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期待已久的Ext JS 4.0正式版发布了

2011-04-26 23:05 555 查看

Release Notes for Ext JS 4.0 Final

Release Notes: April 26, 2011

Version Number: 4.0.0

New In This Release

New Features

[EXTJSIV-919] - CheckHeader fires an additional change event

[EXTJSIV-1291] - Charts draw undefined values

[EXTJSIV-1352] - Floating should allow Component as an argument to alignTo

Bug Fixes

[EXTJSIV-2] - Normalize text baseline calculation for FireFox 3.0 and 3.5

[EXTJSIV-495] - Forum search example - search does not work

[EXTJSIV-513] - DragSelector does not maintain selection in IE

[EXTJSIV-528] - Improve class loader performance

[EXTJSIV-571] - autoHeight Box layouts

[EXTJSIV-672] - Active tab has dark line beneath in access theme

[EXTJSIV-697] - Element loses event Listener

[EXTJSIV-788] - Grid in accordion layout displays scrollbars

[EXTJSIV-820] - Ext.util.Format.usMoney is not inserting commas into the returned string

[EXTJSIV-826] - When removing + then adding grid summary, it does not add x-grid-cell-first

[EXTJSIV-860] - Row editing shadow issue

[EXTJSIV-863] - IE Header menu issue

[EXTJSIV-869] - Changing Collapsed Titles in a Border Layout

[EXTJSIV-871] - form-grid example layout in IE6

[EXTJSIV-873] - menu shows a small rectangle when it has no items

[EXTJSIV-876] - Grid Menu allows hiding all columns

[EXTJSIV-901] - updateRecord w/ radio group

[EXTJSIV-902] - FieldContainer misses clearInvalid

[EXTJSIV-910] - Need to know when Surface is rendered

[EXTJSIV-912] - IE6 & 7, FF4: Grid Header misaligned with the gridview

[EXTJSIV-932] - Gauge series needs docs.

[EXTJSIV-936] - Trigger field is not flushed using the access theme in IE 6 and 7

[EXTJSIV-975] - Font styles are inconsistent across components

[EXTJSIV-976] - TreeSelectionModel does not use checkbox images

[EXTJSIV-977] - Ext.isFunction return true with a NodeList in Safari 3-4

[EXTJSIV-979] - CSS styling wrong after collapsing Navigation panel

[EXTJSIV-981] - Resizing failure with layout-browser.html --> Table

[EXTJSIV-983] - Border line is missing beneath the grid header row

[EXTJSIV-984] - Bottom scrollbar is not flushed with the right scrollbar

[EXTJSIV-986] - Grid state does not save column width

[EXTJSIV-993] - IE9 Strict Rendering issue with form.fieldset

[EXTJSIV-994] - IE9 Strict Border layout issue

[EXTJSIV-995] - IE7: Artifact in top-left corner of framed panel

[EXTJSIV-996] - Field/Trigger placement in top toolbar needs to move down 1 pixel

[EXTJSIV-999] - Both framing and flushing trigger button issues seen in IE 7

[EXTJSIV-1000] - DatePicker Month title color is black

[EXTJSIV-1002] - IE9 Strict Collapsible button in Ext.form.Fieldset aren't displayed correctly

[EXTJSIV-1004] - Group header grid example is broken

[EXTJSIV-1005] - Locking Grid Lock/Unlock throw an error

[EXTJSIV-1007] - IE9 Strict - RowEditor scrolls the grid view when starting an edit

[EXTJSIV-1008] - Splitter's calculated collapse directions are wrong. 'up' should be 'top', 'down' should be bottom.

[EXTJSIV-1010] - Check/Radio example, white background

[EXTJSIV-1011] - IE 9 Quirks Pie chart example Pie parts border issue

[EXTJSIV-1012] - NumberField - Bottom trigger doesn't hover

[EXTJSIV-1013] - IE9 Quirks Message Box Multi-line prompt: Input width is too large

[EXTJSIV-1014] - ItemSelector button icons missing

[EXTJSIV-1015] - IE9 Strict Tree Checkbox are not correctly positioned

[EXTJSIV-1016] - Grey background on drag drop indicator on IE6

[EXTJSIV-1017] - IE9 Drag and Drop in TreePanel does not work correctly

[EXTJSIV-1020] - Clipping of letters in vertical header titles

[EXTJSIV-1021] - IE9 Custom Styles progress bar doesn't show XP style

[EXTJSIV-1022] - Wrong font for vertical header titles with IE 9

[EXTJSIV-1023] - The minButtonWidth is applied to non-buttons in fbar

[EXTJSIV-1025] - Tree shifts after expand/collapse animation in all IEs

[EXTJSIV-1028] - Grid: Promote from Markup example doesn't work in IE6 &7

[EXTJSIV-1029] - Added an Associations example

[EXTJSIV-1031] - draw/Logos Example the window is too big

[EXTJSIV-1033] - Safari 5 Mac Tabs rendering glitch

[EXTJSIV-1036] - Grid Window in Desktop example permanently loses scrollbars during window resize

[EXTJSIV-1039] - IE 6 &7 Only: After resizing flexed column very wide

[EXTJSIV-1040] - statusbar/statusbar-demo.html toolbar items alignment issue

[EXTJSIV-1042] - Clicking constrained windows does not bring constraining window to top

[EXTJSIV-1044] - Gap between box elements in keynav example

[EXTJSIV-1045] -
examples/layout/snap-windows.html throws "Attempting to extend from a
class which has not been loaded on the page."

