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2010-12-15 11:12 399 查看


二十一 漂亮的表格:



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/*---------for IE 5.x bug*/

html>body td{ font-size:11px;}



<table id="mytable" cellspacing="0" summary="The technical specifications of the Apple PowerMac

G5 series">

<caption> </caption>


<th scope="col" abbr="Configurations" class="nobg">Configurations</th>

<th scope="col" abbr="Dual 1.8">Dual 1.8GHz</th>

<th scope="col" abbr="Dual 2">Dual 2GHz</th>

<th scope="col" abbr="Dual 2.5">Dual 2.5GHz</th>



<th scope="row" abbr="Model" class="spec">lipeng</th>






<th scope="row" abbr="G5 Processor" class="specalt">mapabc</th>

<td class="alt">Dual 1.8GHz PowerPC G5</td>

<td class="alt">Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5</td>

<td class="alt">Dual 2.5GHz PowerPC G5</td>



<th scope="row" abbr="Frontside bus" class="spec">地图名片</th>

<td>900MHz per processor</td>

<td>1GHz per processor</td>

<td>1.25GHz per processor</td>



<th scope="row" abbr="L2 Cache" class="specalt">图秀卡</th>

<td class="alt">512K per processor</td>

<td class="alt">512K per processor</td>

<td class="alt">512K per processor</td>






二十二 经典的带阴影的可拖动的浮动层

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function loadwin(obj){







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<div id="assist" style="position:absolute; left:15px; top:68px; width:185px;

z-index:1;display:none;" class="win"


<table width="180" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td class="caption">SeekAssist</td>

<td width="14" align="center"><a href="#"


<td width="14" align="center"><a href="#"



<tr id="assistwin">

<td height="100" colspan="3"

bordercolor="#eeeeee"> </td>






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z-index:1;display:none;" class="win"


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<td class="caption">SeekRank</td>

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<td width="14" align="center"><a href="#"



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<td height="100" colspan="3"

bordercolor="#eeeeee"> </td>






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z-index:1;display:none;" class="win"



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<td class="caption">MyColor</td>

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<td width="14" align="center"><a href="#"



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bordercolor="#eeeeee"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">



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z-index:1;display:none;" class="win"



<table width="570" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td><table width="100%" border="0"

cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<td class="caption">Results</td>

<td width="12" class="button"><a href="#"


<td width="12" class="button"><a href="#"






<td height="20" bordercolor="#eeeeee"><input

name="url" type="text" value="http://www.google.com/search?q=ezlee" size="100">

<a href="#"



<tr id="resultswin">

<td height="318" valign="top"

class="navframe"><aiframe name="mainframe" id="mainframe"

src="http://www.google.com/search?q=ezlee" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"

scrolling="auto"><font color="#FF0000">Welcome!</font></aiframe></td>



<td height="14" class="statusbar">Ready!</td>









二十三 运行代码的代码


function Preview()


var TestWin=open('');




<textarea id=code cols=60 rows=15></textarea>


<button onclick=Preview() >运行</button>


二十四 凹陷文字

<div style="width:300px;padding:20px;overflow:hidden;word-wrap:break-word;word-break:break:all;

font-size:12px; line-height:18px; background-color:#eeeeee;">

<font disabled>



<a href="http://www.lenvo.cn/">www.lenvo.cn</a></font>



二十五 漂亮的仿flash菜单


/* 先把这个 xmenu 的样式放到css里 */

.xmenu td{font-size:12px;font-family:verdana,arial;font-weight:bolder;color:#ffffff;border:1px

solid #336699;background:#336699;filter:blendtrans(duration=0.5);cursor:hand;text-align:center;}







function attachXMenu(objid){

var tds=objid.getElementsByTagName('td');

for(var i=0;i<tds.length;i++){





style.background='#66CCFF'; //这是鼠标移上去时的背景颜色

style.border='1px solid #ffffff'; //边框

style.color='black'; //文字颜色







style.background='#336699'; //这是鼠标离开时的背景颜色

style.border='1px solid #336699'; //边框

style.color='#ffffff'; //文字颜色








<!--菜单从这里开始, 注意要把class设置成和css里相同的, 还要为它设一个id-->

<table class="xmenu" id="xmenu0" width="500" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="4" border="0"

bgcolor="#336699" align="center">


<td><a href="http://www.lenvo.cn/">www.lenvo.cn</a></td>








<script>attachXMenu(xmenu0); //在上面这个table结束的地方执行事件动作的绑定, 这里的这个xmenu0就是




<table class="xmenu" id="xmenu1" width="100" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="4" border="0"

bgcolor="#336699" align="center">










二十六 自定义容器和字体大小

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed lobortis ullamcorper augue. Praesent vel felis vitae purus ornare pretium. Nullam porta sollicitudin lectus. Integer non arcu eu neque tincidunt tincidunt. Nullam sapien arcu, ullamcorper sed, hendrerit in, rutrum in, nibh. Aliquam sed enim. Cras rhoncus ullamcorper justo. Aenean quam dolor, consectetuer sed, dapibus quis, iaculis id, diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut lacinia velit ac elit. Etiam id nulla. Phasellus at arcu ac mauris hendrerit ullamcorper. Quisque posuere sodales risus. Sed nunc nibh, egestas a, blandit eget, facilisis vel, dolor. Cras metus urna, feugiat et, iaculis quis, lacinia a, elit. Etiam enim. Maecenas viverra, est non tincidunt euismod, diam urna volutpat mi, in luctus pede ante sit amet risus.



