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2011-09-26 00:00 513 查看

1: __INIT

2: .type stext, %function

3: ENTRY(stext)
/* 程序状态,禁止FIQ、IRQ,设定SVC模式 */

4: msr cpsr_c, #PSR_F_BIT | PSR_I_BIT | MODE_SVC @ ensure svc mode

@ and irqs disabled
/* 判断CPU类型,查找运行的CPU ID值与Linux编译支持的ID值是否支持 */

5: bl __lookup_processor_type @ r5=procinfo r9=cpuid

6: movs r10, r5 @ invalid processor (r5=0)?
/* 判断如果r10的值为0,则表示函数执行错误,跳转到出错处理,*/

7: beq __error_p @ yes, error 'p'
/* 判断体系类型,查看R1寄存器的Architecture Type值是否支持 */

8: bl __lookup_machine_type @ r5=machinfo

9: movs r8, r5 @ invalid machine (r5=0)?
/* 判断如果r8的值为0,则表示函数执行错误,跳转到出错处理,*/

10: beq __error_a @ yes, error 'a'
/* 创建核心页表 */

11: bl __create_page_tables
12: ldr r13, __switch_data @ address to jump to after

@ mmu has been enabled

13: adr lr, __enable_mmu @ return (PIC) address

14: add pc, r10, #PROCINFO_INITFUNC






这是由于初始化函数最后的语句是mov pc, lr。

内核中使用了一个结构struct proc_info_list,用来记录处理器相关的信息,该结构定义在


* Note! struct processor is always defined if we're

* using MULTI_CPU, otherwise this entry is unused,

* but still exists.


* NOTE! The following structure is defined by assembly

* language, NOT C code. For more information, check:

* arch/arm/mm/proc-*.S and arch/arm/kernel/head.S


struct proc_info_list {

unsigned int cpu_val;

unsigned int cpu_mask;

unsigned long __cpu_mmu_flags; /* used by head.S */

unsigned long __cpu_flush; /* used by head.S */

const char *arch_name;

const char *elf_name;

unsigned int elf_hwcap;

const char *cpu_name;

struct processor *proc;

struct cpu_tlb_fns *tlb;

struct cpu_user_fns *user;

struct cpu_cache_fns *cache;

.section ".proc.info.init", #alloc, #execinstr

.type __arm920_proc_info,#object


.long 0x41009200

.long 0xff00fff0






.init : { /* Init code and data */

_stext = .;

_sinittext = .;


_einittext = .;

__proc_info_begin = .;


__proc_info_end = .;








第7行读取cpu的id,这是一个协处理器指令,将processor ID存储在r9中。
第8行将r5指向的__arm920_proc_info开始的数据读出放到寄存器r3,r4,结果r3=0x41009200 (cpu_val),r4=0xff00fff0 (cpu_mask)。

processor ID,如果id不匹配,则将指针r10增加PROC_INFO_SZ (proc_info_list结构的长度,在这等于48),如果r5小于r6指定的地址,也就是



* Read processor ID register (CP#15, CR0), and look up in the linker-built

* supported processor list. Note that we can't use the absolute addresses

* for the __proc_info lists since we aren't running with the MMU on

* (and therefore, we are not in the correct address space). We have to

* calculate the offset.


* Returns:

* r3, r4, r6 corrupted

* r5 = proc_info pointer in physical address space

* r9 = cpuid

.type __lookup_processor_type, %function

1 __lookup_processor_type:

2 adr r3, 3f

3 ldmda r3, {r5, r6, r9}

4 sub r3, r3, r9 @ get offset between virt&phys

5 add r5, r5, r3 @ convert virt addresses to

6 add r6, r6, r3 @ physical address space

7 mrc p15, 0, r9, c0, c0 @ get processor id

8 1: ldmia r5, {r3, r4} @ value, mask

9 and r4, r4, r9 @ mask wanted bits

10 teq r3, r4

11 beq 2f

12 add r5, r5, #PROC_INFO_SZ @ sizeof(proc_info_list)

13 cmp r5, r6

14 blo 1b

15 mov r5, #0 @ unknown processor

16 2: mov pc, lr

* Look in include/asm-arm/procinfo.h and arch/arm/kernel/arch.[ch] for

* more information about the __proc_info and __arch_info structures.


17 .long __proc_info_begin

18 .long __proc_info_end

19 3: .long .

