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可以通过构造函数,传入一个CWnd指针用来调用 SetWindowText显示相关信息。

class CDiskObject
// ctor(s)
CDiskObject( CWnd* feedbackWindow );
// dtor
// - - -
// Operations
// Files
BOOL FileExists( const CString& file );
BOOL FileInformation( const CString& file, BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION &file_info);
BOOL CreateFile( const CString& file );
BOOL CopyFile( const CString& sourceFile, const CString& destDirectory );
BOOL CopyFile( const CString& sourceFile, const CString& destDirectory, const CString& destFile );
BOOL RemoveFile( const CString& sourceFile );
BOOL RenameFile( const CString& sourceFile, const CString& destFile );
BOOL MoveFile( const CString& sourceFile, const CString& destFile );
BOOL CopyFiles( const CString& sourceDirectory, const CString& destDirectory );
BOOL CopyFiles( CStringArray& files, const CString& destDirectory );
// Directories
BOOL DirectoryExists( const CString& file );
BOOL CreateDirectory( const CString& directory );
BOOL CopyDirectory( const CString& sourceDirectory, const CString& destDirectory );
BOOL EmptyDirectory( const CString& directory );
BOOL RemoveDirectory( const CString& directory );
BOOL CopyDirectories( const CString& sourceDirectory, const CString& destDirectory );
BOOL EmptyDirectories( const CString& directory );
BOOL RemoveDirectories( const CString& directory );
BOOL EnumFilesInDirectoryWithFilter( const CString& filter, const CString& sourceDirectory, CStringArray& files, int mode = EF_ONLY_FILENAMES );
BOOL EnumAllDirectories( const CString& sourceDirectory, CStringArray& directories );
BOOL EnumDirectories( const CString& sourceDirectory, CStringArray& directories );
BOOL EnumFilesInDirectory( const CString& sourceDirectory, CStringArray& files, int mode = EF_ONLY_FILENAMES );
BOOL EnumAllFiles( const CString& sourceDirectory, CStringArray& files );
BOOL EnumAllFilesWithFilter( const CString& filter, const CString& sourceDirectory, CStringArray& files );
// Error handling
CString GetErrorMessage();
// Error handling
CString m_errorMessage;
void ClearError();
void SetInternalErrorMessage();
void SetSystemErrorMessage( int error, const CString& elements = _T( "" ) );
// Helpers
CWnd* m_feedbackWindow;
void QualifyPath( CString& str );
void QualifyFile( CString& str );
CString GetFileName( const CString& str );
CString GetDirectoryName( const CString& str );

#include <tchar.h>
#include "DiskObject.h"
#pragma warning( disable : 4706 )
#define Trigger( a) if( m_feedbackWindow ) m_feedbackWindow->SetWindowText( a );
// CDiskObject construction/destruction/initialization
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::CDiskObject
Description : Constructor
Access : Public
Return : void
Parameters : none
Usage : Should normally be created on the stack.
m_feedbackWindow = NULL;
CDiskObject::CDiskObject( CWnd* feedbackWindow )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::CDiskObject
Description : Constructor
Access : Public
Return : void
Parameters : CWnd* hwndFeedback - "CWnd" to feedback
Usage : Should normally be created on the stack.
m_feedbackWindow = feedbackWindow;
CDiskObject::~CDiskObject( )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::~CDiskObject
Description : Destructor
Access : Public
Return : void
Parameters : none
Usage : Should normally be created on the stack.
// CDiskObject operations
// File operations
BOOL CDiskObject::CopyFiles( const CString& sourceDirectory,const CString& destDirectory )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::CopyFiles
Description : The member copies all files from
"sourceDirectory" to "destDirectory".
Subdirectories will not be copied.
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
will return
Parameters : CString sourceDirectory - Copy from. If
empty, current.
CString destDirectory - Copy to. If
empty, current.
Usage : Call to copy the files from one directory to
ClearError( );
CString source( sourceDirectory );
CString dest( destDirectory );
QualifyPath( source );
QualifyPath( dest );
// First, we enumerate all files
CStringArray files;
BOOL result = EnumFilesInDirectory( source, files );
if( result )
// Create the destination directory, if necessary
if( ( result = CreateDirectory( dest ) ) )
int max = files.GetSize( );
for( int t = 0 ; t < max ; t++ )
// Copy the files
CString file;
file = files[ t ];
Trigger( file );
if( !( result = ::CopyFile( source + file, dest + file, FALSE ) ) )
// Set error message
SetSystemErrorMessage( ::GetLastError( ),
source +
file +
_T( " -> " ) +
dest +
file );
t = max;
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::CopyFiles( CStringArray& files,const CString& destDirectory )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::CopyFiles
Description : The function copies the files in the
"CStringArray" "files" to the directory
"destDirectory". Existing files will be
overwritten. The destination will be
created if it doesn't already exist.
