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(转)lambda表达式的解析(八) 泛型调用及typeof操作

2011-10-13 22:50 363 查看


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public static Type[] GetGenericArguments(this ParseTreeNode node)


var typeArgs = node.GetDescendant("type_argument_list");

if (typeArgs == null)

return null;

return (from typeChild in node.GetChild("type_ref_list").ChildNodes

select typeChild.GetClrType()).ToArray();


private static Type GetClrType(this ParseTreeNode node)


if (node == null)

return null;

if (node.GetName() != "qual_name_with_targs")

node = node.GetDescendant("qual_name_with_targs");

var isNullable = node.GetChild("qmark_opt").FindTokenAndGetText() == "?";

var typeName = node.FindTokenAndGetText();

var type = ExpressionParser.GetType(typeName);

var typeArguments = node.GetGenericArguments();

if (typeArguments != null)


if (isNullable)

return typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(type);

return type;


public static Type GetNodeClrType(this ParseTreeNode node)


return node.GetDescendant("qual_name_with_targs").GetClrType();


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case "member_invoke":

var methodName = member.FirstChild.GetValue();

var method = type.GetMethod(methodName);

var targs = member.GetGenericArguments();

if (targs != null)


method = method.MakeGenericMethod(targs);


case "member_invoke":
var methodName = member.FirstChild.GetValue();
var method = type.GetMethod(methodName);
var targs = member.GetGenericArguments();
if (targs != null)
method = method.MakeGenericMethod(targs);


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private Expression ProcessUnaryExpression(ParseTreeNode expNode)


string op;

var first = expNode.FirstChild;

var second = expNode.LastChild;

switch (first.GetName())



case "typeof_expression":

return ProcessTypeofExpression(first);



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private Expression ProcessTypeofExpression(ParseTreeNode expNode)


var node = expNode.GetChild("typeof_parenthesized_expression").GetDescendant("type_ref_typeof");

var glist = node.GetDescendant("type_argument_list_opt");

Type type = node.GetNodeClrType();

if (glist != null)


type = Type.GetType(String.Format("{0}`{1}", type.FullName, glist.ChildNodes.Count));


var rank = node.GetChild("rank_specifiers_opt");

var ranks = rank.GetDescendant("rank_specifiers");

if (ranks != null)


for (int i = ranks.ChildNodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)


var r = ranks.ChildNodes[i];

var rs = r.ChildNodes.Count;

type = rs > 1 ? type.MakeArrayType(rs) : type.MakeArrayType();



return Expression.Constant(type);


private Expression ProcessTypeofExpression(ParseTreeNode expNode)
var node = expNode.GetChild("typeof_parenthesized_expression").GetDescendant("type_ref_typeof");
var glist = node.GetDescendant("type_argument_list_opt");
Type type = node.GetNodeClrType();
if (glist != null)
type = Type.GetType(String.Format("{0}`{1}", type.FullName, glist.ChildNodes.Count));
var rank = node.GetChild("rank_specifiers_opt");
var ranks = rank.GetDescendant("rank_specifiers");
if (ranks != null)
for (int i = ranks.ChildNodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var r = ranks.ChildNodes[i];
var rs = r.ChildNodes.Count;
type = rs > 1 ? type.MakeArrayType(rs) : type.MakeArrayType();
return Expression.Constant(type);



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