20 .long __arch_info_begin

21 .long __arch_info_end



这个结构为struct machine_desc,定义在asm-arm/mach/arch.h中:

struct machine_desc {


* Note! The first five elements are used

* by assembler code in head-armv.S


unsigned int nr; /* architecture number */

unsigned int phys_ram; /* start of physical ram */

unsigned int phys_io; /* start of physical io */

unsigned int io_pg_offst; /* byte offset for io

* page tabe entry */

const char *name; /* architecture name*/

unsigned long boot_params; /* tagged list */

unsigned int video_start; /* start of video RAM */

unsigned int video_end; /* end of video RAM */

unsigned int reserve_lp0 :1; /* never has lp0 */

unsigned int reserve_lp1 :1; /* never has lp1 */

unsigned int reserve_lp2 :1; /* never has lp2 */

unsigned int soft_reboot :1; /* soft reboot */

void (*fixup)(struct machine_desc *,

struct tag *, char **,

struct meminfo *);

void (*map_io)(void); /* IO mapping function */

void (*init_irq)(void);

struct sys_timer *timer; /* system tick timer */

void (*init_machine)(void);



MACHINE_START(SMDK2410, "SMDK2410") /* @TODO: request a new identifier and switch to SMDK2410 */

/* Maintainer: Jonas Dietsche */

.phys_ram = S3C2410_SDRAM_PA,

.phys_io = S3C2410_PA_UART,

.io_pg_offst = (((u32)S3C24XX_VA_UART) >> 18) & 0xfffc,

.boot_params = S3C2410_SDRAM_PA + 0x100,

.map_io = smdk2410_map_io,

.init_irq = smdk2410_init_irq,

.timer = &s3c24xx_timer,


#define MACHINE_START(_type,_name) \

const struct machine_desc __mach_desc_##_type \

__attribute__((__section__(".arch.info.init"))) = { \

.nr = MACH_TYPE_##_type, \

.name = _name,

#define MACHINE_END \


__mach_desc_SMDK2410= {

.nr = MACH_TYPE_SMDK2410,

.name = "SMDK2410",
中间的1行__attribute__((__section__(".arch.info"))) = {说明将这个结构放到指定的段.arch.info中,这和前面的


R5= __arch_info_begin,r6= __arch_info_end,r4=第19行的地址
R5= 0xc0018694
R6= 0xc00186cc
R4= 0xc0008324 (为何是0xc0008324而不是0x30008324???)
第7行读取__mach_desc_ SMDK2410结构中的nr参数到r3中,


#define MACH_TYPE_SMDK2410 193

* Lookup machine architecture in the linker-build list of architectures.

* Note that we can't use the absolute addresses for the __arch_info

* lists since we aren't running with the MMU on (and therefore, we are

* not in the correct address space). We have to calculate the offset.


* r1 = machine architecture number

* Returns:

* r3, r4, r6 corrupted

* r5 = mach_info pointer in physical address space

.type __lookup_machine_type, %function

1: __lookup_machine_type:

2: adr r3, 3b

3: ldmia r3, {r4, r5, r6}

4: sub r3, r3, r4 @ get offset between virt&phys

5: add r5, r5, r3 @ convert virt addresses to

6: add r6, r6, r3 @ physical address space

7: 1: ldr r3, [r5, #MACHINFO_TYPE] @ get machine type

8: teq r3, r1 @ matches loader number?

9: beq 2f @ found

10: add r5, r5, #SIZEOF_MACHINE_DESC @ next machine_desc

11: cmp r5, r6

12: blo 1b

13: mov r5, #0 @ unknown machine

14 2: mov pc, lr



.macro pgtbl, reg, rambase

adr \reg, stext

sub \reg, \reg, #0x4000


.macro krnladr, rd, pgtable, rambase

bic \rd, \pgtable, #0x000ff000



* Setup the initial page tables. We only setup the barest

* amount which are required to get the kernel running, which

* generally means mapping in the kernel code.


* r8 = machinfo

* r9 = cpuid

* r10 = procinfo


* Returns:

* r0, r3, r5, r6, r7 corrupted

* r4 = physical page table address

.type __create_page_tables, %function


ldr r5, [r8, #MACHINFO_PHYSRAM] @ physram r5=0x30000000

pgtbl r4, r5 @ page table address r4=0x30004000


* Clear the 16K level 1 swapper page table


mov r0, r4

mov r3, #0

add r6, r0, #0x4000

1: str r3, [r0], #4

str r3, [r0], #4

str r3, [r0], #4

str r3, [r0], #4

teq r0, r6

bne 1b

ldr r7, [r10, #PROCINFO_MMUFLAGS] @ mmuflags //r7=0x00000c1e


* r7用于设置第一级表描述符之用:

* AP :11(读/写权限)

* 域 :0000

* C : 1(高速缓存)

* B : 1 (缓冲)

* bit[1 0] :10(标识此为节描述符)



* Create identity mapping for first MB of kernel to

* cater for the MMU enable. This identity mapping

* will be removed by paging_init(). We use our current program

* counter to determine corresponding section base address.


* 为以后MMU的开启准备好内存头1M空间的转换表,

* 采用平板地址映射模式(表索引==节基址)

mov r6, pc, lsr #20 @ start of kernel section //r6=0x00000300

orr r3, r7, r6, lsl #20 @ flags + kernel base //r3=0x30000c1e

str r3, [r4, r6, lsl #2] @ identity mapping //[0x30004c00]=0x30000c1e

/* 结果:

* 虚拟地址 物理地址

* 0x300000000 0x30000000。


* Now setup the pagetables for our kernel direct

* mapped region. We round TEXTADDR down to the

* nearest megabyte boundary. It is assumed that

* the kernel fits within 4 contigous 1MB sections.