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
will return
Parameters : CStringArray& files - a string array
with the files
to copy
CString destDirectory - destination
Usage : Copy a list of files to a directory.
ClearError( );
CString dest( destDirectory );
BOOL result = TRUE;
if( files.GetSize( ) )
QualifyPath( dest );
// Create destination, if necessary
if( ( result = CreateDirectory( dest ) ) )
int max = files.GetSize( );
for( int t = 0 ; t < max ; t++ )
// Loop and copy the files
CString file;
file = files[ t ];
if( file.GetLength( ) )
Trigger( file );
QualifyFile( file );
// Create destination filename
CString to = dest + GetFileName( file );
if( !( result = ::CopyFile( file, to, FALSE ) ) )
// Set error message
SetSystemErrorMessage( ::GetLastError( ),
file +
_T( " -> " ) +
dest +
file );
t = max;
SetInternalErrorMessage( );
result = FALSE;
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::CopyFile( const CString& sourceFile,const CString& destDirectory )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::CopyFile
Description : Will copy "sourceFile" to "destDirectory".
An existing file will be overwritten. The
directory will be created if it doesn't exist.
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
will contain
Parameters : CString sourceFile - file to copy
CString destDirectory - destination
Usage : Call to copy a file to a directory.
ClearError( );
CString source( sourceFile );
CString dest( destDirectory );
BOOL result = TRUE;
if( sourceFile.GetLength( ) )
QualifyFile( source );
QualifyPath( dest );
// Creating destDirectory if necessary.
if( ( result = CreateDirectory( dest ) ) )
CString filePart = GetFileName( source );
// Copy the file
Trigger( filePart );
if( !( result = ::CopyFile( source, dest + filePart, FALSE ) ) )
SetSystemErrorMessage( ::GetLastError( ), source );
SetInternalErrorMessage( );
result = FALSE;
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::CopyFile( const CString& sourceFile,const CString& destDirectory, const CString& destFile )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::CopyFile
Description : Will copy "sourceFile" to "destDirectory"
with the new name "destFile".
An existing file will be overwritten. The
directory will be created if it doesn't exist.
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
will contain
Parameters : CString sourceFile - file to copy
CString destDirectory - destination
CString destFile - destination file name
(in "destDirectory")
Usage : Call to copy a file to a directory.
ClearError( );
CString source( sourceFile );
CString destDir( destDirectory );
CString dest( destFile );
BOOL result = TRUE;
if( sourceFile.GetLength( ) )
QualifyFile( source );
QualifyFile( dest );
QualifyPath( destDir );
// Creating destDirectory if necessary.
if( ( result = CreateDirectory( destDir ) ) )
// Copy the file
Trigger( dest );
if( !( result = ::CopyFile( source, dest, FALSE ) ) )
SetSystemErrorMessage( ::GetLastError( ), source );
SetInternalErrorMessage( );
result = FALSE;
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::RemoveFile( const CString& sourceFile )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::RemoveFile
Description : Will remove "sourceFile".
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if
removed ok
Parameters : const CString& sourceFile - File to
Usage : Call to delete a file. Added for reasons
of symmetry.
ClearError( );
CString source( sourceFile );
BOOL result = TRUE;
if( sourceFile.GetLength( ) )
QualifyFile( source );
if( !( result = ::DeleteFile( source ) ) )
SetSystemErrorMessage( ::GetLastError( ), source );
SetInternalErrorMessage( );
result = FALSE;
return result;
// Directory operations
BOOL CDiskObject::DirectoryExists( const CString& directory )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::DirectoryExists
Description : Returns "TRUE" if the directory "directory"
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if found
Parameters : CString directory - directory to check
Usage : Call to check for directory existence.
ClearError( );
BOOL result = FALSE;
if( directory.GetLength( ) )
CString indir( directory );
QualifyPath( indir );
TCHAR buff[ _MAX_PATH ];
::GetCurrentDirectory(_MAX_PATH, buff );
if( ::SetCurrentDirectory( indir ) )
result = TRUE;
::SetCurrentDirectory( buff );
SetInternalErrorMessage( );
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::CreateDirectory( const CString& directory )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::CreateDirectory
Description : Will recursively create the directory
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
will get an
error string if
Parameters : CString directory - directory to
Usage : Call to create a directory chain.
