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InstallShield安装打包编译自动化(3)- 更新Package GUID,Product GUID以及Upgrade GUID

2010-09-01 13:46 591 查看
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下面是Aaron McLean写的一段VBScript示例代码,引用请保留原作者信息。


InstallShield 2009和2010的GUID生成实例:

'Welcome to GuidChange 2009 and 2010 . Written by Aaron McLean. Written July 2001, Published November 2002, edited 2009
'After 7 years I was asked to update the code to support IS 2009 and 2010
'Use GuidChange 2009 and 2010.vbs for Installshield 2009 and 2010.
'Use GuidChange.vbs for IPWI 2.03, Developer 7.x, 8.x - Admin Studio
'This is freeware as long as you keep mention my name in your code
'You will need a few things installed on your computer to run this Visual Basic Script
'-VB6 Runtime and Windows Scripting Host - www.microsoft.com/scripting. Install Microsoft 'Windows Script 5.6 Download'

'Drop an *.ism on guid.vbs
'Supports Multiple *.ism's
'Delete the last line if you don't want the message box - >>> msgbox "I'm done"
'Send questions to aaronmclean@sbcglobal.net

set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set wshshell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
Set installer = wscript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
set args = Wscript.Arguments

'Changed 9/10/2009 to use Installshield 2009 and 2010 COM naming conventions
'Set GUID = CreateObject("InstallShield.Guid")
Set GUID = CreateObject("ISWizUtil.CGUID")

'---- If I get double clicked then show message box and quit
Dim argCount:argCount = Wscript.Arguments.Count
if argcount < 1 then
MsgBox "Drop an *.ism on me and I will change the Package GUID, Product GUID, Upgrade GUID" & vbcr & vbcr & "GuidChange 1.0 Written by Aaron McLean, July 2001, Published November 2002"
Wscript.Quit 1
end if

'---- If I find a ? in the cmd line then show the help and quit
if argcount >= 1 then

If InStr(Wscript.Arguments(0), "?") Then ' Manual Launch from a command line
MsgBox "Drop an *.ism on me and I will change the Package GUID, Product GUID, Upgrade GUID" & vbcr & vbcr & "GuidChange 1.0 Written by Aaron McLean, July 2001, Published November 2002"
Wscript.Quit 1
end if

'---- If I find an *.ism in the cmd line then change the upgrade, package, and product guids.
'---- guid.vbs will change multiple *.ism's at one time
'---- The For statement is used to loop through all of the *.ism's that are dropped on GuidChange

For each argument in args ' :msgbox " Argument: " & argument

Set fileStuff = fs.GetFile(argument)

if CBool(fs.GetFile(fileStuff).Attributes and 1) = TRUE then ' Is the file read only?
fileStuff.Attributes = fileStuff.Attributes and not 14000 and not 1 ' Then remove the read only Attrib
end if

if instr(fileStuff,".ism") then 'Is this an Installshield Project

'Changed 9/10/2009 to use Installshield 2009 and 2010 COM naming conventions
'Set pProject = CreateObject ("ISWiAutomation.ISWiProject")
Set pProject = CreateObject ("ISWiAuto16.ISWiProject")
pProject.OpenProject fileStuff, True
pProject.PackageCode = GUID.CreateGUID() 'Delete this entire line if you don't want the package guid changed
pProject.ProductCode = GUID.CreateGUID() 'Delete this entire line if you don't want the product guid changed
pProject.UpgradeCode = GUID.CreateGUID() 'Delete this entire line if you don't want the upgrade guid changed
pProject.SaveProject 'Saving the *.ism before closing it
pProject.CloseProject 'Closing the *.ism
MsgBox "Only Installshield files with the *.ism file extension can be changed. Good-Bye"
Wscript.quit 1
end if


end if

msgbox "I'm done"

'Installshield created the GUID object下面是针对IPWI 2.03,InstallShield Developer 7.x,8.x以及AdminStudio的示例代码:

'Use GuidChange 2009 and 2010.vbs for Installshield 2009 and 2010.
'Use GuidChange.vbs for IPWI 2.03, Developer 7.x, 8.x - Admin Studio
'This is freeware as long as you keep mention my name in your code
'You will need a few things installed on your computer to run this Visual Basic Script
'-VB6 Runtime and Windows Scripting Host - www.microsoft.com/scripting. Install Microsoft 'Windows Script 5.6 Download'

'Drop an *.ism on guid.vbs
'Supports Multiple *.ism's
'Delete the last line if you don't want the message box - >>> msgbox "I'm done"
'Send questions to aaronmclean@sbcglobal.net

set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set wshshell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
Set installer = wscript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
set args = Wscript.Arguments
Set GUID = CreateObject("InstallShield.Guid")

'---- If I get double clicked then show message box and quit
Dim argCount:argCount = Wscript.Arguments.Count
if argcount < 1 then
MsgBox "Drop an *.ism on me and I will change the Package GUID, Product GUID, Upgrade GUID" & vbcr & vbcr & "GuidChange 1.0 Written by Aaron McLean, July 2001, Published November 2002"
Wscript.Quit 1
end if

'---- If I find a ? in the cmd line then show the help and quit
if argcount >= 1 then

If InStr(Wscript.Arguments(0), "?") Then ' Manual Launch from a command line
MsgBox "Drop an *.ism on me and I will change the Package GUID, Product GUID, Upgrade GUID" & vbcr & vbcr & "GuidChange 1.0 Written by Aaron McLean, July 2001, Published November 2002"
Wscript.Quit 1
end if

'---- If I find an *.ism in the cmd line then change the upgrade, package, and product guids.
'---- guid.vbs will change multiple *.ism's at one time
'---- The For statement is used to loop through all of the *.ism's that are dropped on GuidChange

For each argument in args ' :msgbox " Argument: " & argument

Set fileStuff = fs.GetFile(argument)

if CBool(fs.GetFile(fileStuff).Attributes and 1) = TRUE then ' Is the file read only?
fileStuff.Attributes = fileStuff.Attributes and not 14000 and not 1 ' Then remove the read only Attrib
end if

if instr(fileStuff,".ism") then 'Is this an Installshield Project
Set pProject = CreateObject ("ISWiAutomation.ISWiProject")
pProject.OpenProject fileStuff, True
pProject.PackageCode = GUID.CreateGUID() 'Delete this entire line if you don't want the package guid changed
pProject.ProductCode = GUID.CreateGUID() 'Delete this entire line if you don't want the product guid changed
pProject.UpgradeCode = GUID.CreateGUID() 'Delete this entire line if you don't want the upgrade guid changed
pProject.SaveProject 'Saving the *.ism before closing it
pProject.CloseProject 'Closing the *.ism
MsgBox "Only Installshield files with the *.ism file extension can be changed. Good-Bye"
Wscript.quit 1
end if


end if

msgbox "I'm done"

'Installshield created the GUID object参考链接:
http://community.flexerasoftware.com/showthread.php?t=189920 http://community.flexerasoftware.com/showthread.php?t=171334
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