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2010-11-09 16:20 513 查看
@REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@REM Remove JVM parameter if WAS has been configured by ITCAMDC
@REM Syntax:

@REM For WebSphere ND servers:
@REM Command: ITCAM_remover.bat <Profile Home> <Server Name> SOAP
@REM Prerequisite: The dmgr and nodeagent is running.

@REM For WebSphere Base/Process/ESB/Portal servers:
@REM Command: ITCAM_remover.bat <Profile Home> <Server Name>

@REM Where "Profile Home" is the WebSphere profile home that has been configured by ITCAM DataCollector
@REM "Server Name" is the WebSphere server name that has been configured by ITCAM DataCollector
@REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

@echo off

set phost=%1
set srvname=%2
if "%3"=="" (
set conntype=NONE
)else (
set conntype=%3
if "%phost%"=="" goto spec
if "%srvname%"=="" goto spec

set /p rmOrNot=This tool will remove ITCAM JVM paramters form this WAS instance?Are you sure?[Y,N]?
if /i %rmOrNot%==Y goto rm
if /i not %rmOrNot%==y goto end

@REM echo %phost%
@REM echo %srvname%
@REM echo %conntype%

call %phost%/bin/setupCmdLine.bat

@REM echo %WAS_CELL%
@REM echo %WAS_NODE%

goto exec


echo ====================================================================================================
echo For WebSphere ND servers:
echo Command :ITCAM_remover.bat ^<Profile Home^> ^<Server Name^> SOAP
echo Prerequisite :The dmgr and nodeagent is running.
echo For WebSphere Base/Process/ESB/Portal servers:
echo Command :ITCAM_remover.bat ^<Profile Home^> ^<Server Name^>
echo Where ^<Profile Home^> is the WebSphere profile home that has been configured by ITCAM DataCollector
echo ^<Server Name^> is the WebSphere server name that has been configured by ITCAM DataCollector
echo ====================================================================================================
goto end


call %phost%/bin/wsadmin.bat -conntype %conntype% -f removejvm.jacl %WAS_CELL% %WAS_NODE% %srvname%
if errorlevel 0 (
echo The ITCAM JVM parameters have been removed sucessfully!
)else (
echo Remove ITCAM JVM parameters failed!

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