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如果你已经是一位Office 2003的高手, 一下子要切换到Office 2007/2010时难免不适应, 该怎么办?

2010-08-17 13:22 495 查看
我感觉自己用MS Office 2003已经6~7年, 加上之前6~7年的用GUI类似的老版本的MS Office的经验, 也算是MS Office 2003的高手了...

但是, 突然切换到Office 2007还是有些手足无措: 连最简单的在Word 2007中如何插入页眉/页脚, 插入页数/页码都找了半天...google

还有很多命令, 都全部挪位: 比如Excel 2003中可以Customize工具条, 把常用的Form/ gridline show/off放在手边, 还可以把Word中的x


上下标按钮放在随时可得的地方... 现在一切都改变了... 习惯了被暴力, 只好适应...

微软提供了可以自己运行的Flash文件, 可以把MS Office 2003中的大部分常用命令一一对应到Office 2007/2010的相应位置中的用户可交互培训材料. 这也是亡羊补牢吧.

修改到SP2了, 为什么不提供一种Office 2003风格的GUI界面作为选项之一呢? 修改到SP2了, 还有那么多初级的问题.

How to find Microsoft® Excel® 97-2003 commands

in Excel 2007 and 2010


If you have upgraded to Excel 2007 or 2010, then you are most likely
faced with the question of how to do many of the tasks that were just a
mouse click or two away in Excel 97 to 2003. And,you want to find the
command with a minimum amount of work! To help past users of Excel
learn where to find the new commands, Microsoft has released an
interactive ribbon guide to help you find the commands:

Interactive Ribbon Guide
Customers who looked at this product also looked at
EXE programSpreadsheet Assistant

- Add over 200 new features to Microsoft Excel. And, get back the Excel 97-2003 classic menus!

Excel 2007 -2010
Email support
Phone support:
We highly recommend that anyone going from Excel 97-2010 download and
use this guide. The program uses MacroMedia Flash. Almost all
computers have it already installed. If you do not, a quick Internet
Search on 'MacroMedia Flash' will find it for you.

Before you install, create a folder in your My Documents folder for
the Guide. When you click the download button, a very simple dialog

Select the folder you created (you will have to scroll up to see My
Documents). The installation takes a few second. When it is done, the
program may or may not open automatically. To open when you need it,
just go to this folder and double click on it. If you are using the
Windows Quick Launch toolbar, just drag and drop the program onto the
toolbar for fast access. If you don't have it, a quick Internet search
will advise how to install.

The program will open up and look like the following:

On this screen, you just click on the button or menu commands you
would have run in Excel. When done, the interactive tool displays what
you would have clicked in Excel 2007 and 2010 to do the same command:

To get back to the Excel 2003 command selection screen, just click anywhere on the screen.


Using the ribbon mapping workbook for Microsoft® Excel
Excel users who have been using Excel 97 through Excel 2003 who
upgrade to Excel 2007 or 2010 frequently find themselves lost and
confused with the new Excel ribbon system. For many users, the old
menus were very easy to navigate, especially after years of use. Both
new and old Excel users are frustrated finding commands. To help,
Microsoft has a released a free workbook that maps Excel 97-2003
commands to the ribbon.

Ribbon mapping workbook
Customers who looked at this product also looked at
Excel 2007-2010Spreadsheet Assistant

- Add over 200 new features to Microsoft Excel. And, get back the Excel 97-2003 classic menus!

Sheet Navigator

- See all the sheet tabs in a workbook with one click. Makes navigating workbooks like the ribbon mapping workbook very easy.

Email support
Phone support:
When you click on the download link found on the above page, a
workbook will open in Excel. Save this workbook to someplace that is
easy to find! The download link is actually to an Excel template. You
are not prompted to save the workbook as it opens automatically into
Excel. The following is a sample screen shot of one of the sheets in
the workbook:

The following is a list of the sheets in the workbook:

IntroductionCompare Side by Side
Chart (Toolbar)Drawing Canvas
ReviewingOrganization Chart
Stop RecordingInk Drawing and Writing
External DataInk Annotations
Formula AuditingShadow Settings
Full Screen3-D Settings
Circular ReferenceFile
Visual BasicEdit
Control ToolboxInsert
Exit Design ModeFormat
Watch WindowTools
ProtectionChart (Menu)
Text to SpeechWindow
To quickly navigate the many worksheets, you can use the Sheet Navigator
, which displays a dialog that shows all the worksheets in a workbook for instant selection.

One thing you can do is to printout the workbook. This is helpful,
but finding the printout a few days later is always difficult. A better
approach is to open this workbook when you need it, search for a
command, and close it. To search, simply press CTL-F, Click on Options,
change the search in box from worksheet to workbook (so all sheets are
searched), type in a search word, and click Find.:

If you have the Spreadsheet Assistant
the first button on its toolbar opens your favorite files. Just set up
a bookmark in it and us it to open the ribbon mapping workbook whenever
you need it. And, the Spreadsheet Assistant adds back the classical Excel 97-2003 menus
, which may be even more helpful than the ribbon mapping workbook!
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