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FlexMonkey 1.0 GA版发布,测试Flex应用的开源工具

2010-11-11 16:15 555 查看

FlexMonkey 1.0 GA版发布,测试Flex应用的开源工具

FlexMonkey 是一个用来测试Flex应用的开源工具,可以记录和回放用户界面的交互并生成可重复使用的测试用例,你还可以在持续集成框架中运行这些测试用例,无需任何浏览器插件。

1.0 GA新特性:

“Wait For” handling – removes reliance on the PauseCommand by defining conditions that pause a script until true
Fuzzy Bitmap Compare – the Verify command for bitmap images now allows for user controlled tolerances in color comparisons
Simplified Setup – new easier process for configuring FlexMonkey testing of an application
Compatibility – out of the box compatibility with multiple Flex SDKs (3.3, 3.4.1 and

Code Compiling – easier customization and compilation of FlexMonkey source

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