ClearError( );
BOOL result = TRUE;
CString indir( directory );
if( indir.GetLength( ) )
QualifyPath( indir );
_TCHAR drive[ _MAX_PATH ];
_TCHAR dir[ _MAX_DIR ];
_TCHAR fname[ _MAX_FNAME ];
_TCHAR ext[ _MAX_EXT ];
// Split directory into parts
_tsplitpath( indir, drive, dir, fname, ext );
TCHAR currentDirectory[ _MAX_PATH ];
::GetCurrentDirectory( _MAX_PATH, currentDirectory );
CStringArray directories;
CString parts = dir;
if( parts.GetLength( ) > 2 )
if( parts.Left( 2 ) == _T( "\\\\" ) )
// We have an UNC name
CString strComputer;
parts = parts.Right( parts.GetLength( ) - 2 );
int findDir = parts.Find( _TCHAR( '\\' ) );
if( findDir!=-1)
strComputer = _T( "\\\\" ) + parts.Left( findDir );
parts = parts.Right( parts.GetLength( ) - ( findDir + 1 ) );
_tcscpy( drive, strComputer );
CString strRoot( drive );
// Strip leading \'s
while( parts.GetLength( ) && parts[0] == _TCHAR( '\\' ) )
parts = parts.Right( parts.GetLength( ) - 1 );
// Cut into separate directories
int find = parts.Find( _TCHAR( '\\' ) );
while( find != -1 )
directories.Add( parts.Left( find ) );
parts = parts.Right( parts.GetLength( ) - ( find + 1 ) );
find = parts.Find( _TCHAR( '\\' ) );
if( parts.GetLength( ) )
directories.Add( parts );
if( fname )
directories.Add( fname );
// Loop directories one-by-one, creating as necessary
int max = directories.GetSize( );
CString strCurrentDirectory( strRoot );
for( int t = 0 ; t < max ; t++ )
strCurrentDirectory += _TCHAR( '\\' ) + directories[ t ];
Trigger( strCurrentDirectory );
if( !( result = ::SetCurrentDirectory( strCurrentDirectory ) ) )
if( !( result = ::CreateDirectory( strCurrentDirectory, NULL ) ) )
SetSystemErrorMessage( ::GetLastError( ), strCurrentDirectory );
t = max;
::SetCurrentDirectory( currentDirectory );
SetInternalErrorMessage( );
result = FALSE;
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::EmptyDirectory( const CString& directory )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::EmptyDirectory
Description : Will delete all files in directory.
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
"GetErrorMessage" will
get an error
string if "FALSE"
Parameters : CString directory - the directory to
Usage : Call to empty a directory.
ClearError( );
CString indir( directory );
QualifyPath( indir );
// Enumerate all files
CStringArray files;
BOOL result = EnumFilesInDirectory( indir, files );
if( result )
int max = files.GetSize( );
for( int t = 0 ; t < max ; t++ )
// Loop and delete
CString file = files[ t ];
Trigger( file );
if( !( result = ::DeleteFile( indir + file ) ) )
SetSystemErrorMessage( ::GetLastError( ), indir + file );
t = max;
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::RemoveDirectory( const CString& directory )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::RemoveDirectory
Description : Will remove the directory "directory", even
if not empty. Will not remove
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
will get an error
string if "FALSE"
Parameters : CString directory - directory to
Usage : Call to remove a directory.
ClearError( );
BOOL result = TRUE;
CString indir( directory );
if( indir.GetLength( ) )
QualifyPath( indir );
// Wipe and remove directory
if( ( result = EmptyDirectory( indir ) ) )
Trigger( indir );
if( !( result = ::RemoveDirectory( indir ) ) )
SetSystemErrorMessage( ::GetLastError( ), indir );
// Small sanity check, we can't
// delete the current directory.
SetInternalErrorMessage( );
result = FALSE;
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::RemoveDirectories( const CString& directory )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::RemoveDirectories
Description : Will remove the directory "directory", even
if not empty. Will remove subdirectories.
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
will get an error
string if "FALSE"
Parameters : CString directory - root directory to
Usage : Call to remove a directory tree.
