System.IntPtr hWnd, ulong ulFlags);


[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]

private static extern bool GetTouchInputInfo(System.IntPtr hTouchInput, int cInputs,
[In, Out] TOUCHINPUT[] pInputs, int cbSize);


[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]

private static extern void CloseTouchInputHandle(System.IntPtr lParam);

// Attributes

private int touchInputSize; // size of TOUCHINPUT structure


public XNAWindowsMTPanel()


Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

// GetTouchInputInfo need to be

// passed the size of the structure it will be filling

// we get the sizes upfront so they can be used later.

touchInputSize = Marshal.SizeOf(new TOUCHINPUT());


protected override CreateParams CreateParams




CreateParams createParams = base.CreateParams;

createParams.ExStyle |= 0x00000020; // WS_EX_TRANSPARENT

return createParams;



protected override void CreateHandle()



ulong ulFlags = 0;

RegisterTouchWindow(this.Handle, ulFlags);



// Private methods

// Window procedure. Receives WM_ messages.

// Translates WM_TOUCH window messages to touch events.

// Normally, touch events are sufficient for a derived class,

// but the window procedure can be overriden, if needed.

// in:

// m message

[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand, Name = "FullTrust")]

protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)


// Decode and handle WM_TOUCH* message.

bool handled;

switch (m.Msg)





handled = DecodeTouch(ref m);



handled = false;



// Call parent WndProc for default message processing.

base.WndProc(ref m);

if (handled)


// Acknowledge event if handled.



m.Result = new System.IntPtr(1);


catch (Exception exception)


Debug.Print("ERROR: Could not allocate result ptr");





// Extracts lower 16-bit word from an 32-bit int.

// in:

// number int

// returns:

// lower word

private static int LoWord(int number)


return number & 0xffff;


// Decodes and handles WM_TOUCH* messages.

// Unpacks message arguments and invokes appropriate touch events.

// in:

// m window message

// returns:

// flag whether the message has been handled

private bool DecodeTouch(ref Message m)


// More than one touchinput may be associated with a touch message,

// so an array is needed to get all event information.

int inputCount = LoWord(m.WParam.ToInt32()); // Number of touch inputs, actual per-contact messages

TOUCHINPUT[] inputs; // Array of TOUCHINPUT structures



inputs = new TOUCHINPUT[inputCount]; // Allocate the storage for the parameters of the per-contact messages


catch (Exception exception)


Debug.Print("ERROR: Could not allocate inputs array");


return false;


// Unpack message parameters into the array of TOUCHINPUT structures, each

// representing a message for one single contact.


if (!GetTouchInputInfo(m.LParam, inputCount, inputs, touchInputSize))


// Get touch info failed.

return false;


// For each contact, dispatch the message to the appropriate message

// handler.

// Note that for WM_TOUCHDOWN you can get down & move notifications

// and for WM_TOUCHUP you can get up & move notifications

// WM_TOUCHMOVE will only contain move notifications

// and up & down notifications will never come in the same message

bool handled = false; // // Flag, is message handled


for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)


TOUCHINPUT ti = inputs[i];

// Assign a handler to this message.

EventHandler<WMTouchEventArgs> handler = null; // Touch event handler

if ((ti.dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN) != 0)


handler = Touchdown;


else if ((ti.dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_UP) != 0)


handler = Touchup;


else if ((ti.dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE) != 0)


handler = TouchMove;


// Convert message parameters into touch event arguments and handle the event.

if (handler != null)


// Convert the raw touchinput message into a touchevent.

WMTouchEventArgs te; // Touch event arguments



te = new WMTouchEventArgs();


catch (Exception excep)


Debug.Print("Could not allocate WMTouchEventArgs");




// TOUCHINFO point coordinates and contact size is in 1/100 of a pixel; convert it to pixels.