[EXTJSIV-1048] - Inaccurate lastComponentSize returned

[EXTJSIV-1049] - Grid filters are lost when clicking Add Columns in Custom Grid Filters Example (local filtering)

[EXTJSIV-1050] - Feedviewer "view post" has no margin/padding

[EXTJSIV-1051] - Stateful grid doesn't work in IE6

[EXTJSIV-1052] - Multi line message box doesn't show a scrollbar (IE6)

[EXTJSIV-1054] - Portal dragging breaks

[EXTJSIV-1055] - DataView dragged selection not applying in IE6

[EXTJSIV-1056] - Adding more rows after scrolling to the bottom of grid view causes the row editor to disappear

[EXTJSIV-1057] - Quickly trigger window show / hide while it's still animating screws layout / visibility checking

[EXTJSIV-1058] - Resizing window while it's being masked does not resize the masking layer

[EXTJSIV-1059] - Error using GridViewDragDrop plugin

[EXTJSIV-1062] - Menu items don't layout to full width

[EXTJSIV-1063] - Window.show() no longer does a toFront() as in 3.x

[EXTJSIV-1064] - Vertical toolbar separators are vertical but should be horizontal.

[EXTJSIV-1067] - Toolbar enableOverflow property not respected

[EXTJSIV-1071] - Tree getRecords doesn't work correctly

[EXTJSIV-1075] - collapseAll shouldn't collapse root if rootVisible is true

[EXTJSIV-1076] - Possible missing variables

[EXTJSIV-1078] - Shadows look odd on non-white backgrounds

[EXTJSIV-1079] - Theme example is missing some components

[EXTJSIV-1084] - Tab height/tabbar height is not consistent with 3.3

[EXTJSIV-1085] - Tab panel and panel headers need to be the same size

[EXTJSIV-1087] - API Change: Ext.tab.TabPanel renamed to Ext.tab.Panel

[EXTJSIV-1088] - Toolbar Buttons when against the Left side of the gutter need more padding

[EXTJSIV-1089] - In theme example, tree panel is not in the accordion panel

[EXTJSIV-1091] - In theme example, paging toolbar does not display default page number

[EXTJSIV-1092] - Grid Shifts on Header Trigger Click

[EXTJSIV-1093] - Theme example: scrollable tab indicator is off by a pixel

[EXTJSIV-1095] - Theme example - missing multi-trigger field inside GridPanel toolbar

[EXTJSIV-1100] - Button config renders incorrectly - "submit" seems off center

[EXTJSIV-1103] - Padding on toolbar buttons is two pixels at the bottom and one pixel at the top. Should be two pixels on both.

[EXTJSIV-1104] - Framed panel does not have bottom border when headerPosition:top

[EXTJSIV-1106] - iconCls not honored on Ext.grid.column.Action

[EXTJSIV-1108] - pressed state buttons have a background in the corners?

[EXTJSIV-1110] - Split button and menu button: Text and arrow have too much space in between

[EXTJSIV-1111] - Error when using tab in Writer Example

[EXTJSIV-1115] - FeedViewer Add Feed Window is too small

[EXTJSIV-1116] - Accordion panel - accordion titles have more padding on bottom than top

[EXTJSIV-1119] - In the list of examples, it's impossible to close a set of examples

[EXTJSIV-1120] - Border Layout collapsed vertical header has dark black bold text

[EXTJSIV-1122] - Feed View Looses Scroll Bar

[EXTJSIV-1123] - Live Grid Search Example does not have screenshot

[EXTJSIV-1125] - When changing feeds, tabs have the wrong size

[EXTJSIV-1126] - RowEditor edging for buttons in IE

[EXTJSIV-1128] - Feed viewer - add feed dialogue box is missing several elements

[EXTJSIV-1129] - TextField 1px taller than other fields

[EXTJSIV-1131] - Image Viewer Example: Unable to edit album names in the tree

[EXTJSIV-1132] - Panel header has 1 pixel white on left and right

[EXTJSIV-1136] - Paging Grid Example: JsonPProxy in the header isn't the name of the class in the code

[EXTJSIV-1138] - Paging Example: disablePagingSelection:true is not respected

[EXTJSIV-1139] - Portal example - if all components are in one column, cannot drag to 3rd column

[EXTJSIV-1143] - Property grid does not have an indicator to show it's a property grid

[EXTJSIV-1144] - Property Grid Example is too large -- should fit the size to make it look more like a property grid

[EXTJSIV-1146] - Editor Grid Example: Clicking from Common Name in an editor to Light doesn't invoke an editor

[EXTJSIV-1147] - Grid editing example - resizing the column while editing behaves incorrectly

[EXTJSIV-1148] - Custom Grid Filters: Menu is lost on refresh of view

[EXTJSIV-1150] - GroupTextTPL is not implemented

[EXTJSIV-1153] - Row Editing: When editing a row, pixels are missing from the bottom left and bottom right box

[EXTJSIV-1154] - Row Editing: Single click doesn't move the row editor

[EXTJSIV-1155] - Row Editing plugin/example needs to be more like 3.3

[EXTJSIV-1156] - Row Editing: Scrolling and row editor in the wrong place when clicking "Add Plant"

[EXTJSIV-1160] - No loading indication when you open up a node

[EXTJSIV-1161] - Empty Tree has +/- button

[EXTJSIV-1163] - Grouped Grid Example: Missing Collapsable on the Panel and Clear Grouping on the bottom

[EXTJSIV-1164] - Tool missing disabledCls

[EXTJSIV-1166] - Summary Grid Example: Button needs to be fixed

[EXTJSIV-1167] - Status bar example - clock shows up randomly when you start typing

[EXTJSIV-1174] - Need a Remote Filtering Example

[EXTJSIV-1175] - Grid Filtering Example: No Date Column

[EXTJSIV-1176] - Clean up main example page

[EXTJSIV-1177] - Grid Filtering Example: No Boolean Filtering

[EXTJSIV-1179] - Data Writer example appears to not work

[EXTJSIV-1181] - grouped header grid example - crash chrome when dragging a header into it's children

[EXTJSIV-1183] - Grid Multiple Sorting is missing a splitter after sorting order

[EXTJSIV-1185] - Tab Scroller Menu Plugin: Misalignment on top of overflow tabs

[EXTJSIV-1186] - Message Box Confirm Dialog needs more spacing between Yes/No buttons

[EXTJSIV-1188] - Tree Open Animation is incorrect

[EXTJSIV-1190] - Incorrect default body padding?

