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UVa Problem 101 - The Blocks Problem

2011-10-17 10:45 435 查看
// UVa Problem 101 - The Blocks Problem
// Verdict: Accepted
// Submission Date: 2011-10-16
// UVa Run Time: 0.020s
// 版权所有(C)2011,邱秋。metaphysis # yeah dot net
// [解题方法]
// 模拟题,注意题意的操作中将方块返回原位置是指将方块 i 放到第 i 组方块最上方。

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

#define MAXN 25

int blocks[MAXN];
int state[MAXN][MAXN];
int nBlocks;

void returning(int x, pair < int, int > xIndex)
for (int i = xIndex.second + 1; i < blocks[xIndex.first]; i++)
int tmp = state[xIndex.first][i];
state[tmp][blocks[tmp]++] = tmp;

blocks[xIndex.first] = xIndex.second + 1;

void moveOver(int a, int b, pair < int, int > aIndex, pair < int, int > bIndex)
returning(a, aIndex);

state[bIndex.first][blocks[bIndex.first]++] = a;
blocks[aIndex.first] = aIndex.second;

void moveOnto(int a, int b, pair < int, int > aIndex, pair < int, int > bIndex)
returning(b, bIndex);
moveOver(a, b, aIndex, bIndex);

void pileOver(int a, int b, pair < int, int > aIndex, pair < int, int > bIndex)
int current = aIndex.second;
while (current < blocks[aIndex.first])
state[bIndex.first][blocks[bIndex.first]++] =

blocks[aIndex.first] = aIndex.second;

void pileOnto(int a, int b, pair < int, int > aIndex, pair < int, int > bIndex)
returning(b, bIndex);
pileOver(a, b, aIndex, bIndex);

pair < int, int > findIndex(int x)
for (int i = 0; i < nBlocks; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < blocks[i]; j++)
if (state[i][j] == x)
return make_pair(i, j);

void print(void)
for (int i = 0; i < nBlocks; i++)
cout << i << ":";
for (int j = 0; j < blocks[i]; j++)
cout << " " << state[i][j];
cout << endl;

int main(int ac, char *av[])
int a, b, aIndex, bIndex;
string command, action;

cin >> nBlocks;
for (int i = 0; i < nBlocks; i++)
blocks[i] = 0;
state[i][blocks[i]++] = i;

while (cin >> command, strcmp(command.data(), "quit"))
cin >> a >> action >> b;

if (a == b)

pair < int, int > aIndex = findIndex(a);
pair < int, int > bIndex = findIndex(b);
if (aIndex.first == bIndex.first)

if (strcmp(command.data(), "move") == 0)
if (strcmp(action.data(), "onto") == 0)
moveOnto(a, b, aIndex, bIndex);
moveOver(a, b, aIndex, bIndex);

else if (strcmp(action.data(), "onto") == 0)
pileOnto(a, b, aIndex, bIndex);
pileOver(a, b, aIndex, bIndex);


return 0;
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