// Also convert screen to client coordinates.

te.ContactY = ti.cyContact / 100;

te.ContactX = ti.cxContact / 100;

te.Id = ti.dwID;


Point pt = PointToClient(new Point(ti.x / 100, ti.y / 100));

te.LocationX = pt.X;

te.LocationY = pt.Y;


te.Time = ti.dwTime;

te.Mask = ti.dwMask;

te.Flags = ti.dwFlags;

// Invoke the event handler.

handler(this, te);

// Mark this event as handled.

handled = true;




return handled;



So now we have a control we can use to get MT input for, we now need to hook this control up to our form and in turn to our XNA Game class. In the form we need to give our Game class access to the handle it
is going to render to. To do this we define XNAWindowsMTPanel object, create a Property on the form so that it can be accessed and then instantiate the XNAWindowsMTPanel object. This leaves our form source code looking like this:

public partial class frmMain : Form


public XNAWindowsMTPanel panel1;

public IntPtr DisplayHandle




return this.panel1.IsHandleCreated ?

this.panel1.Handle : IntPtr.Zero;



public frmMain(Game1 game)



panel1 = new XNAWindowsMTPanel();




Now in our game class we need to set up the Windows form to be the form we will be rendering to, we create a From object, in the constructor, instantiate, bind to the forms HandleDestroyed event so when the form closes we can tidy up and then show the form.
We also need to be able to ‘hide’ our XNA game window to so to do this we need to bind to the XNA game windows Shown event and then hide the window. To help us do this we will need to reference System.Windows.Forms in our Game1 class and to stop any name space
conflicts we will alias it with ‘SysWinForms’. We also need to set our view port so that it matches the area we are rendering to and this also needs to be done if the form is resized.

The top of our Game1.cs file now looks like this:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices;

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media;

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Net;

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage;

using SysWinForms = System.Windows.Forms;

namespace GenericXNAMultiTouch


/// <summary>

/// This is the main type for your game

/// </summary>

public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game


GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;

SpriteBatch spriteBatch;

frmMain frmMain;

public Game1()


graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);

Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

SysWinForms.Form gameWindow = (SysWinForms.Form)SysWinForms.Form.FromHandle(this.Window.Handle);

gameWindow.Shown += new EventHandler(gameWindow_Shown);

frmMain = new frmMain(this);

frmMain.HandleDestroyed += new EventHandler(frmMain_HandleDestroyed);

frmMain.Resize += new EventHandler(frmMain_Resize);


graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = frmMain.panel1.Height;

graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = frmMain.panel1.Width;


void frmMain_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width != frmMain.panel1.Width || GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height != frmMain.panel1.Height)


GraphicsDevice.Viewport = new Viewport


X = 0,

Y = 0,

Height = frmMain.panel1.Height,

Width = frmMain.panel1.Width,

MaxDepth = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.MaxDepth,

MinDepth = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.MinDepth,




void frmMain_HandleDestroyed(object sender, EventArgs e)




void gameWindow_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)




Running this now will just give us a blank Windows Form, we need to now tell our Game1 class to render to our XNAWindowsMTPanel and this is very simple to do, simply at the end of the Draw call do this:


You will now have your XNA code rendering on the windows form!! How cool is that!

Now to add the MT functionality. You can see on the XNAWindowsMTPanel class that we have some events we can bind to:

// Touch event handlers

public event EventHandler<WMTouchEventArgs> Touchdown; //
touch down event handler

public event EventHandler<WMTouchEventArgs> Touchup; //
touch up event handler

public event EventHandler<WMTouchEventArgs> TouchMove; //
touch move event handler

So we we will get some code stubs in our Game1 class then wire these up in Windows Form (again taken from the MS MT samples)

#region Multi-Touch

// Touch Stuff

// Touch down event handler.

// in:

// sender object that has sent the event

// e touch event arguments

public void OnTouchDownHandler(object sender, XNAWindowsMTPanel.WMTouchEventArgs e)



// Touch up event handler.

// in:

// sender object that has sent the event

// e touch event arguments

public void OnTouchUpHandler(object sender, XNAWindowsMTPanel.WMTouchEventArgs e)



// Touch move event handler.

// in:

// sender object that has sent the event

// e touch event arguments

public void OnTouchMoveHandler(object sender, XNAWindowsMTPanel.WMTouchEventArgs e)




And now to wire them up in the form:

public frmMain(Game1 game)



panel1 = new XNAWindowsMTPanel();

// Touch stuff

// Setup handlers

panel1.Touchdown += game.OnTouchDownHandler;

panel1.Touchup += game.OnTouchUpHandler;

panel1.TouchMove += game.OnTouchMoveHandler;



So, we now have our XNA project rendering on a windows form that is also able to accept munti touch commands, so how can we demonstrate this?