[EXTJSIV-1191] - Layout browser -> Center layout. Auto height not expanding to body contents

[EXTJSIV-1192] - Complex Layout Example: On load, property grid is selected, but "A Tab" is rendered

[EXTJSIV-1194] - In a combo box, hitting space inside combobox presents user with a big gray box

[EXTJSIV-1195] - Need an Combo Box Example with Transforms

[EXTJSIV-1196] - Combo with Templates and Ajax draws the searching box incorrectly on first load

[EXTJSIV-1197] - Need an example of a fieldset side by side

[EXTJSIV-1198] - Wrong Collapse Indicator in Checkbox Radio Groups

[EXTJSIV-1199] - Bring Back Flash Component (if necessary)

[EXTJSIV-1200] - Combobox in a Menu Dropdown is Flush with Left Edge

[EXTJSIV-1201] - Submenu is Lost when Resizing Window

[EXTJSIV-1203] - Ext.Action Example should port the existing Action Example over

[EXTJSIV-1205] - Cannot read property 'afteredit' of undefined

[EXTJSIV-1209] - Advanced DataView Example: Animation poofs, it doesn't zoom back to the grid when selecting an item

[EXTJSIV-1210] - History Example doesn't work

[EXTJSIV-1214] - Progress bar example needs a blue background

[EXTJSIV-1216] - Panel Example "Panel as Child" is missing border for header in first child

[EXTJSIV-1219] - Portal columns disappear when removing all portlets (regression)

[EXTJSIV-1220] - Numeric Axis shows extra

[EXTJSIV-1222] - Rename Ext.container.Viewport isViewPort property to isViewport

[EXTJSIV-1223] - GroupGrid does not scroll if using paginggridscroller

[EXTJSIV-1231] - ComboBox's bound list:
Shadow persists when Store is filtered to zero matches and the list
shrinks to zero height.

[EXTJSIV-1232] - DatePicker as dropdown from a DateField should dismiss when you press ESC

[EXTJSIV-1233] - API DOC Browser Class links issue

[EXTJSIV-1235] - Testing: Ext.tip.Tip spec fails in IE6-8

[EXTJSIV-1237] - Move Rob's framing command over to use jarred's new tool

[EXTJSIV-1239] - Need to implement .x-small-editor sizing for form fields

[EXTJSIV-1240] - Regression on rotated labels (check the area select example in test/ui)

[EXTJSIV-1243] - Fix a bug where
NodeInterface decorate would always override data fields in your Model,
even if they already existed.

[EXTJSIV-1245] - ComboBox selectOnTab does not work if the field has a value.

[EXTJSIV-1246] - Accordion layout fails with hidden items

[EXTJSIV-1247] - MessageBox doesn't work with animateTarget

[EXTJSIV-1249] - Grid column resize indicators don't show when used inside border layout

[EXTJSIV-1250] - Combo with no value returns empty array

[EXTJSIV-1251] - Phantom records should not be added to removed

[EXTJSIV-1252] - Border Layout collapseMode mini positioning incorrect

[EXTJSIV-1253] - Tree needs checkchange event

[EXTJSIV-1254] - Grouping needs to refresh the scroller on grid expand/collapse

[EXTJSIV-1255] - MessageBox reacts to enter keypress even when hidden

[EXTJSIV-1257] - Unable to control whether or not the checkbox is shown for certain rows with CheckboxModel

[EXTJSIV-1258] - Setting border false on grid, headerCt still keeps borders

[EXTJSIV-1260] - DirectProxy doesn't accept string paramOrder

[EXTJSIV-1261] - Reconfigure breaks when used with locked columns

[EXTJSIV-1263] - Window body is slightly different color than window frame

[EXTJSIV-1264] - The grid-plugins example takes a long time in IE 6 to display the grids and scrollbars

[EXTJSIV-1265] - Tabs are broken with draw/Logos.html in IE 8.0

[EXTJSIV-1266] - Row Editing broken when not specifying an editor

[EXTJSIV-1267] - Framing for the access example is broken in some browsers

[EXTJSIV-1268] - Grouping Feature - Events provide no context, aren't fired on the grid

[EXTJSIV-1272] - Add extra string methods to Ext.util.Format so they can be used with templates

[EXTJSIV-1273] - Dragging and Dropping Panels in the Portal Example lose Tools

[EXTJSIV-1274] - Identify and fix transitory Table View memory leak in IE6 &IE7

[EXTJSIV-1279] - Nested Windows not hiding themselves when floatParent (tab) hides.

[EXTJSIV-1280] - Window that is a child
of TabPanel doesn't get hidden when Tab is switched, not hiding itself
when its floatParent hides.

[EXTJSIV-1281] - DataView#ItemOver tracking does not always detect onItemMouseLeave

[EXTJSIV-1282] - Specifying groupable:false on a column definition has no effect

[EXTJSIV-1283] - Identify and Fix transient memory leak in the HtmlEditor

[EXTJSIV-1284] - Borders are no longer correct.

