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Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1多国语言版下载

2011-03-20 21:17 1181 查看
最近忙着做项目,自己电脑上自从安装了VS2010之后都没怎么用,确实很好用,不过经常会出一些怪异的问题,比如拷贝不起作用等。刚刚看到VS210 SP1发布,迫不及待的就下载了,各位用VS开发的程序员朋友,快去下载试试吧。


Visual Studio 2010 SP1 采用了新的帮助查看器,新增了对Silverlight 4工具的支持,IntelliTrace支持64位和SharePoint,增加了VS2010的在线帮助,添加了大量Windows 7专用MFC APIs,以便支持Direct2D、DirectWrite和Windows Animation动画技术。此外,VS2010 SP1还有比如:支持.NET 3.5下的单元测试(unit test)、VB Compiler运行时(runtime)的switch等新特性……


Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 and Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 Issue

Microsoft has identified an issue for users of the stand-alone Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4. Currently there is no workaround to enable installation of the Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 for these users.

We recommend that users of the Windows SDK do not install Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 at this time. We are currently working on an update to fix this issue and will update this page when it becomes available.


If you have downloaded and installed the stand-alone “Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 (Windows SDK v7.1)” and you are using the x64 or IA64 compilers that were included in that download, you may find that these compilers and the associated Visual C++ library files removed. The impact may be as indicated below:

If Visual Studio 2010 Professional is installed, then the IA64 compiler and Visual C++ libraries are removed.

If Visual Studio 2010 Express (any edition) is installed, then the x64 and IA64 compilers and Visual C++ libraries are removed.

Visual Studio 2010 Premium and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate are unaffected.

Error Message

If you have installed Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 and experience this issue you may receive either of the following errors when using the Windows SDK v7.1 compilers to target the x64 or IA64 architecture:

“The X64 compilers are not currently installed. Please go to Add/Remove Programs to update your installation.”


“The IA64 compilers are not currently installed. Please go to Add/Remove Programs to update your installation.”


We are working on an update to the Windows SDK that will resolve the issue described above. If you have already installed Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 and are experiencing this issue then you will need to remove the Service Pack and repair the Windows SDK installation as detailed below:

Uninstall Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1

Run the following from the command line to ensure that all related files have been removed from the system. Note: if you receive the error “This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.” you can safely ignore the error, because the files have already been removed.
On all systems, run the following from the command line:
msiexec /x {2F8B731A-5F2D-3EA8-8B25-C3E5E43F4BDB}

If on an x64 system, run this additional command from the command line:
msiexec /x {81455DEB-FC7E-3EE5-85CA-2EBDD9FD61EB}

If on an IA64 system, run this additional command from the command line:
msiexec /x {AC917391-EEBA-3240-81FF-1E9EC0D49403}

Repair Windows SDK v7.1

注意:此处提供的SP1仅为升级补丁,你需要先安装VS2010原版,这里下载VS2010原版。另外,如果你是之前没有安装过SP1 Beta版补丁的话,那么下载后直接安装即可。如果你已经安装了Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Beta版,那么需要先将其卸载,然后才能安装SP1。

值得注意的是,如果之前曾经安装过“Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 (Windows SDK v7.1)”并且使用了其中的x64或IA64编译器,那么安装SP1可能会出现问题,具体解决方法请查看上面MSDN的说明。

微软提供了Visual Studio 2010 SP1的Web安装程序和 ISO两个版本,前者几百K,但要在线下载很久,后者1.5GB,可以离线安装,SP1适用于Visual Studio 2010的所有版本(学习版、专业版、高级专业版、旗舰版、专业测试工具版),它将对已安装的Visual Studio 2010的所有版本和语言进行升级。

VS2010包括 SP1 下载地址

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