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RichFaces 4.0.0正式版发布,开源JSF组件库

2011-03-30 21:33 726 查看
今天RichFaces 4.0.0正式版发布了! Richfaces 4 Ajax 支持使用JQuery进行了重写,支持客户端验证,重新设计了Push支持。

RichFaces是一个基于LGPL协议开源的JSF(JavaServer Faces)组件库,它是使应用开发能够方便地集成AJAX处理能力的先进框架。RichFaces库由Ajax4jsf和RichFaces两部分组成。


- Minor, low risk stabilizations, and clean up tasks for the Final build to minimize risk.
- Thorough review of all the component attributes done and corrections were made based on complexity.
- Bug fixing for CSV and Object Validation features.
- Refactored Listeners classes, methods and Event names according to standard JSF convention. https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10712 - Review and update predefined rf-* CSS classes for components to satisfy naming convention https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-9290 - TreeNode and TreeDataModel model support for rich:tree added. https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-9718 - jQuery updated to 1.5.1. https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10686 - Several taglib issues found during QE and made corresponding corrections for better IDE support https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-9936 - RichFaces showcase design corrections
- Reviewed current state of RichFaces showcase in different JSF environments support and
finalized pom.xml profiles for:
richfaces-showcase (Mojara 2.0.3 - GAE build, Mojara 2.0.4 default build)
richfaces-archetype-simpleapp (Mojara 2.0.4 default build)
rf-gae-sample archetype (MyFaces 2.0.4 both GAE and default builds)
- Completed Push component demo - irc-sample, with blog and documents before release


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