First of all we are going to create an object that we can use to store the touch events in, this will also hold some data to help us represent the touch on the screen.

public class MTObject


public XNAWindowsMTPanel.WMTouchEventArgs Event;

public Point[] spritePositions;

public Color Color;

public float Rotation = 0;

public int Size;

public MTObject(XNAWindowsMTPanel.WMTouchEventArgs e,int size,Color color)


Event = e;

spritePositions = new Point[100];

Color = color;

Size = size;



We then create a Dictionary to store these items in, I am also going to add a Texture2D to render the touch objects and give an audio que with a SoundEffect Object. This is hoe I have defined them in the Game1 class:

Dictionary<int, MTObject> touchList = new Dictionary<int, MTObject>();

Texture2D sprite;

SoundEffect touchWav;

Now all we need to do is record when we have a touch contact, when one is removed and when one is moved. Our touch event handlers now look like this:

#region Multi-Touch

// Touch Stuff

// Touch down event handler.

// in:

// sender object that has sent the event

// e touch event arguments

public void OnTouchDownHandler(object sender, XNAWindowsMTPanel.WMTouchEventArgs e)


// Is this a new touch or an old one?

if (!touchList.Keys.Contains(e.Id))


if (e.IsPrimaryContact)

touchList.Add(e.Id, new MTObject(e, 32,Color.Red));


touchList.Add(e.Id, new MTObject(e, 16, Color.Gold));




// Touch up event handler.

// in:

// sender object that has sent the event

// e touch event arguments

public void OnTouchUpHandler(object sender, XNAWindowsMTPanel.WMTouchEventArgs e)


if (touchList.Keys.Contains(e.Id))



// Touch move event handler.

// in:

// sender object that has sent the event

// e touch event arguments

public void OnTouchMoveHandler(object sender, XNAWindowsMTPanel.WMTouchEventArgs e)


touchList[e.Id].Event.LocationX = e.LocationX;

touchList[e.Id].Event.LocationY = e.LocationY;



I then make sure that the array of points I am using to represent the touch contacts is updated, effectively giving a string of particles after the touch contact point, giving us the following Update and Draw methods:

/// <summary>

/// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world,

/// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param>

protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)


// Allows the game to exit

if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)


foreach (int key in touchList.Keys)


for (int s = touchList[key].spritePositions.Length - 1; s > 0; s--)


touchList[key].spritePositions[s] = touchList[key].spritePositions[s - 1];


touchList[key].spritePositions[0] = new Point(touchList[key].Event.LocationX, touchList[key].Event.LocationY);




/// <summary>

/// This is called when the game should draw itself.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param>

protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)




Color alphaColor;


foreach (int key in touchList.Keys)


for (int s = touchList[key].spritePositions.Length - 1; s > 0; s--)


touchList[key].spritePositions[s] = touchList[key].spritePositions[s - 1];

alphaColor = new Color(touchList[key].Color.R, touchList[key].Color.G, touchList[key].Color.B, (1 - (s / (float)touchList[key].spritePositions.Length)));

spriteBatch.Draw(sprite, new Rectangle(touchList[key].spritePositions[s].X, touchList[key].spritePositions[s].Y, touchList[key].Size, touchList[key].Size), new Rectangle(0,
0, sprite.Width, sprite.Height), alphaColor, touchList[key].Rotation++, new Vector2(sprite.Width / 2, sprite.Height / 2), SpriteEffects.None,


alphaColor = touchList[key].Color;

spriteBatch.Draw(sprite, new Rectangle(touchList[key].spritePositions[0].X, touchList[key].spritePositions[0].Y, touchList[key].Size, touchList[key].Size), new Rectangle(0,
0, sprite.Width, sprite.Height), alphaColor, touchList[key].Rotation++, new Vector2(sprite.Width / 2, sprite.Height / 2), SpriteEffects.None,





And that’s about it, hope you find it useful. The solution for this post can be found here. As ever C&C
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