[EXTJSIV-1285] - Messagebox text not wrapping properly.

[EXTJSIV-1286] - Fieldsets too large in HBox layout in Firefox

[EXTJSIV-1288] - Chart axes and line not aligned

[EXTJSIV-1289] - RowEditor - option to prevent moving editor to new row when there are pending changes

[EXTJSIV-1290] - setClosable on Tab will not remove element

[EXTJSIV-1292] - beforeshow recursion and error

[EXTJSIV-1296] - Several tree examples are failing in IE (all versions)

[EXTJSIV-1297] - Hard Error: Not implemented error seen with IE 8

[EXTJSIV-1298] - ComboBox dropdown has horrible rendering artifacts in IE6

[EXTJSIV-1299] - ComboBox triggerAction:'all' not working after list has been filtered

[EXTJSIV-1301] - PropertyGrid throws error when editing

[EXTJSIV-1303] - Model constructor needs to support array data

[EXTJSIV-1304] - ButtonGroup styling is not perfect. issue with header

[EXTJSIV-1305] - TreePanel.selectPath fails

[EXTJSIV-1306] - RowEditing example - migrate 3.3 example so it is the same

[EXTJSIV-1307] - RowEditing - make animation speed more like 3.3 by default

[EXTJSIV-1308] - Sub-menu menu is not aligned properly

[EXTJSIV-1309] - Menus are misaligned in buttons

[EXTJSIV-1310] - Disabling form does not disable radios and check boxes

[EXTJSIV-1311] - Tab scroller arrows are not correctly aligned

[EXTJSIV-1312] - Central tab panel in the themes example has tabs that are too wide

[EXTJSIV-1314] - Forum browser has 2px blue border on left edge of grid

[EXTJSIV-1315] - Collapse icons disappear when moving a portlet

[EXTJSIV-1316] - Panel expand icon is positioned 1px/2px too low

[EXTJSIV-1318] - Gap between buttons in a window is too small

[EXTJSIV-1319] - Locking grid borders are wrong

[EXTJSIV-1323] - Menu Submenus can get out of alignment

[EXTJSIV-1324] - Status Bar breaks easily

[EXTJSIV-1325] - Status bar date too low

[EXTJSIV-1326] - QuickTips close button missing a bottom border

[EXTJSIV-1327] - Floater.js should not
reopen a floating component based solely on its visible state prior to
hiding its floatParent

[EXTJSIV-1329] - Vertical header text in IE9 is the wrong font

[EXTJSIV-1330] - RowEditor is missing panel frame corners on bottom left/right of buttons

[EXTJSIV-1332] - Application.getController not using Ext.Loader

[EXTJSIV-1333] - Locking grid doesn't get viewConfig from the GridPanel

[EXTJSIV-1334] - Tip + Window issues

[EXTJSIV-1335] - Stroke opacity in VML

[EXTJSIV-1336] - RowExpander removes other features

[EXTJSIV-1338] - Grid doesn't disable properly

[EXTJSIV-1339] - Store needs clear event - should be fired after a removeAll

[EXTJSIV-1340] - Area chart showing incorrect values

[EXTJSIV-1341] - TabPanel without borders has odd looking headers

[EXTJSIV-1342] - ColorPicker selected class not correct in CSS

[EXTJSIV-1344] - Grid Editing with checkbox editor shows cell contents

[EXTJSIV-1345] - Editor revertInvalid doesn't default to true like the docs say

[EXTJSIV-1346] - Bad global variable detected by test reporter in AbstractComponent

[EXTJSIV-1347] - Browser resizer interferes with textarea

[EXTJSIV-1350] - RowEditor should disable its update button when there are validation errors

[EXTJSIV-1353] - Desktop Example does not work with dynamic loader (only ext-all)

[EXTJSIV-1354] - Can't assign idProperty when creating implicit fields

[EXTJSIV-1355] - Can't destroy grid with DD

[EXTJSIV-1356] - Collapsed grid crashes when expanded

[EXTJSIV-1357] - Combo needs a hiddenName property

[EXTJSIV-1358] - RowEditor - very quick grid view scroll prior to full rendering results in an error

[EXTJSIV-1359] - Framed buttons (IE 6-8) lose their styles when focused or mouseovered

[EXTJSIV-1361] - on tree.Panel the scroller element still has a border when bodyBorder is set to 0

[EXTJSIV-1365] - Transparency is not working in the slicer tool

[EXTJSIV-1367] - There is no styling for overflowHandler Scroller for Toolbar (used by Desktop example)

[EXTJSIV-1371] - Radio buttons look like stars for the access theme

[EXTJSIV-1372] - Tooltips with more than text configuration do not work reliably on Chrome, Safari and IE

[EXTJSIV-1373] - Default window background is incorrect?

[EXTJSIV-1374] - Button group needs more right margin

[EXTJSIV-1376] - htmleditor font combo stays above all content in IE6 (only)

[EXTJSIV-1377] - Grid column dropped into wrong place when inserting into a locked area

[EXTJSIV-1378] - Locking grid: crashes when you drag a column to the first column index

[EXTJSIV-1379] - Make upgrade guide clear that form submission must now use the API

[EXTJSIV-1381] - Create a test for toolbars in every situation

[EXTJSIV-1382] - Masking behavior not correct in theme viewer example

[EXTJSIV-1383] - Vertical text is cut off if the panel is collapsed

[EXTJSIV-1385] - Icon in tree has incorrect padding

[EXTJSIV-1386] - Double triggers seem in example

[EXTJSIV-1387] - Double pixel border on the left side of the accordion panel

[EXTJSIV-1388] - Need to add a UI test to make sure a framed grid can have rounded corners

