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I have ordered my life and study for almost one day

2009-11-14 16:51 423 查看
From yesterday evening, I have started my ordering. Suddenly I thought that taking part in the free activies is not meaningful and valuable. Although it is free and the award is seductive. But it is not easy to get it. It will take me a lot of time. Also the award is not really what I wanted. So I give it up. I should do the most important thing. I have no enough time now. Just now I have cleaned my Email up. It will let me feel the order. And there is still something in my PC that should be ordered. And let it start after this moment. Oh, it’s a new day. And it’s a times from now on. Fighter myself for the dream. :)本文出自 “hdlover” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://hdlover.blog.51cto.com/1012366/227096
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