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Checkstyle "Unable to get class information for @throws tag 'xxxException" 问题

2009-03-18 14:48 766 查看
这两天, 在运行checkstyle检查代码的时候, 老是出现"Unable to get class information for @throws tag 'xxxException"

看了半天, 找不出原因, java类中的import都是正确的, 编译什么也都没有问题.

上网搜索了一下, 找到一篇讨论,
The cause is that the class ConfigurationException, which is mentioned in BasicPDFBuilder is not in the run classpath of Checkstyle, so checkstyle cannot perform any checks on whether it is a checked exception or a runtime exception or other. So this is not really a warning about your code being bad, but a warning about checkstyle being unable to fully check whether the import and usage of the class ConfigurationException conforms to the coding styles configured.

看了一下, 原来是因为编译好的类没有在checkstyle的classpath中.

所以, 只要将编译好的class配置到在<checkstyle/>的classpath中就没有这个问题了.

另外, 还发现checkstyle的line length好像也有点问题, 明明没有超过120个字符, 却还是报错.

无奈, 我把Eclipse中java > code style > formatter中的Maximum line with改成了100, 然后format一下, 基本就没有问题了.
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