[EXTJSIV-1393] - Pie chart needs to deal with 0 values

[EXTJSIV-1394] - Portlet z-index issues when dragging

[EXTJSIV-1395] - Tree doesn't setup all dependencies

[EXTJSIV-1397] - Locking doesn't provide a centralized view

[EXTJSIV-1399] - RowEditor buttons &grid scroller have an issue in Opera 11.01 only

[EXTJSIV-1400] - menu.Manager::get, variable undefined

[EXTJSIV-1402] - Sprite doesn't clean up draggable

[EXTJSIV-1403] - SplitButton - overArrow flag gets stuck

[EXTJSIV-1404] - GridPanel should have getStore method

[EXTJSIV-1405] - Button onMenuTriggerOver/Out is not accurate

[EXTJSIV-1407] - RowNumberer - needs a better way to determine the row number

[EXTJSIV-1408] - Organizer example: Dropping the same image into an album twice throws a hard error

[EXTJSIV-1409] - RowEditor throws an error when starting a new edit after a previously failed validation

[EXTJSIV-1410] - RowEditor must update its error summary tooltip for changes to the same field

[EXTJSIV-1411] - Access theme needs image for number field trigger buttons

[EXTJSIV-1416] - Adding a docked:top toolbar tp a headerPosition:right panel/window causes a bug

[EXTJSIV-1418] - Inconsistent look for accordions header titles between browsers

[EXTJSIV-1419] - Inconsistent direction from dark to light for gradient colors in the Logos example

[EXTJSIV-1422] - TabPanel has incorrect bottom border

[EXTJSIV-1423] - Divider line in toolbar is not vertically centered, also doesn't look correct

[EXTJSIV-1426] - No gap between the accordion headers in Safari 4.0

[EXTJSIV-1427] - GridEditing: Column to use editor, field or some other name

[EXTJSIV-1429] - The >> button is not vertically centered in the overflow toolbar examples

[EXTJSIV-1430] - overItemCls not working

[EXTJSIV-1432] - Trailing comma in forum/forum.html example

[EXTJSIV-1436] - Grid sorting icons slightly mispositioned

[EXTJSIV-1438] - Grid column header text slightly mispositioned in all IEs

[EXTJSIV-1439] - Window buttons have an ugly border in IE6 and IE7

[EXTJSIV-1440] - Rest proxy doesn't respect api config

[EXTJSIV-1441] - Vertical toolbar separators margin is incorrect. Seems to get more on the bottom

[EXTJSIV-1442] - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'bringToFront' of undefined

[EXTJSIV-1444] - Vertical toolbars need to have no margin on the bottom, not the right

[EXTJSIV-1445] - li style disc not set when using styleHtmlContent

[EXTJSIV-1446] - /core gets doubled up in the distributed package

[EXTJSIV-1447] - Form DirectLoad callback fires twice

[EXTJSIV-1448] - Borders need help

[EXTJSIV-1449] - Grid Locking and Sorting not in SYNC FF4

[EXTJSIV-1450] - Accordion bottom border incorrect

[EXTJSIV-1451] - Legend renders incorrectly in Chart FF4.0

[EXTJSIV-1452] - Drag and Drop broken in FF4 organizer example

[EXTJSIV-1453] - Vertical header text in FF is the wrong font

[EXTJSIV-1455] - theme example doesn't select a theme on first load, it seems.

[EXTJSIV-1456] - ComboBox remains open after selection in grid cell editing

[EXTJSIV-1457] - createBuffered ignores scope

[EXTJSIV-1458] - File field crashes when you use disabled: true

[EXTJSIV-1461] - Highlight on charts uses the same window shadow?

[EXTJSIV-1462] - Legend doesn't renable a value FF4

[EXTJSIV-1463] - Menu issues on FF when messing with charts

[EXTJSIV-1464] - Flicker on Animation of Window Showing and incorrect initial position of windows

[EXTJSIV-1465] - ComboBox in a menu does not react correctly

[EXTJSIV-1466] - Leaves a menu up when using the color picker in an overflow

[EXTJSIV-1467] - Status bar too short

[EXTJSIV-1468] - Selection range implemented poorly

[EXTJSIV-1469] - ComboBox with remote search example does not act intuitively

[EXTJSIV-1470] - Remove Simple MVC example from examples

[EXTJSIV-1475] - Vertical separators in toolbars are missing in quirks mode in IE (all versions)

[EXTJSIV-1477] - Left border is missing in draw/Sencha.html example in strict/transitional modes in IE 6

[EXTJSIV-1478] - Broken form/check-radio.html example in IE 6 &7 in strict/transitional DOCTYPE modes

[EXTJSIV-1479] - Zero top/bottom padding in toolbar for the search field -- all browsers affected

[EXTJSIV-1482] - Ext.draw.CompositeSprite.setStyle problem

[EXTJSIV-1483] - The forum/forum.html example is broken in IE 6 with strict/transitional DOCTYPEs

[EXTJSIV-1486] - Tree header shows a 1px border when no column headers, works for grid

[EXTJSIV-1487] - Toolbar separators are not visible in quirks.

[EXTJSIV-1488] - Web Desktop needs to have a blue background

[EXTJSIV-1489] - Desktop example windows don't open smoothly, can't be closed

[EXTJSIV-1490] - Desktop example taskbar buttons not well aligned

[EXTJSIV-1491] - Remove extra bordering on the grid window on Desktop example

[EXTJSIV-1492] - Accordion text and border colors incorrect

[EXTJSIV-1493] - Remove border around desktop's example's accordion window toolbar

[EXTJSIV-1494] - Extra padding between cells in IE 6/7 (first grid) when using strict or transitional DOCTYPEs.