ClearError( );
BOOL result = TRUE;
CString indir( directory );
if( indir.GetLength( ) )
QualifyPath( indir );
CStringArray directories;
// Get all directories
if( ( result = EnumAllDirectories( indir, directories ) ) )
// Loop and remove
int max = directories.GetSize( );
for( int t = max - 1; t >= 0 ; t-- )
if( !( result = RemoveDirectory( directories[ t ] ) ) )
t = -1;
if( result )
result = RemoveDirectory( indir );
// Small sanity check, we can't
// delete the current directory.
SetInternalErrorMessage( );
result = FALSE;
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::EmptyDirectories( const CString& directory )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::EmptyDirectories
Description : Will delete all files in "directory". Will
also empty subdirectories.
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
will get an error
string if "FALSE"
Parameters : CString directory - the root directory
to empty.
Usage : Call to empty a directory tree.
ClearError( );
CString indir( directory );
QualifyPath( indir );
CStringArray directories;
// Get all directories
BOOL result = EnumAllDirectories( indir, directories );
if( result )
int max = directories.GetSize( );
// Loop and empty
for( int t = max - 1 ; t >= 0 ; t-- )
if( !( result = EmptyDirectory( directories[ t ] ) ) )
t = -1;
if( result )
result = EmptyDirectory( indir );
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::CopyDirectory( const CString& sourceDirectory,const CString& destDirectory )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::CopyDirectory
Description : Copies all the files from "sourceDirectory"
to "destDirectory". Existing files will be
overwritten. "destDirectory" will be created
if necessary. Subdirectories will not be
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
will get an error
string if "FALSE"
Parameters : CString sourceDirectory - copy from.
CString destDirectory - copy to.
Usage : Call to copy a directory to another
ClearError( );
CString source( sourceDirectory );
CString dest( destDirectory );
QualifyPath( source );
QualifyPath( dest );
Trigger( dest );
// We don't care if this fails - CopyFiles will
// return an error in that case.
::CreateDirectory( dest, NULL );
return CopyFiles( source, dest );
BOOL CDiskObject::CopyDirectories( const CString& sourceDirectory,const CString& destDirectory )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::CopyDirectories
Description : Copies all the files and subdirectories
from "sourceDirectory" to "destDirectory",
keeping the directory structure. Existing
files will be overwritten. "destDirectory"
and subdirectories will be created if
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
will get an
error string
if "FALSE"
Parameters : CString sourceDirectory - copy from.
CString destDirectory - copy to.
Usage : Call to copy a directory tree to a new
directory tree.
ClearError( );
CString source( sourceDirectory );
CString dest( destDirectory );
QualifyPath( source );
QualifyPath( dest );
// Enumerate all directories and files below sourceDirectory
CStringArray directories;
directories.Add( source );
BOOL result = EnumAllDirectories( source, directories );
if( result )
// Create and copy directories
int max = directories.GetSize( );
for( int t = 0 ; t < max ; t++ )
// Create names and copy
CString from = directories[ t ];
CString part = from.Right( from.GetLength( ) - source.GetLength( ) );
CString to = dest + part;
if( !( result = CopyFiles( from, to ) ) )
t = max;
return result;
// File-oriented operations
BOOL CDiskObject::FileExists( const CString& file )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::FileExists
Description : Returns "TRUE" if the file file exists
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if found
Parameters : CString file - file to check
Usage : Call to check for file existence.
ClearError( );
BOOL result = TRUE;
if( file.GetLength( ) )
CString infile( file );
QualifyFile( infile );
HANDLE filehandle = ::CreateFile(
if( filehandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
result = FALSE;
CloseHandle( filehandle );
SetInternalErrorMessage( );
result = FALSE;
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::FileInformation( const CString& file, BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION &file_info )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::FileInformation
Description : Returns "TRUE" if the file file exists
At this time file_info is filled out
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if found
Parameters : CString file - file to check
BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION &file_info - info filled out
Usage : Call to check for file existence and if there
return data about that file.
ClearError( );
BOOL result = TRUE;
if( file.GetLength( ) )
CString infile( file );
QualifyFile( infile );
HANDLE filehandle = ::CreateFile(infile,
if( filehandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
result = FALSE;
if (GetFileInformationByHandle( filehandle, &file_info_local ))
memcpy(&file_info, &file_info_local, sizeof(file_info_local));
result = FALSE;
SetInternalErrorMessage( );
CloseHandle( filehandle );
SetInternalErrorMessage( );
result = FALSE;
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::CreateFile( const CString& file )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::CreateFile
Description : Creates the file "file", as well as the
directories necessary
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK
Parameters : CString file - file to create
Usage : Call to create a file.
