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Miercom Report:Citrix XenDesktop 5 Vs. VMware View 4.6

2011-06-28 14:44 513 查看
用户判断产品的好坏有哪几个方面? 一是实战为王,通过POC证明产品的价值;二是看成功案例,听取使用者的直接感受;第三就是市场公开测评报告。桌面虚拟化的市场公开测评不多,目前已经发布的有Miercom和IDC的。上一期Miercom Report评比的是Citrix和VMware的旧版本,当时比较的是XenDesktop4和Vmware4,如今已有时日。最近Miercom发布了新一期的Miercom Report,针对的是双方最新版的产品:Citrix XenDesktop 5 Vs. VMware View 4.6

由于XenDesktop5的企业版和白金版有许多组件和功能都是View4.6缺少的,为公平起见,本次比较仅就XenDesktop 5的VDI版本(最少功能版)和View 4.6(全模块)进行对比。对比项目主要是在中等负荷情况下的带宽消耗和用户实际体验,包括在LAN和WAN环境下。另外,还测试了Citrix Branch Repeater 和 Riverbed Steelhead WAN产品在WAN的T1带宽下,以及T1带宽+100ms延迟场景下的表现。

测试平台使用了Login VSI benchmark 工具来仿真负荷和验证带宽消耗和用户实际体验。

1. Citrix XenDesktop能得到更好的用户体验效果(QoE,Quality of Experience),达到了3.34MOS
2. XenDesktop载带宽使用上效率更高,LAN环境下比View节省36%,WAN T1线路环境下节省38%
3. XenDesktop5在和Citrix Branch Repeater配对使用下效率更高,在WAN T1链路下能节省48%的带宽;
4. XenDesktop的带宽消耗使用户在网络投入成本上更加经济。

a. 带宽足够的情况下,View在一个客户端的情况下表现很好,但是在多用户模式下明显出现运行迟滞的现象;
b. 其对带宽的极度消耗导致其他业务系统无法正常运行;
c. 在广域网加速硬件的情况下,其基于UDP的协议无法加速(详见第三页在Citrix Branch Repeater 和 Riverbed Steelhead WAN产品下的表现)

网上有篇博文(How to win with WAN and influence people)对此分析的很到位,直接摘录一下:
But the WAN is a different story; UDP is a big, hungry, inconsiderate protocol. There’s no real way to optimize UDP once it’s in your pipe, you can optimize the TCP traffic around it, you can prioritize it with QoS, but given the opportunity it will just clog up whatever portion of the pipe you give it. Don’t want to take our words for it? This had been a long standing industry problem because VOIP is traditionally UDP traffic, so in the WAN space there’s been a minor gold rush to try and optimize it. The best summary of it I’ve found is in this Riverbed whitepaper. Their best suggestion for optimizing UDP traffic is to add WAN bandwidth through your telecom provider. So what I’m saying here is that the only way to make View competitive with XenDesktop over the WAN is to add massive dedicated WAN capacity. Nobody is going to want to do that – it takes the value proposition for VDI and defenestrates it.
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