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2009-12-22 11:21 288 查看
And the problem showed up from version 1.4.6. Current transitional
solution is changing the value of \"/FrontEnd/X11/Dynamic\" in
/etc/scim/config or ~/.scim/config from \"false\" to \"true\", which is
known to unfortunately break deadkeys usage in European keyboard layouts.
So this walk around is only recommend when such problem shows up. Seems
further investigation is required.于是打开编辑~/.scim/config
gedit ~/.scim/config
找到:/FrontEnd/X11/Dynamic = false
改为:/FrontEnd/X11/Dynamic = true
(不过注意哦,这个方法有个问题上面也说到了:" which is known to
unfortunately break deadkeys usage in European keyboard layouts. ")
还在网上搜索到下面几种解决方法:(本人未测试,不知道可行否,直接转过来给大家参考)Ubuntu 7.10下scim/libx11的bug及解决方法
在7.10版本的Ubuntu中,默认的scim模式改成了XIM。造成在有些程序中无法输入文字,即使是英文字母也不行的bug。我多次在nautilus里遇到该bug。该bug很早就被报告了,只是最近才由于默认设置的改变而更加容易出现了。不过这似乎是libx11库的bug。launchpad上给出了两种解决办法:1. 如果不需要使用依赖 libstdc++5库的程序。可以执行
im-switch -s scim-immodule
把scim模式改掉。但是我需要用到java6,acroread这些依赖stdc++5的程序,所以该方法不适合我。2. 如果不需要使用deadkeys,可以按以下步骤修改:
a. 执行im-switch -s none,使得scim默认不会启动,退出并重登录
b. 修改 ~/.scim/config 文件, 将 /FrontEnd/X11/Dynamic 改为 true
c. 执行im-switch -s scim,使得scim默认启动。
a. 按照方法2修改设定
b. 安装 scim-uim以及 uim-latin
c. 设置一个复合键(在gnome的键盘选项中)
d. 启动scim,把输入法改为 UIM-Latinvoila!还有个更简单的方法。既然是libx11的问题,那就应该从源头上解决,治标治本。
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/arnegoetje/ubuntu gutsy main restricted
universe multiverse
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/arnegoetje/ubuntu gutsy main restricted
universe multiverse
Bug descriptionIn gutsy, the default mode of scim (detemined by im-switch\'s settings
\"scim\") uses XIM mode. This may cause problems in some applications and
make it impossible to input anything, even if you choose the
English/Keyboard input method. This happens most often in nautilus, but is
also seen in gedit, gnome-terminal, etc.This bug has been around for a long time, it only became more visible
because of the change in the default settings of scim and the Ubuntu
package.There are two work arounds for this problem:1. If you do not use any programs linked to libstdc++5 (very few of the
Ubuntu official packages do, one know exception is the fglrx video driver
for ATi cards; but plenty of third-party programs do, such as firefox
downloaded from http://www.mozilla.com, and Adobe\'s PDF reader), you can
use the scim-immodule setting in im-switch. To change the im-switch
setting, just run \"im-switch -s scim-immodule\" command.2. If you do not use the deadkeys (often seen on European keyboards, and
if you don\'t know what a deadkey is, you are not using it), you can
change scim\'s \"/FrontEnd/X11/Dynamic\" setting. The procedure to change
this setting is:
(a) Set scim not to start automatically (because it\'s useless to change
the configuration file when scim is running) using the command \"im-switch
-s none\". Log out and re-login.
(b) Edit your ~/.scim/config configuration file, change the
/FrontEnd/X11/Dynamic option to true.
(c) Reset scim to start automatically with command \"im-switch -s scim\".
Log out and re-login.If you are using programs linked to libstdc++5 as well as deadkeys, there
is no known workaround for you. You may try the scim-bridge settings (you
need to install scim-bridge-* packages first), but it\'s not clear whether
it works or not (and I don\'t even know if there is a written scim-bridge
setting for im-switch of not).
This description was updated. View original description.其实有个很简单的方法,在网页空白地方点右键打开菜单就又可以继续输入啦
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