ClearError( );
BOOL result = TRUE;
if( file.GetLength( ) )
CString infile( file );
QualifyFile( infile );
// Split into directory and file
CString directory = GetDirectoryName( infile );
CString filename = GetFileName( infile );
if( ( result = CreateDirectory( directory ) ) )
Trigger( file );
HANDLE filehandle = ::CreateFile(
if( filehandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
result = FALSE;
CloseHandle( filehandle );
SetInternalErrorMessage( );
result = FALSE;
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::MoveFile( const CString& sourceFile, const CString& destFile )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::MoveFile
Description : Move the file "sourceFile" to "destFile".
Creates the destination directory if
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if renamed OK
Parameters : const CString& sourceFile - File to move
const CString& desFile - New name/location
Usage : Call to move a file.
ClearError( );
BOOL result = FALSE;
if( sourceFile.GetLength() && destFile.GetLength() )
CString insourcefile( sourceFile );
QualifyFile( insourcefile );
CString indestdir = GetDirectoryName( destFile );
CString indestfilename = GetFileName( destFile );
if( CopyFile( insourcefile, indestdir, indestfilename ) )
result = RemoveFile( sourceFile );
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::RenameFile( const CString& sourceFile, const CString& destFile )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::RenameFile
Description : Renames the file "sourceFile" to "destFile".
"destFile" is assumed to be a filename rather
than a fully qualified path.
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if renamed OK
Parameters : const CString& sourceFile - file to rename
const CString& desFile - New name
Usage : Call to rename a file.
ClearError( );
BOOL result = FALSE;
if( sourceFile.GetLength() && destFile.GetLength() )
CString insourcefile( sourceFile );
QualifyFile( insourcefile );
CString insourcedir = GetDirectoryName( insourcefile );
if( CopyFile( sourceFile, insourcedir, destFile ) )
result = RemoveFile( sourceFile );
return result;
// Helpers
BOOL CDiskObject::EnumFilesInDirectory( const CString& sourceDirectory, CStringArray& files, int mode )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::EnumFilesInDirectory
Description : Enumerates all files in directory
"sourceDirectory", and adds them to the
"CStringArray" "files". Will not add
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
will contain errors
Parameters : CString sourceDirectory - The directory to
CStringArray& files - The resulting files
Usage : Call to get a list of files in a directory.
return EnumFilesInDirectoryWithFilter( _T( "*.*" ), sourceDirectory, files, mode );
BOOL CDiskObject::EnumFilesInDirectoryWithFilter( const CString& strFilter,const CString& sourceDirectory, CStringArray& files, int mode )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::EnumFilesInDirectoryWithFilter
Description : Enumerates all files matching "strFilter" in
the directory "sourceDirectory", and adds
them to the "CStringArray" "files". Will not
add subdirectories.
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
will contain errors
Parameters : CString strFilter - the file name filter
CString sourceDirectory - source directory
CStringArray& files - output array
Usage : Call to get a filtered list of files from
a directory.
ClearError( );
CString source( sourceDirectory );
QualifyPath( source );
CString sourceFiles( source + strFilter );
BOOL result = TRUE;
HANDLE findhandle = FindFirstFile( sourceFiles, &ff );
if( findhandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
BOOL res = TRUE;
while( res )
// We only want files
if( !( ff.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) )
BOOL added = FALSE;
CString file;
file = ff.cFileName;
if( mode == EF_FULLY_QUALIFIED )
file = sourceDirectory + file;
// Return the array alphabetically ordered
for( int i = 0; i < files.GetSize(); i++ )
if ( files.GetAt( i ) > file )
files.InsertAt( i, file );
added = TRUE;
if ( !added )
files.Add( file );
Trigger( file );
res = FindNextFile( findhandle, &ff );
FindClose( findhandle );
// Set error message
SetSystemErrorMessage( ::GetLastError( ), sourceFiles );
result = FALSE;
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::EnumAllDirectories( const CString& sourceDirectory, CStringArray& directories )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::EnumAllDirectories
Description : Enumerates all directories recursively in
directory "sourceDirectory", and adds them
to the "CStringArray" "directories". Each entry
will be a fully qualified name
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
will contain errors
Parameters : CString sourceDirectory - start directory
CStringArray& directories - "CStringArray" to be
filled with the
directory names.
Usage : Call to get the directory names in a
directory tree.
