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Scala GraphViz DOT Parser

2010-07-17 23:11 155 查看

Scala DotLexerpackage scaladot;

object Dot extends DotParser {

def parse(input: String) =
phrase(dot)(new lexical.Scanner(input)) match {
case Success(result, _) => println("Success!"); Some(result)
case n @ _ => println(n); None

def main(args: Array[String]) {
val x = parse("""
digraph acm {
hello -> world;
test:up:n -> world;
style = filled;

subgraph cluster {
node [style=filled,color=white];
toast -> bingo;
zot -> bingo;
zot -> test;
label = "Below";





abstract class DotComponent {
override def toString = {
val b = new StringBuilder
buildString(0, b)

private def indent(level: Int, b: StringBuilder) {
for (i <- 0 to level) b append ' '

def buildString(implicit level: Int, b: StringBuilder) {

def between(sep: String, things: Seq[DotComponent])(implicit lev: Int) {
var first = true
for (t <- things) {
if (first) first = false else b append sep
t.buildString(lev, b)

def betweenList(before: String, sep: String, after: String, things: Seq[DotComponent])(implicit lev: Int) {
if (!things.isEmpty) {
b append before
between(sep, things)(lev)
b append after

this match {
case Port(id, compass) =>
b append id
if (compass != None) b append ':' append compass.get
case Graph(strict, digraph, id, statements @ _*) =>
if (strict) b append "strict "
b append (if (digraph) "digraph " else "graph ")
betweenList(id + " {\n", "\n", "}\n", statements)(level+1)
case AttrList(kind, attrs @ _*) =>
b append kind
betweenList(" [", ",", "]", attrs)(0)
case Attr(n, Some(v), q) =>
b append n append '='
if (q) b append '"'
b append v
if (q) b append '"'
case Attr(n,_,_) => b append n
case Edge(_, attrs, nodes @ _*) =>
between(" -> ", nodes)
betweenList(" [", ",", "]", attrs)(0)
case Subgraph(id, statements @ _*) =>
b append "subgraph " append id
betweenList(" {\n", "\n", "\n", statements)(level+1)
b append "}\n"
case Node(id, port, attrs @ _*) =>
b append id
if (port != None) { b append ':'; port.get.buildString(level, b) }
betweenList(" [", ", ", " ]\n", attrs)
} }


/** Implemented by DOT components that are allowed to have an identity
trait Identified extends DotComponent {
val id: String

/** Implemented by DOT components that are statements, for use within
graphs and subgraphs. */
trait Statement extends DotComponent

/** Implemented by DOT components that have a list of attributes associated
with them. */
trait Attributed extends DotComponent {
val attrs: Seq[Attr]

/** Implemented by DOT components that can participate in an edge; currently
Node and Subgraph. */
trait EdgeComponent extends Identified

/** The abstract base for the two graph components of DOT -- graph (digraph)
and subgraph. */
abstract class AbstractGraph extends DotComponent with Identified {
val statements: Seq[Statement]
/** Nodes can have an optional port identifier. The port identifier can have
an optional compass direction. */
case class Port(id: String, compass: Option[String]) extends DotComponent

case class Graph(strict: Boolean, digraph: Boolean, id: String, statements: Statement*) extends AbstractGraph

// Statements
case class AttrList(kind: String, attrs: Attr*) extends Statement with Attributed
case class Attr(name: String, value: Option[String], quoted: Boolean) extends Statement
case class Edge(id: String, attrs: Seq[Attr], nodes: EdgeComponent*) extends Identified with Statement with Attributed
case class Subgraph(id: String, statements: Statement*) extends AbstractGraph with EdgeComponent with Statement
case class Node(id: String, port: Option[Port], attrs: Attr*) extends EdgeComponent with Statement with Attributed
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