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2010-01-15 18:33 295 查看

from: http://blog.csdn.net/magichydra/archive/2009/03/23/4018471.aspx



minibufexpl:Mini Buffer Explorer,在vim上实现多文档tab效果。




runscript:运行python script。

《Debugging Python in




set nocompatible

source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim

source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim

behave mswin

"set ffs=unix

set diffexpr=MyDiff()

function MyDiff()

let opt = '-a --binary '

if &diffopt =~ 'icase' | let opt = opt . '-i ' | endif

if &diffopt =~ 'iwhite' | let opt = opt . '-b ' | endif

let arg1 = v:fname_in

if arg1 =~ ' ' | let arg1 = '"' . arg1 . '"' | endif

let arg2 = v:fname_new

if arg2 =~ ' ' | let arg2 = '"' . arg2 . '"' | endif

let arg3 = v:fname_out

if arg3 =~ ' ' | let arg3 = '"' . arg3 . '"' | endif

silent execute '!D:/Vim/vim70/diff ' . opt . arg1 . ' ' . arg2 . ' > ' . arg3


hi HL_HiCurLine ctermfg=blue ctermbg=cyan guifg=blue guibg=cyan

let HL_HiCurLine= "HL_HiCurLine"

set formatoptions=tcrqn2

set guifont=FixedsysTTF:h14 "如果没有这个字体那就不要加

set tabstop=4

set softtabstop=4

set shiftwidth=4

"colorscheme darkblue "在gvim下可以看到有多少coloscheme

color desert

set lsp=0

set sw=4 " shiftwidth

set et " expandtab

"set wm=8 " wrapmargin

set lbr "不在单词中间断行

set fo+=mB "打开断行模块对亚洲语言支持

set bs=2 " backspace

set ru " ruler

set ic " ignorecase "忽略大小写 但是输入中有大写的话不忽略

set is " incsearch

set scs " smartcase: override the 'ic' when searching

" if search pattern contains uppercase char

set nu "显示行号

set wmnu

set wildignore=*.bak,*.o,*.e,*~

iab #i #include

iab #d #define

iab #e #endif

set cst

set csto=1

set tags=./tags,../tags,../../tags,../../../tags,D:/Microsoft/ Visual/ Studio/VC98/Include/tags,D:/MinGW/include

set cspc=3 " show file path's last three part

set grepprg=grep/ -nH

map <F2> :Tlist<cr>

"map <F2> :WMToggle<cr>


map <F3> zO

map <F4> zc

map <F5> zR

map <F6> zM

"map <F7> :cn<CR>


set vb t_vb= " set visual bell and disable screen flash

set backup " enable backup and define the backup file

set backupext=.bak

set hlsearch " hlsearch

" allow backspacing over everything in

" the insert mode

set backspace=indent,eol,start

set dir=D:/vim/temp

" 设置swap文件的目录上面

set backupdir=D:/vim/temp

备份文件的目录上面 我不喜欢看到每个目录下都有备份 因为一般备份用不到

"下面是设置自动folder的 而且是根据写C代码设置的 如果你不喜欢使用folder那么可以省略掉

"au BufReadPost *.h,*.c,*.cpp,*.java,*.pl syn region myFold start="{" end="}" transparent fold

"au BufReadPost *.h,*.c,*.cpp,*.java,*.pl syn sync fromstart

"au BufReadPost *.h,*.c,*.cpp,*.java,*.pl set foldmethod=syntax

"set foldlevel=0

set foldmarker={,}

set foldmethod=marker

set foldlevel=100 " Don't autofold anything (but I can still fold manually)

set foldopen-=search " don't open folds when you search into them

set foldopen-=undo " don't open folds when you undo stuff


" C-support.vim


let g:C_AuthorName = 'J.T Jacky'

let g:C_AuthorRef = ''

let g:C_Email = 'brothertian@gmail.com'

let g:C_Company = 'Baosight'


