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《Pro Ogre 3D Programming》 读书笔记 之 第四章 开始使用OGRE

2009-04-05 21:45 232 查看

// create an instance of LogManager prior to using LogManager::getSingleton()

LogManager* logMgr = new LogManager;

Log *log = LogManager::getSingleton().createLog("mylog.log", true, true, false);

// third param is not used since we already created a log in the previous step

Root *root = new Root("", "");

可以用Ogre LogManager注册一个Log Listener, 以任何方式重定向log data。可以用这种方式来屏蔽任何日志信息。然后还一个更简单的方法达到上述目的:在实例化Root之前,当实例化一个LogManager后,不调用createLog()方法。


class MyLogListener : public LogListener



void write (const String& name, const String& message,

LogMessageLevel level, bool maskDebug)


// redirect log output here as needed


MyLogListener *myListener = new MyLogListener;

// this is the same as calling LogManager::getSingletonPtr() after the

// LogManager has first been instanced; the same pointer value is returned

LogManager *logMgr = new LogManager;


logMgr->createLog("mylog.log", true, false, true);


Root *root = new Root("", "", "mylog.log");


int main(int argc, char *argv[])

// tell Root not to load from any plugins or settings file

Root *root = new Root("", "");

// Load feature plugins. Scene managers will register

// themselves for all scene types they support



// load rendersystem plugin(s). The order is important in that GL

// should be available on on platforms, while D3D9 would be available

// only on Windows -- the try/catch will intercept the exception in this

// case where D3D9 is not available and continue gracefully.

try {




catch (...) {}

try {

// We'll simulate the selection of a rendersystem on an arbirtary basis; normally

// you would have your own code to present the user with options and select the

// rendersystem on that basis. Since a GUI is beyond the scope of this example, we'll

// just assume the user selected OpenGL.

RenderSystemList *rList = root->getAvailableRenderers();

RenderSystemList::iterator it = rList->begin();

RenderSystem *rSys = 0;

while (it != rList->end()) {

rSys = *(it++);

if (rSys->getName().find("OpenGL")) {





// check to see if a render system was selected; if we reached the end of the list

// without selecting a render system then none was found.

if (rSys == 0) {

delete root;

std::cerr << "No RenderSystem available, exiting..." << std::endl;

return -1;


// We can initialize Root here if we want. "false" tells Root NOT to create

// a render window for us


// set up the render window with all default params

RenderWindow *window = rSys->createRenderWindow(

"Manual Ogre Window", // window title

800, // window width, in pixels

600, // window height, in pixels

false, // fullscreen or not

0); // use defaults for all other values

// from here you can set up your camera and viewports as normal

// get a pointer to the default base scene manager -- sufficient for our purposes

SceneManager *sceneMgr = root->createSceneManager(ST_GENERIC);

// create a single camera, and a viewport that takes up the whole window (default behavior)

Camera *camera = sceneMgr->createCamera("MainCam");

Viewport *vp = window->addViewport(camera);

vp->setDimensions(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

camera->setAspectRatio((float)vp->getActualWidth() / (float) vp->getActualHeight());



// Run the manual render loop. Since we are not using a frame listener in this case, we

// will count to 15 seconds and then instead of exiting, we'll change the render window settings

// and re-initialize it.

bool renderLoop = true;

Timer *timer = Ogre::PlatformManager::getSingleton().createTimer();


float s = 0.0f;

while (renderLoop && window->isActive()) {

renderLoop = root->renderOneFrame();

// accumulate total elapsed time

s += (float)timer->getMilliseconds() / 1000.0f;

// if greater than 15 seconds, break out of the loop

if (s >= 15.0f)

renderLoop = false;

// we must call the windowing system's message pump each frame to

// allow Ogre to process messages




catch (Exception &e) {

std::cerr << e.getFullDescription() << std::endl;


delete root;

return 0;




// x and y are in "normalized" (0.0 to 1.0) screen coordinates

Ray getCameraToViewportRay(Real x, Real y) const;

视口,创建多个视口,通过Z序(越高越在上) 确定覆盖效果,每个视口可以有不同的背景。

// assume window is a valid pointer to an existing render window, and

// a valid pointer to an existing camera instance

Viewport *vpTop, *vpBottom;

// second parameter is z-order, remaining params are position and size,

vpBottom = window->addViewport(camera, 0);

// create a smaller viewport on top, in the center, 25% of main vp size

vpTop = window->addViewport(camera, 1,

0.375f, 0.375f,

0.25, 0.25);

// set the background of the top window to blue (the default is black

// need to set the bottom window explicitly)

vpTop->setBackgroundColour(ColourValue(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

// an alternate way to set the color is to use the manifest constant

// vpTop->setBackgroundColour(ColourValue::Blue);

在多视口情况下,overlay缺省在每个视口中渲染。可以关掉。Skybox, Shadow也是如此。



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