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WebClient does not support concurrent I/O operations 错误的解决办法

2011-05-30 20:19 225 查看

WebClient client = new WebClient();          // 这句话应该放到for循环里.
for (int i = 0; i < mEmotionUrl.Count; i++)
string a = mEmotionUrl[i].Url;
client.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(client_OpenReadCompleted);
client.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(a, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));

最后,google 了半天,并看了许多资料,发现 只要错误信息含有 does not support concurrent I/O operations 信息的,都是由 一个实例同时在多个地方调用产生的,通俗易懂的说,就是并发引起的。下面摘录一句google到得解释:

I don't think you can use a single WebClient instance to execute several

HTTP requests at the same time. Try to create a WebClient instance per request,

that should work just fine.

原来自己的 client 只有一个实例引发多个调用,就报了上述错误


:每个使用到 WebClient 的地方,都 new 一个 WebClient 实例,防止出现并发。同时 does not support concurrent I/O operations 错误的方法,一般也是由于 并发引起的,解决方法请参照上一句。
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