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Subversion 1.7即将正式发布,有哪些新特性值得关注?

2011-09-15 00:00 1026 查看

HTTPv2 - a protocol rewrite designed to enhance performance between Subversion clients and the server by reducing the number of round trips between the client and the server with every request. Early reviews indicate that performance improves significantly, particularly over high latency networks as a result of reducing the chattiness of this most widely used Subversion protocol. (异步多路复用的客户端 HTTP 库 serf 将取代 neon, 提速可能达到4倍,新的HTTPv2 协议,性能会有很大提升)

WC-NG – a rewrite of the working copy library that enhances performance by centralizing metadata storage so that Subversion operations don’t have to walk the entire directory tree to gather the information about the working copy and apply changes to it. WC-NG also provides a foundation for supporting features such as shelving and offline commits in future releases. (这是1.7的主要亮点,WC-NG 是离线提交和其它DVCS 特性的基础工作, 在未来的2.0 版本中, 这一功能的优势会被放大,逐渐囊括git这些DVCS的优点,所以对于企业用户来讲,坚持Subversion是最优选择)

Merge-tracking enhancements – Subversion 1.7 provides over 40 improvements to merge tracking, on top of the improvements that were added in the 1.5.x and 1.6.x series of releases. One of the most significant enhancements has been isolation of subtree mergeinfo updates to only the subtrees affected by a merge, rather than updating all subtree merge info. WANdisco will be sponsoring a number of additional enhancements to Subversion 1.7’s branching and merging capabilities, including the introduction of the “newmerge” command to be presented on September 28, during the free webinar – Introducing Subversion 1.7 – detailed below. (合并分支细节的改进)

svnrdump - a new client tool that provides the same functionality as svnadmin dump and svnadmin load, but on remote repositories. There’s no need for administrator access to the source or target repository on the remote server. (新添加的有效工具)

更多内容,请见http://www.wandisco.com/news/press-releases/whats-new-subversion-17 , 现任subversion project的release manager, Wandisco公司的Hyrum wright还会在webniar上详细介绍。
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标签:  subversion svn git dvcs