" C++


set sm

set cin

set cino=:0g0t0(sus


" copy from web


set history=1000 " How many lines of history to remember

set cf " enable error files and error jumping

set clipboard+=unnamed " turns out I do like is sharing windows clipboard

set ffs=dos,unix,mac " support all three, in this order

filetype plugin on " load filetype plugins

set viminfo+=! " make sure it can save viminfo

set isk+=_,$,@,%,#,- " none of these should be word dividers, so make them not be


" Vim UI


set lsp=0 " space it out a little more (easier to read)

set wildmenu " turn on wild menu

set ruler " Always show current positions along the bottom

set cmdheight=1 " the command bar is 2 high

"set number " turn on line numbers

set lz " do not redraw while running macros (much faster) (LazyRedraw)

"set hid " you can change buffer without saving

set backspace=2 " make backspace work normal

set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l " backspace and cursor keys wrap to

set mouse=a " use mouse everywhere

set shortmess=atI " shortens messages to avoid 'press a key' prompt

set report=0 " tell us when anything is changed via :...

set noerrorbells " don't make noise

" make the splitters between windows be blank

set fillchars=vert:/ ,stl:/ ,stlnc:/


" Visual Cues


"set showmatch " show matching brackets

"set mat=5 " how many tenths of a second to blink matching brackets for

"set nohlsearch " do not highlight searched for phrases

set incsearch " BUT do highlight as you type you search phrase

set listchars=tab:/|/ ,trail:.,extends:>,precedes:<,eol:$ " what to show when I hit :set list

set lines=80 " 80 lines tall

set columns=160 " 160 cols wide

set so=0 " Keep 10 lines (top/bottom) for scope

set novisualbell " don't blink

set noerrorbells " no noises

set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w/ [FORMAT=%{&ff}]/ [TYPE=%Y]/ [ASCII=/%03.3b]/ [HEX=/%02.2B]/ [POS=%04l,%04v][%p%%]/ [LEN=%L]

set laststatus=2 " always show the status line


" Text Formatting/Layout


set fo=tcrqn " See Help (complex)

"set ai " autoindent

"set si " smartindent

set cindent " do c-style indenting

filetype indent on

"set tabstop=8 " tab spacing (settings below are just to unify it)

"set softtabstop=8 " unify

"set shiftwidth=8 " unify

"set noexpandtab " real tabs please!

set nowrap " do not wrap lines

set guioptions+=b "添加水平滚动条

"set smarttab " use tabs at the start of a line, spaces elsewhere


" Folding

Enable folding, but by default make it act like folding is off, because
folding is annoying in anything but a few rare cases


"set foldenable " Turn on folding

"set foldmethod=indent " Make folding indent sensitive

"set foldlevel=100 " Don't autofold anything (but I can still fold manually)

"set foldopen-=search " don't open folds when you search into them

"set foldopen-=undo " don't open folds when you undo stuff


" File Explorer


let g:explVertical=1 " should I split verticially

let g:explWinSize=20 " width of 35 pixels


" Win Manager


let g:winManagerWidth=20 " How wide should it be( pixels)

"let g:winManagerWindowLayout = 'FileExplorer,TagsExplorer|BufExplorer' " What windows should it


" CTags


let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'D:/Vim/Intellisense/cppft/ctags.exe' " Location of ctags

let Tlist_Sort_Type = "name" " order by

let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1 " split to the right side of the screen

let Tlist_Compart_Format = 1 " show small meny

let Tlist_Exist_OnlyWindow = 1 " if you are the last, kill yourself

let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = 0 " Do not close tags for other files

let Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column = 0 " Do not show folding tree

let g:ctags_path='D:/Vim/Intellisense/cppft/ctags.exe'

let g:ctags_statusline=1


" Minibuf


let g:miniBufExplTabWrap = 1 " make tabs show complete (no broken on two lines)

let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget = 1


" Matchit

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