[EXTJSIV-1495] - Desktop example accordion breaks layout

[EXTJSIV-1497] - Desktop example's Notepad window has a double border

[EXTJSIV-1498] - Desktop example's logo has too high z-index

[EXTJSIV-1500] - Desktop example is not listed in the examples page

[EXTJSIV-1505] - Menu doesn't fire deactivate

[EXTJSIV-1506] - The theme viewer example is failing in Safari on Snow Leopard

[EXTJSIV-1507] - Menu Checkbox hideOnClick

[EXTJSIV-1508] - Accordion is broken in desktop example

[EXTJSIV-1509] - Resizing the portal example fails in Safari on Snow Leopard

[EXTJSIV-1512] - Drag &Drop broken with the organizer example

[EXTJSIV-1513] - Tabs are broken with Webkit in the key feed viewer example

[EXTJSIV-1514] - Clicking on tabs creates a big dark-blue border box around it in Safari on Snow Leopard

[EXTJSIV-1515] - Border line is missing for content area in new tabs

[EXTJSIV-1517] - Scrollbar does not reappear after expanding a collapsed grid in example

[EXTJSIV-1518] - Combo-box in Cell Editing Grid Example is Failing with Safari on Snow Leopard

[EXTJSIV-1519] - Scrollbar disappears after unchecking "Show in Groups" and checking again "Show in Groups"

[EXTJSIV-1520] - ZIndexManager: Dynamic Load depends on Ext.window.Window

[EXTJSIV-1521] - Collapsing invisible root node of tree w/vertical scrollbar throws null reference exception

[EXTJSIV-1525] - Previous pull-down menus do not unhighlight when clicking on the next one

[EXTJSIV-1526] - Custom Grid Filters: Object doesn't support this property or method

[EXTJSIV-1527] - The bottom toolbar in the Calendar component just doesn't look right

[EXTJSIV-1529] - Height in toolbar is not tall enough to clearly show the icon after searching

[EXTJSIV-1530] - Last row in charting tooltip is clipped

[EXTJSIV-1531] - Blank spot seen in examples page with IE 8.0

[EXTJSIV-1532] - Vertical header SVG element too small, clips text

[EXTJSIV-1534] - x-column-header-open class not being removed from column header when column menu hides.

[EXTJSIV-1538] - Scrollbar is missing when loading 20 items -- all items are clipped

[EXTJSIV-1539] - Transparency is not working for panels on a gray background

[EXTJSIV-1541] - Patient data is lost after drag &drop and sorting on a grid column

[EXTJSIV-1542] - Sencha icon on Desktop example has black underline (the shadow) in IE6-8

[EXTJSIV-1543] - Panel acts like it has a X+Y value set when rendered in a autoScroll div

[EXTJSIV-1547] - Buttons in DatePicker are not vertically centered -- has zero padding below the buttons

[EXTJSIV-1548] - Custom Layout under Checkbox Groups is blank

[EXTJSIV-1549] - Buttons do not unhighlight after clicking on them and moving the mouse away from it

[EXTJSIV-1550] - Nested Panels not laying out child grids until resize occurs

[EXTJSIV-1554] - The header looks bad after collapsing the window

[EXTJSIV-1555] - Last column header needs right border

[EXTJSIV-1556] - Remove Associations example from examples

[EXTJSIV-1559] - Need to include appropriate video in Desktop example

[EXTJSIV-1561] - Double borders initially, then single border when clicking on the next header

[EXTJSIV-1562] - Collapse icon does not relocate after resizing the browser window

[EXTJSIV-1563] - onReady Handling is Different than in 3.3

[EXTJSIV-1565] - Tooltip is clipped for the Toolbar with Menus example

[EXTJSIV-1566] - The close button has no effect on the panel

[EXTJSIV-1571] - JS error in when deleting a row in restful example

[EXTJSIV-1572] - Split buttons stay highlighted after clicking and moving the mouse away from it

[EXTJSIV-1573] - Several border lines are missing in the feed-viewer example

[EXTJSIV-1574] - emptyText in the fields are not vertically centered in IE 6/7/8

[EXTJSIV-1575] - Right side of tab bar is not flushed in IE 7 &IE 6

[EXTJSIV-1576] - The grid header in the 2nd grid is taller than the header in the first grid

[EXTJSIV-1578] - Double border-lines around frame

[EXTJSIV-1579] - Double border-lines around bottom toolbar

[EXTJSIV-1581] - Grid editor's input fields now have incorrect padding since a recent change to grid cell padding style.

[EXTJSIV-1582] - Last grid in grid-plugins example should enable remove button if a row is selected.

[EXTJSIV-1583] - Framed Panel's body border color wrong.

[EXTJSIV-1584] - Horizontal splitter too tall in IE6

[EXTJSIV-1585] - htmleditor body stays visible when containing window is minimized in IE6-8

[EXTJSIV-1586] - Border line is missing beneath the panel header -- all browsers

[EXTJSIV-1587] - Border line is missing above all three panel headers including sides -- all browsers

[EXTJSIV-1588] - Tree in accordion window of desktop example has double border

[EXTJSIV-1590] - Scatter chart doesn't render with a Time axis

[EXTJSIV-1591] - IE6 tooltip width aren't calculated properly on ie6

[EXTJSIV-1592] - Accordion items bottom border doesn't fit the accordion width (IE6)

[EXTJSIV-1594] - Scrollers at any level under a panel with no borders has no borders.

