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WebBrowser弹出窗口之(三) – alert( ) / confirm( )

2011-03-11 15:19 337 查看

private static Int32 WH_CALLWNDPROCRET_PROC(Int32 iCode, IntPtr pWParam, IntPtr pLParam)
                    if (iCode < 0)
                    return CallNextHookEx(_pWH_CALLWNDPROCRET, iCode, pWParam, pLParam);
                CWPRETSTRUCT cwp = (CWPRETSTRUCT)
                    Marshal.PtrToStructure(pLParam, typeof(CWPRETSTRUCT));
                Win32Message msg = Win32Message.WM_NULL;
                try {
                    msg = (Win32Message)cwp.message;
                } catch {
                    return CallNextHookEx(_pWH_CALLWNDPROCRET, iCode, pWParam, pLParam); ;
if (msg == Win32Message.WM_INITDIALOG) {    //
    // A dialog was initialized, find out what sort it was via it's Caption text
    string caption = GetWindowText(cwp.hwnd);
// 此处从配置文件中读取需要自动关闭的窗口,配置文件中一行为一项格式为
//  titile | message | button
// 先匹配title再匹配message,匹配上后查找button,然后发送消息点击按钮

const string AUTO_CLOSE_CONFIG_FILE = "autoclose.config";
                            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(AUTO_CLOSE_CONFIG_FILE);
                            if (_autoCloseList == null && fi.Exists) {
                                try {
                                    noock.log.DefaultLogger.Logger.Info("[Auto-closing]Loading config: {0} ...", AUTO_CLOSE_CONFIG_FILE);
                                    _autoCloseList = new List();
                                    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fi.ToString(), FileMode.Open)) {
                                        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs)) {
                                            string line = null;
                                            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) {
                                                if (line.Length == 0 || line[0] == '#')    // comments
                                                string[] fields = line.Split('|');
                                                if (fields.Length != 3) {
                                                    noock.log.DefaultLogger.Logger.Warning("Invalid config in file: " + fi.ToString());
                                                _autoCloseList.Add(new AlertWindowInfo(fields[2].Trim(), fields[0].Trim(), fields[1].Trim()));
                                    noock.log.DefaultLogger.Logger.Info("[Auto-closing] Loaded {0} items", _autoCloseList.Count);
                                } catch (Exception ex) {
                                    noock.log.DefaultLogger.Logger.Exception("[AutoClose]: Failed to load auto-close list: " + fi.FullName, ex);
// Call the next hook in the chain
return CallNextHookEx(_pWH_CALLWNDPROCRET, iCode, pWParam, pLParam);
private static bool MatchWindowAndClickButton(IntPtr hwnd, string caption, string expectedCaption, string message, string button)
            if (-1 == caption.IndexOf(expectedCaption))
                return false;
            bool contentMatched = false;
            IntPtr pButton = IntPtr.Zero;
            // Check out further properties of the dialog
            foreach (IntPtr pChildOfDialog in listChildWindows(hwnd)) {
                // Go through all of the child controls on the dialog and see what they reveal via their text
                int iLength = GetWindowTextLength(pChildOfDialog);
                if (iLength <= 0)
                StringBuilder sbProbe = new StringBuilder(iLength + 1);
                GetWindowText(pChildOfDialog, sbProbe, sbProbe.Capacity);
                string msg = sbProbe.ToString();
                noock.log.DefaultLogger.Logger.Info("Child window:[{0}]", msg);
                if (msg.IndexOf(message) != -1) {
                    contentMatched = true;
                    noock.log.DefaultLogger.Logger.Debug("Matched window message: [{0}]", msg);
                if (msg.IndexOf(button) != -1) {
                    pButton = pChildOfDialog;
                    noock.log.DefaultLogger.Logger.Debug("Matched button: [{0}]", msg);
            if (pButton != IntPtr.Zero && contentMatched) {
                noock.log.DefaultLogger.Logger.Info("Found a window , try to close: [{0}]:{1}:{2}",caption, message,button);
                Int32 ctrlId = GetDlgCtrlID(pButton);
                //PostMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, ctrlId, (int)pButton);
                //SendMessage(pButton, WM_COMMAND, ctrlId, (int)pButton);
                SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, ctrlId, (int)pButton);
                return true;
            return false;
public static string GetWindowText(IntPtr hwnd)
    Int32 iLength = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd);
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(iLength + 1);
    GetWindowText(hwnd, sb, sb.Capacity);
    return sb.ToString();
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