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一起谈.NET技术,.NET 中的正则表达式

2011-09-02 00:21 225 查看


要在.net中使用正则表达式,需要引用System.Text.RegularExpressions 命名空间。新建一个正则表达式类:

string pattern = "some_pattern"; //正则表达式字符串
Regex regex = new Regex(pattern);


string input = "some_input";
Match match = regex.Match(input);
MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(input);
bool isMatch = regex.IsMatch(input);


Match类是一个保持匹配结果的类,它有一个成员Groups,是一个保存Group class的集合类。

Group 表示单个捕获组的结果。由于存在数量词,一个捕获组可以在单个匹配中捕获零个、一个或更多的字符串,因此 Group 提供 Capture 对象的集合。

Capture 表示单个成功捕获中的一个子字符串。


即对于一个Group 类的实例对象group:

int captureCount = group.Captures.Count;

则group.Value与group.Captures[captureCount - 1].Value是相等的。




string text = "One fish two fish red fish blue fish";
string pat = @"(?<1>\w+)\s+(?<2>fish)\s*";
// Compile the regular expression.
Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// Match the regular expression pattern against a text string.
Match m = r.Match(text);
while (m.Success)
// Display the first match and its capture set.
System.Console.WriteLine("Match=[" + m + "]");
CaptureCollection cc = m.Captures;
foreach (Capture c in cc)
System.Console.WriteLine("Capture=[" + c + "]");
// Display Group1 and its capture set.
Group g1 = m.Groups[1];
System.Console.WriteLine("Group1=[" + g1 + "]");
foreach (Capture c1 in g1.Captures)
System.Console.WriteLine("Capture1=[" + c1 + "]");
// Display Group2 and its capture set.
Group g2 = m.Groups[2];
System.Console.WriteLine("Group2=["+ g2 + "]");
foreach (Capture c2 in g2.Captures)
System.Console.WriteLine("Capture2=[" + c2 + "]");
// Advance to the next match.
m = m.NextMatch();
// The example displays the following output:
//       Match=[One fish ]
//       Capture=[One fish ]
//       Group1=[One]
//       Capture1=[One]
//       Group2=[fish]
//       Capture2=[fish]
//       Match=[two fish ]
//       Capture=[two fish ]
//       Group1=[two]
//       Capture1=[two]
//       Group2=[fish]
//       Capture2=[fish]
//       Match=[red fish ]
//       Capture=[red fish ]
//       Group1=[red]
//       Capture1=[red]
//       Group2=[fish]
//       Capture2=[fish]
//       Match=[blue fish]
//       Capture=[blue fish]
//       Group1=[blue]
//       Capture1=[blue]
//       Group2=[fish]
//       Capture2=[fish]
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