[EXTJSIV-1596] - Organizer Example: the left tree panel must be scrollable

[EXTJSIV-1597] - Modal layer does not block access to select elements on page n IE6

[EXTJSIV-1598] - Ext.core.Element needs to be aliased to Ext.Element for backwards compability

[EXTJSIV-1599] - MsgBox prompt right margin is almost nothing in IE6

[EXTJSIV-1600] - Window always tries to call toFront on mousedown, even with floating:false

[EXTJSIV-1602] - Link to new vertical toolbar example is broken in examples page

[EXTJSIV-1604] - Row expander doesn't work with IE Quirk

[EXTJSIV-1605] - Menu with single item has way too much bottom padding in IE6 and a little too much in IE8

[EXTJSIV-1606] - Inaccurate Ext.Loader
error message thrown when files have been loaded but the corresponding
classes are not defined

[EXTJSIV-1607] - StatusBar example clips iconCls in IE (all versions)

[EXTJSIV-1608] - Mouse wheel scroll through expanded combo generates JS error in IE6 and IE7

[EXTJSIV-1609] - Cell editing: When you move a column while you're editing an error is thrown and field is still visible

[EXTJSIV-1610] - Grouping Header: Columns with flex 1 move bug

[EXTJSIV-1611] - Header/Column alignment issue

[EXTJSIV-1612] - Clicking in htmleditor of Notepad window in desktop example does not raise the window to the top

[EXTJSIV-1613] - Bar Chart in Chrome renders bars below the axis

[EXTJSIV-1614] - Double click on a bar chart keep it highlighted in Form Dashboard example

[EXTJSIV-1616] - Body mask does not mask select input in IE6

[EXTJSIV-1617] - IE6 resizable west handler height change only after resizing

[EXTJSIV-1619] - Slider shows duplicate tooltip

[EXTJSIV-1620] - Items don't re-layout when expanded

[EXTJSIV-1621] - Fix SVG and VML classes to match our naming conventions

[EXTJSIV-1624] - Stack overflow (out of memory) reported by IE 6/7/8 with the portal example

[EXTJSIV-1625] - Garbage Collector wrongly removes listeners for iframe document

[EXTJSIV-1627] - Hard Error: Object has no method 'getField'

[EXTJSIV-1628] - Support dynamic framing on IE.

[EXTJSIV-1629] - disabled text in toolbar buttons don't look disabled in modern browsers (non-IE)

[EXTJSIV-1633] - No padding (left/right) for text in document body

[EXTJSIV-1636] - View source links get mixed when classes have same name

[EXTJSIV-1639] - Statusbar steals focus

[EXTJSIV-1642] - Boxreorderer crashes when mousing down on the toolbar

[EXTJSIV-1644] -
examples/app/simple/simple.html Editing window always stretch its width
to 100% of the viewport in all IEs, but not other browsers.

[EXTJSIV-1645] - Can't save a second time in writer example

[EXTJSIV-1653] - Loader paths incorrect

[EXTJSIV-1655] - Component animation not working

[EXTJSIV-1661] - The Card (TabPanel)'s bar is shown having a white background. Normally is blue in this example

[EXTJSIV-1662] - A borderline is shown falsely in the fit layout inside the layout-browser example

[EXTJSIV-1663] - Ext.grid.Section not used

[EXTJSIV-1664] - Grid sorting menus are grayed out -- doesn't look right

[EXTJSIV-1670] - TemplateColumn doesn't use associated data

[EXTJSIV-1671] - Listeners not cleared when setting null target

[EXTJSIV-1673] - Grid window vscroll border off by 1 on right and bottom

[EXTJSIV-1675] - Border line is seen in panels -- was never there before -- first time

[EXTJSIV-1678] - Component animation,
when animating only one size dimension throws "Warning, size detected as
NaN on Element.addUnits."

[EXTJSIV-1683] - Border lines are missing top and sides with examples/state/state.html

[EXTJSIV-1684] - Field widths were the same before, not now with statusbar/statusbar-advanced.html

[EXTJSIV-1685] - Form validation super slow

[EXTJSIV-1687] - The supplied RowExpander's event are not very useful.

[EXTJSIV-1688] - idProperty not working on ArrayReader

[EXTJSIV-1690] - Grid scrollbars have double border

[EXTJSIV-1691] - Configuring tooltips on line chart with trackMouse: false throws error

[EXTJSIV-1692] - Hard Error: New desktop example. Click on About Ext JS in start menu in IE 8 and then close the video window

[EXTJSIV-1693] - Main example pointer page needs to be updated

[EXTJSIV-1695] - Desktop example - accordion widow hit the refresh while collapsed

[EXTJSIV-1697] - Desktop example - in notepad, increase/decrease font only works 1 time

[EXTJSIV-1698] - Desktop example - in notepad, font color/background doesn't work

[EXTJSIV-1699] - Theme example - toggle enable button doesn't look disabled

[EXTJSIV-1700] - About window - open more than one time

[EXTJSIV-1701] - Mask should not displayed in collapsed panel

[EXTJSIV-1702] - Theme viewer needs to reload when changing to access theme

[EXTJSIV-1704] - Selecting a tree node throws an error

[EXTJSIV-1705] - Dragging multiple elements in organizer example does not work in IE7

[EXTJSIV-1706] - Portal example - moving the portlet is really slow

[EXTJSIV-1710] - Fix accessibility theme

[EXTJSIV-1714] - Grid row editing is completely broken

[EXTJSIV-1718] - RowEditor display broken

[EXTJSIV-1721] - Grid plugin example - select all, down arrow, throws exception

[EXTJSIV-1722] - Date picker - typing text into date field throws exception

[EXTJSIV-1724] - Key feed viewer throws exception at loading. IE6 only

[EXTJSIV-1728] - Ext Toolbar Action Example - Change Text throws exception

[EXTJSIV-1731] - Window drag/drop leaks iframe shim in IE 6.0

[EXTJSIV-1741] - Sliding pager does not display in IE6

[EXTJSIV-1742] - Missing "-debug" in regex check of ext-debug.js

[EXTJSIV-1744] - ZINdexManager: unregister this.list is null

[EXTJSIV-1748] - MessageBoxWindow autosizing probably needs a fudge factor to avoid unwanted word wrapping.