<!-- END rightContent -->

<div id="leftContent">


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed lobortis ullamcorper augue. Praesent vel felis vitae purus ornare pretium. Nullam porta sollicitudin lectus. Integer non arcu eu neque tincidunt tincidunt. Nullam sapien arcu, ullamcorper sed, hendrerit in, rutrum in, nibh. Aliquam sed enim. Cras rhoncus ullamcorper justo. Aenean quam dolor, consectetuer sed, dapibus quis, iaculis id, diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut lacinia velit ac elit. Etiam id nulla. Phasellus at arcu ac mauris hendrerit ullamcorper. Quisque posuere sodales risus. Sed nunc nibh, egestas a, blandit eget, facilisis vel, dolor. Cras metus urna, feugiat et, iaculis quis, lacinia a, elit. Etiam enim. Maecenas viverra, est non tincidunt euismod, diam urna volutpat mi, in luctus pede ante sit amet risus.



Nulla metus. Ut sodales, tortor nec sollicitudin convallis, diam diam vulputate ligula, lobortis tincidunt urna purus at urna. Pellentesque laoreet. Nulla et dolor. Praesent vestibulum quam convallis neque. Praesent sit amet odio a dui iaculis dignissim. In vel nunc a tellus vulputate pellentesque. Maecenas bibendum. Donec mi nibh, euismod in, iaculis a, eleifend et, enim. In eget lectus vitae pede nonummy elementum. Mauris accumsan, lacus ut euismod varius, odio neque egestas quam, non aliquam velit purus et purus. Vestibulum at elit nec felis suscipit pulvinar. Suspendisse at enim quis lacus mattis condimentum. Proin arcu arcu, imperdiet vitae, aliquam non, congue id, ipsum.



Aliquam eu dolor nec risus luctus faucibus. Aenean condimentum, tortor in blandit cursus, dolor magna sagittis orci, vel vehicula dolor ante at lacus. Donec vel felis in enim aliquam molestie. Sed non velit id velit pulvinar consequat. Mauris luctus. Phasellus faucibus turpis nec purus. Mauris eget ante. Donec orci enim, luctus eu, posuere at, luctus quis, pede. In in lectus. Quisque blandit, ipsum eget tincidunt scelerisque, mauris ante accumsan erat, quis congue odio erat vitae diam. Donec ut felis fermentum sem viverra pulvinar. Sed neque lorem, adipiscing ut, placerat a, ornare et, dolor. Vestibulum pretium vehicula nibh. Etiam feugiat, ligula sed pulvinar fringilla, eros arcu placerat urna, nec eleifend nisl leo sit amet urna. Suspendisse quis augue ut nibh venenatis nonummy. Nunc ut augue. In fermentum, neque eget eleifend rutrum, nulla lorem fermentum massa, eu cursus lectus mi id libero.



Nam congue ligula quis magna. Vivamus porttitor nunc non dui. Aliquam posuere dapibus tortor. Quisque facilisis, quam in semper luctus, lacus dolor gravida massa, ultrices consectetuer risus arcu nec nibh. Nulla facilisi. In a eros id eros lobortis ultrices. Vivamus sit amet neque eu magna venenatis nonummy. Pellentesque consequat. Etiam ut ipsum. Nulla consectetuer est vel quam.



Integer eu diam vitae augue sollicitudin congue. Praesent vulputate pede vel velit. Maecenas dapibus tempus lacus. Quisque lectus metus, pretium ac, mollis nec, dignissim quis, mi. Aliquam purus risus, pharetra eget, condimentum ut, blandit sit amet, leo. Suspendisse iaculis purus sed tellus. Nunc sem justo, porttitor ut, pretium eu, hendrerit eu, nunc. Vivamus sit amet neque in est venenatis faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam rhoncus, eros id ultrices facilisis, pede ligula dignissim eros, sit amet tempus risus urna sed nibh. Sed massa eros, dapibus tristique, blandit et, molestie sed, enim. Phasellus leo. Integer vestibulum volutpat enim. Duis pulvinar ligula. Pellentesque luctus velit a justo. Quisque volutpat, diam quis varius commodo, neque elit dictum tortor, quis aliquet felis risus vitae wisi. Aliquam bibendum, elit ut gravida vehicula, orci turpis auctor dolor, nec tristique tortor dolor eget ipsum.



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