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How to debug test code on Windows Mobile Emulator with Visual Studio

2009-08-19 10:03 766 查看

Notice: We will use Windows Mobile 6.1.4 Classic Emulator, and call it WM6 for short. We will use Visual Studio 2008, and call it VS for short
1. Connect to WM6 and cradle.
2. Create a folder “test” in WM6
3. Copy Windows Mobile Test Framework to test
4. Close WM6 with saving the emulator
5. Open test code solution with VS.
6. Select a project and open its Properties

7. Switch to Debug tab, and choose Start external program, then input “/test/TuxNet.exe”

8. Switch to Device tab, Select Target device WM6

10. Select WM6, then click Deploy

11. After Deploy is done, Click F5 to start debugging

9. Right click project, then click Deploy in the popup menu

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