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ASP 分页函数

2011-01-06 13:28 197 查看
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
' Pagination Function
' Created by Bendy on 2010-12-11
SUB Pager(intTotalRecord, intPageSize, intCurrentPage, strUrl)

if (not IsNumeric(intTotalRecord) or not IsNumeric(intPageSize) or not IsNumeric(intCurrentPage)) then
exit sub
end if

intTotalRecord = Clng(intTotalRecord)
intPageSize = Clng(intPageSize)
intCurrentPage = Clng(intCurrentPage)

' Init variable
dim intPageCount, intShowPageCount, intBeginPage, intEndPage
intShowPageCount = 10

intPageCount = intTotalRecord \ intPageSize
if (intTotalRecord mod intPageSize > 0) then
intPageCount = intPageCount + 1
end if
if (intPageCount <= 1) then
exit sub
end if

if (intCurrentPage > intPageCount) then
intCurrentPage = intPageCount
end if
if (intCurrentPage < 0) then
intCurrentPage = 1
end if

if (intPageCount < intShowPageCount) then
intShowPageCount = intPageCount
end if

intBeginPage = intCurrentPage - intShowPageCount \ 2 + 1 ' ((intCurrentPage \ intShowPageCount) * intShowPageCount + 1)
intEndPage = intCurrentPage + intShowPageCount \ 2 '((intCurrentPage \ intShowPageCount + 1) * intShowPageCount)

if (intBeginPage < 1) then
intBeginPage = 1
intEndPage = intShowPageCount
end if
if (intEndPage > intPageCount) then
intBeginPage = intPageCount - intShowPageCount + 1
intEndPage = intPageCount
end if

' Get current URL
if (strUrl = "") then
strUrl = request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
for each strQueryKey in request.QueryString
if (strQueryKey <> "page") then
if (InStr(strUrl, "?") <= 0) then
strUrl = strUrl & "?" & strQueryKey & "=" & request.QueryString(strQueryKey)
strUrl = strUrl & "&" & strQueryKey & "=" & request.QueryString(strQueryKey)
end if
end if
if (InStr(strUrl, "?") <= 0) then
strUrl = strUrl & "?1=1"
end if
end if

' Begin render the control
response.Write("<table class='tblPager'><tr>")
if (intBeginPage > 1) then
response.Write("<td><a href='" & strUrl & "&page=1'>|<</a></td>")
response.Write("<td class='disable'>|<</td>")
end if
if (intCurrentPage > 1) then
response.Write("<td><a href='" & strUrl & "&page=" & CStr(intCurrentPage-1) & "'><<</a></td>")
response.Write("<td class='disable'><<</td>")
end if
for i = intBeginPage to intEndPage
if (i = intCurrentPage) then
response.Write("<td class='currentPage'>" & CStr(i) & "</td>")
response.Write("<td><a href='" & strUrl & "&page=" & CStr(i) & "'>" & CStr(i) & "</a></td>")
end if
if (intCurrentPage < intPageCount) then
response.Write("<td><a href='" & strUrl & "&page=" & CStr(intCurrentPage+1) & "'>>></a></td>")
response.Write("<td class='disable'>>></td>")
end if
if (intEndPage < intPageCount) then
response.Write("<td><a href='" & strUrl & "&page=" & intPageCount & "'>>|</a></td>")
response.Write("<td class='disable'>>|</td>")
end if
<style type="text/css">
.tblPager {}
.tblPager td { width:50px; border:solid 1px #efefef; text-align:center;}
.tblPager .disable { color:#999999;}
.tblPager .currentPage { font-weight:bold;}
<% dim currentPage
currentPage = request.QueryString("page")
<% call Pager(320, 10, currentPage, "pager.asp?b=3&c=3") %>
<br />
<% call Pager(0, 10, currentPage, "") %>
<br />
<% call Pager(8, 10, currentPage, "") %>
<br />
<% call Pager(320, 10, currentPage, "") %>
<br />
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