* 为内核占用的头4M地址准备好转换表(在这采用的就不是平板地址映射模式了)


add r0, r4, #(TEXTADDR & 0xff000000) >> 18 //ro=0x30007000

str r3, [r0, #(TEXTADDR & 0x00f00000) >> 18]! @ KERNEL + 0MB

add r3, r3, #1 << 20 //r3=0x30100c1e

str r3, [r0, #4]! @ KERNEL + 1MB

add r3, r3, #1 << 20 //r3=0x30200c1e

str r3, [r0, #4]! @ KERNEL + 2MB

add r3, r3, #1 << 20 //0x30300c1e

str r3, [r0, #4] @ KERNEL + 3MB


* 结果:

* 虚拟地址 物理地址

0xc0000000 0x30000000

0xc0100000 0x30100000

0xc0200000 0x30200000

0xc0300000 0x30300000



* Then map first 1MB of ram in case it contains our boot params.


* 映射sdram的头1M以防boot params需要(不是已经映射过了吗?)


add r0, r4, #VIRT_OFFSET >> 18 //r0=0x30007000

orr r6, r5, r7 //r6=0x30000c1e

str r6, [r0] //[0x30007000]=0x3000c1e

* Map some ram to cover our .data and .bss areas.

* Mapping 3MB should be plenty.


sub r3, r4, r5

mov r3, r3, lsr #20

add r0, r0, r3, lsl #2

add r6, r6, r3, lsl #20

str r6, [r0], #4

add r6, r6, #(1 << 20)

str r6, [r0], #4

add r6, r6, #(1 << 20)

str r6, [r0]


bic r7, r7, #0x0c @ turn off cacheable

@ and bufferable bits


* Map in IO space for serial debugging.

* This allows debug messages to be output

* via a serial console before paging_init.

ldr r3, [r8, #MACHINFO_PGOFFIO]

add r0, r4, r3

rsb r3, r3, #0x4000 @ PTRS_PER_PGD*sizeof(long)

cmp r3, #0x0800 @ limit to 512MB

movhi r3, #0x0800

add r6, r0, r3

ldr r3, [r8, #MACHINFO_PHYSIO]

orr r3, r3, r7

1: str r3, [r0], #4

add r3, r3, #1 << 20

teq r0, r6

bne 1b



* If we're using the NetWinder, we need to map in

* the 16550-type serial port for the debug messages



teqne r1, #MACH_TYPE_CATS

bne 1f

add r0, r4, #0xff000000 >> 18

orr r3, r7, #0x7c000000

str r3, [r0]



* Map in screen at 0x02000000 & SCREEN2_BASE

* Similar reasons here - for debug. This is

* only for Acorn RiscPC architectures.

add r0, r4, #0x02000000 >> 18

orr r3, r7, #0x02000000

str r3, [r0]

add r0, r4, #0xd8000000 >> 18

str r3, [r0]


mov pc, lr



* The following fragment of code is executed with the MMU on, and uses

* absolute addresses; this is not position independent.


* r0 = cp#15 control register

* r1 = machine ID

* r9 = processor ID

1: .type __mmap_switched, %function

2: __mmap_switched:

3: adr r3, __switch_data + 4

4: ldmia r3!, {r4, r5, r6, r7}

5: cmp r4, r5 @ Copy data segment if needed

6: 1: cmpne r5, r6

7: ldrne fp, [r4], #4

8: strne fp, [r5], #4

9: bne 1b

10: mov fp, #0 @ Clear BSS (and zero fp)

11:1: cmp r6, r7

12: strcc fp, [r6],#4

13: bcc 1b

14: ldmia r3, {r4, r5, r6, sp}

15: str r9, [r4] @ Save processor ID

16: str r1, [r5] @ Save machine type

17: bic r4, r0, #CR_A @ Clear 'A' bit

18: stmia r6, {r0, r4} @ Save control register values

19: b start_kernel

20: .type __switch_data, %object


22: .long __mmap_switched

23: .long __data_loc @ r4

24: .long __data_start @ r5

25: .long __bss_start @ r6

26: .long _end @ r7

27: .long processor_id @ r4

28: .long __machine_arch_type @ r5

29: .long cr_alignment @ r6

30: .long init_thread_union + THREAD_START_SP @ sp

.bss : {

__bss_start = .; /* BSS */



_end = . ;


第15-16行分别将处理器类型和机器类型存储到变量processor_id和__machine_arch_type中,这些变量以后会在start_kernel->setup_arch中使用,来得到当前处理器的struct proc_info_list结构和当前系统的machine_desc结构的数据。

第17-18将processor control register保存到cr_alignment中,19行跳转到init/main.c中的start_kernel进入内核启动的第二阶段。
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