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[VOA美国人物] Jackie Robinson: The First Black Player in Modern Major League

2009-04-13 23:42 393 查看
[VOA美国人物] Jackie Robinson: The First Black Player in Modern Major League Baseball
1.      Modern Major League Baseball  现代美国棒球职业联盟
2.      learned the ugliness of racial hatred
ugly adj. 难看的,丑陋的   ugliness n.丑陋
race  n.人种,种族   racial adj.种族的
racialism  (=racism)种族主义, 种族歧视
hatred n. 仇恨,憎恨   hate vt.    hateful adj.厌恶的,憎恨的 dislike
3.     He was named to the All-American football team. He was considered the best athlete on America's west coast.
be named to..  被任命为 ..
he is named to the leader of the team . he is considered the best member.
be considered … 被认为…
4.     after boxing champion Joe Louis pushed for Robinson to be trained as an officer
push for 急切,强烈要求
5.     Robinson was dismissed from the army because he objected to a racial order
Be dismissed from .. 将某人从…解雇
Object to  反对.   I object to you.    I agree with you.   [disagree]
6.      as good as   几乎,和什么一样.
Without her glasses, she was as good as blind.
7.     in this effort of his great ability will open the avenue in the near future wherein he may walk hand in hand with the opposite race in the greatest of all American games -- baseball."
avenue n. 林荫大道,大街   road  , street
wherein adv 其中, 在那里, 在哪方面
opposite adj. 对面,相反的
8.     He wanted to find a black player who could deal with the insults and racial
deal with 处理   
insult vt 侮辱 n.侮辱  racial pressure 来自种族方面的压力
9.     I would have to do whatever I possibly could to control myself."
10. observe vt&vi.观察  abserver n观察员  lessen = less+en 减少.
11. desirable adj 可取的,值的    threat  n. 威胁,恐吓 treaten  vt.威胁,恐吓
12.  ban取缔, 查封, 禁止
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标签:  object less