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2009-04-25 10:00 253 查看

1.在Java1.5中,已经包含了一个UUID的实现java.util.UUID。要随机生成一个UUID,只要用两行代码就可以了:String uuid = UUID.randonUUID().toString();
2.如果是jdk1.5以下版本,可以采用一个开源实现:http://jug.safehaus.org/ 或者用jakarta commons下的http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/sandbox/id/
3.如果系统中采用了Hibernate框架,也可以用Hibernate的UUIDHexGenerator。如:String uuid = (String) new UUIDHexGenerator().generate(null, null);
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import org.hibernate.id.UUIDHexGenerator;
* 唯一主键生成办法。从Hibernate中提取出来。
* @version : V1.0
* @author : 王力猛
public class UUIDGenerator {
private static final int IP;
public static int IptoInt( byte[] bytes ) {
int result = 0;
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
result = ( result << 8 ) - Byte.MIN_VALUE + (int) bytes;
return result;
static {
int ipadd;
try {
ipadd = IptoInt( InetAddress.getLocalHost().getAddress() );
catch (Exception e) {
ipadd = 0;
IP = ipadd;
private static short counter = (short) 0;
private static final int JVM = (int) ( System.currentTimeMillis() >>> 8 );
public UUIDGenerator() {
* Unique across JVMs on this machine (unless they load this class
* in the same quater second - very unlikely)
protected int getJVM() {
return JVM;
* Unique in a millisecond for this JVM instance (unless there
* are > Short.MAX_VALUE instances created in a millisecond)
protected short getCount() {
synchronized(UUIDGenerator.class) {
if (counter<0) counter=0;
return counter++;
* Unique in a local network
protected int getIP() {
return IP;
* Unique down to millisecond
protected short getHiTime() {
return (short) ( System.currentTimeMillis() >>> 32 );
protected int getLoTime() {
return (int) System.currentTimeMillis();
private final static String sep = "";
protected String format(int intval) {
String formatted = Integer.toHexString(intval);
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("00000000");
buf.replace( 8-formatted.length(), 8, formatted );
return buf.toString();
protected String format(short shortval) {
String formatted = Integer.toHexString(shortval);
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("0000");
buf.replace( 4-formatted.length(), 4, formatted );
return buf.toString();
public Serializable generate() {
return new StringBuffer(36)
.append( format( getIP() ) ).append(sep)
.append( format( getJVM() ) ).append(sep)
.append( format( getHiTime() ) ).append(sep)
.append( format( getLoTime() ) ).append(sep)
.append( format( getCount() ) )
// public static void main(String[] str) {
// UUIDHexGenerator id = new UUIDHexGenerator();
// for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
// System.out.println(id.generate());
// }
// }
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