[EXTJSIV-174] - Implement getChecked on TreeView and TreePanel as soon as Tree filtering is implemented.

[EXTJSIV-854] - Improve chart renderer API

[EXTJSIV-904] - Optimization to make Component tpls not be compiled until needed

[EXTJSIV-1112] - Consider cleaning up the panel/panel example, bad examples

[EXTJSIV-1256] - Improve performance of loading big trees. Support appending and inserting parents with inline children.

[EXTJSIV-1262] - Rename insert to insertChild on NodeInterface for consistency.

[EXTJSIV-1351] - Initial hidden config doesn't hide tab

[EXTJSIV-1364] - Support folderSort on TreePanel. Support passing a store configuration.

[EXTJSIV-1380] - When extending, the requires config doesn't accept wildcards.

[EXTJSIV-1412] - Add beforedestroy and destroy events to Sprites

[EXTJSIV-1413] - Document remove/removeAll methods in Surface. Add optional boolean to destroy sprites upon removal.

[EXTJSIV-1414] - draggable option on a Sprite will now call initDraggable when it is added to a surface.

[EXTJSIV-105] - Added Bubble Panel Example

[EXTJSIV-117] - Added Web Desktop Example

[EXTJSIV-218] - Theme Builder / Page Slicer - Packaged for Windows, OS X, and Linux

[EXTJSIV-221] - Fixed transitory XHR memory leak in IE6 & IE7

[EXTJSIV-839] - Created App Builder script

[EXTJSIV-875] - JSON.decode "safe" mode implemented

[EXTJSIV-1234] - Panel implements iconchange event

[EXTJSIV-1275] - Ext.tab.TabBar renamed to Ext.tab.Bar

[EXTJSIV-1276] - Ext.AbstractDataView renamed to Ext.view.AbstractView and Ext.DataView renamed to Ext.view.View

[EXTJSIV-1277] - Ext.AbstractContainer
renamed to Ext.container.AbstractContainer and Ext.AbstractPanel renamed
to Ext.panel.AbstractPanel

[EXTJSIV-1363] - Package EXT JS 4 SDK Tools download for all OSes

[EXTJSIV-1389] - Generated distributable binaries for PhantomJS that work cross-platform

[EXTJSIV-1415] - The remove method on a
sprite will now only remove it from a surface. The destroy method will
no longer remove and destroy the sprite.

[EXTJSIV-1603] - New thumbnail for the Tree Selections example

Documentation Improvements

[EXTJSIV-724] - Ext.data.NodeStore docs

[EXTJSIV-729] - Ext.direct.Event docs

[EXTJSIV-730] - Ext.direct.ExceptionEvent docs

[EXTJSIV-731] - Ext.direct.JsonProvider docs

[EXTJSIV-732] - Ext.direct.RemotingEvent docs

[EXTJSIV-733] - Ext.direct.RemotingMethod docs

[EXTJSIV-734] - Ext.draw.Component docs

[EXTJSIV-735] - Ext.draw.Sprite docs

[EXTJSIV-736] - Ext.draw.SpriteGroup docs

[EXTJSIV-737] - Ext.draw.Surface docs

[EXTJSIV-738] - Ext.fx.Anim docs

[EXTJSIV-740] - Ext.fx.Easing docs

[EXTJSIV-741] - Ext.grid.column.Column docs

[EXTJSIV-742] - Ext.grid.column.Template docs

[EXTJSIV-744] - Ext.grid.feature.Feature docs

[EXTJSIV-745] - Ext.grid.feature.Grouping docs

[EXTJSIV-746] - Ext.grid.feature.GroupingSummary docs

[EXTJSIV-747] - Ext.grid.feature.Summary docs

[EXTJSIV-749] - Ext.grid.ColumnLayout docs

[EXTJSIV-752] - Ext.grid.GridView docs

[EXTJSIV-756] - There is no class documentation for "version".

[EXTJSIV-757] - Inadequate documentation for ModelMgr

[EXTJSIV-758] - Ext.layout.container.Anchor docs

[EXTJSIV-759] - Inadequate documentation for ComponentLoader

[EXTJSIV-764] - Ext.panel.Tool docs

[EXTJSIV-770] - Inadequate documentation in util.route

[EXTJSIV-776] - Ext.util.Cookies docs

[EXTJSIV-779] - Ext.util.Format docs

[EXTJSIV-782] - Ext.util.Stateful docs

[EXTJSIV-783] - Ext.view.TableView docs

[EXTJSIV-1068] - Links in the tree link to 404 pages

[EXTJSIV-1069] - Link back to doc index

[EXTJSIV-1070] - Ext.app.Application.autoCreateViewport type

[EXTJSIV-1077] - Link bad in Ext.grid.feature.GroupingSummary

[EXTJSIV-1221] - Error in example in Ext.grid.RowNumberer Doc

[EXTJSIV-1224] - Architecture & MVC Guide, links are not created

[EXTJSIV-1225] - Class System Guide has PI wrong

[EXTJSIV-1226] - Class tree not loading

[EXTJSIV-1228] - Search for Panel does not show Ext.grid.Panel

[EXTJSIV-1230] - Search for 'quick' results in old Ext.tip.QuickTips also

[EXTJSIV-1241] - Fix misc documentation issues
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