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first step in order to optimization of my C program

2010-11-03 20:42 627 查看
Recently,  I have written a C program about combining particle filtering and mcmc algorithms to estimate high frequency data model. The program is a little slow, so I need to target which parts can be improved by using openmp library.

(1) time ./main

see the wall clock time and  CPU time

(2) compile main.c using GCC with -pg and run program

under working folder, there is a main.out file, contaning information    about call, time of each functions in the source file


Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.

  %   cumulative   self              self     total          

 time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name   

 52.67     14.99    14.99    10100     1.48     1.83  sample

 12.26     18.48     3.49    10100     0.35     0.35  revsort

 11.81     21.84     3.36    10100     0.33     2.82  chunk

 11.14     25.01     3.17 20200000     0.00     0.00  distance

  6.50     26.86     1.85 20200000     0.00     0.00  simGBM

  5.62     28.46     1.60 20200000     0.00     0.00  pYcondX

  0.00     28.46     0.00      101     0.00   281.78  callik

            Call graph

granularity: each sample hit covers 4 byte(s) for 0.04% of 28.46 seconds

index % time    self  children    called     name

                3.36   25.10   10100/10100       callik [2]

[1]    100.0    3.36   25.10   10100         chunk [1]

               14.99    3.49   10100/10100       sample [4]

                3.17    0.00 20200000/20200000     distance [6]

                1.85    0.00 20200000/20200000     simGBM [7]

                1.60    0.00 20200000/20200000     pYcondX [8]


                0.00   28.46     101/101         main [3]

[2]    100.0    0.00   28.46     101         callik [2]

                3.36   25.10   10100/10100       chunk [1]



[3]    100.0    0.00   28.46                 main [3]

                0.00   28.46     101/101         callik [2]


               14.99    3.49   10100/10100       chunk [1]

[4]     64.9   14.99    3.49   10100         sample [4]

                3.49    0.00   10100/10100       revsort [5]


                3.49    0.00   10100/10100       sample [4]

[5]     12.3    3.49    0.00   10100         revsort [5]


                3.17    0.00 20200000/20200000     chunk [1]

[6]     11.1    3.17    0.00 20200000         distance [6]


                1.85    0.00 20200000/20200000     chunk [1]

[7]      6.5    1.85    0.00 20200000         simGBM [7]


                1.60    0.00 20200000/20200000     chunk [1]

[8]      5.6    1.60    0.00 20200000         pYcondX [8]


Index by function name

   [2] callik                  [8] pYcondX                 [7] simGBM

   [1] chunk                   [5] revsort

   [6] distance                [4] sample
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