ClearError( );
CString source( sourceDirectory );
QualifyPath( source );
CString sourceFiles( source + _T( "*.*" ) );
BOOL result = TRUE;
HANDLE findhandle = FindFirstFile( sourceFiles, &ff );
if( findhandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
BOOL res = TRUE;
while( res)
// We only want directories
if( ( ff.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) && _tcscmp( ff.cFileName, _T( "." ) ) && _tcscmp( ff.cFileName, _T( ".." ) ) )
CString directory( source + ff.cFileName );
directories.Add( directory + _TCHAR( '\\' ) );
Trigger( ff.cFileName );
if( !( result = EnumAllDirectories( directory, directories ) ) )
res = FALSE;
if( res )
res = FindNextFile( findhandle, &ff );
result = FALSE;
FindClose( findhandle );
// Set error message
SetSystemErrorMessage( ::GetLastError( ), sourceFiles );
result = FALSE;
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::EnumDirectories( const CString& sourceDirectory, CStringArray& directories )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::EnumDirectories
Description : Enumerates all directories in directory
"sourceDirectory", and adds them to the
"CStringArray" "directories". Each entry will
be a fully qualified name
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
will contain errors
Parameters : CString sourceDirectory - start directory
CStringArray& directories - "CStringArray" to be
filled with the
directory names.
Usage : Call to get a list of directories in a
directory tree.
ClearError( );
CString source( sourceDirectory );
QualifyPath( source );
CString sourceFiles( source + _T( "*.*" ) );
BOOL result = TRUE;
HANDLE findhandle = FindFirstFile( sourceFiles, &ff );
if( findhandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
BOOL res = TRUE;
while( res)
// We only want directories
if( ( ff.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) && _tcscmp( ff.cFileName, _T( "." ) ) && _tcscmp( ff.cFileName, _T( ".." ) ) )
directories.Add( ff.cFileName );
Trigger( ff.cFileName );
if( res )
res = FindNextFile( findhandle, &ff );
result = FALSE;
FindClose( findhandle );
// Set error message
SetSystemErrorMessage( ::GetLastError( ), sourceFiles );
result = FALSE;
return result;
BOOL CDiskObject::EnumAllFiles( const CString& sourceDirectory, CStringArray& files )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::EnumAllFiles
Description : Returns, recursively, the fully qualified
names of all files found under
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
Parameters : CString sourceDirectory - Root dir
CStringArray& files - output list
of all files
Usage : Call to get the names of all files in a
directory tree.
return EnumAllFilesWithFilter( _T( "*.*" ), sourceDirectory, files );
BOOL CDiskObject::EnumAllFilesWithFilter( const CString& filter,const CString& sourceDirectory, CStringArray& files )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::EnumAllFiles
Description : Returns, recursively, the fully qualified
names of all files matching the filter
found under "sourceDirectory".
Access : Public
Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK.
Parameters : CString filter - Filter for files
to find
CString sourceDirectory - Root dir
CStringArray& files - output list
of all files
Usage : Call to get a filtered list of all files in
a directory tree.
CStringArray dirs;
BOOL result = EnumAllDirectories( sourceDirectory, dirs );
if( result )
int max1 = dirs.GetSize( );
for( int t = 0 ; t < max1 ; t++ )
CString dir = dirs[ t ];
QualifyPath( dir );
CStringArray dirfiles;
if( EnumFilesInDirectoryWithFilter( filter, dir, dirfiles, EF_FULLY_QUALIFIED ) )
int max2 = dirfiles.GetSize( );
for( int i = 0 ; i < max2 ; i++ )
CString file = dirfiles[ i ];
Trigger( file );
files.Add( file );
return result;
// Error handling
CString CDiskObject::GetErrorMessage( )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::GetErrorMessage
Description : Will return the current error message for
the "CDiskObject".
Access : Public
Return : CString - current error message.
Parameters : none
Usage : Call to get the error message.
return m_errorMessage;
// Private methods
void CDiskObject::ClearError( )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::ClearError
Description : Clears the internal error message string
Access : Private
Return : void
Parameters : none
Usage : Call to clear the internal error message.
m_errorMessage = _T( "" );
void CDiskObject::SetSystemErrorMessage( int error,const CString& elements)
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::SetSystemErrorMessage
Description : Sets the error message string with the
system error message as gotten from
"GetLastError". "elements" will be appended.
Access : Private
Return : void
Parameters : int error - error number from
CString elements - files or directories
to add to the message
Usage : Call to set the error message.
LPVOID msgBuff;
// Format error message from system
( LPTSTR ) &msgBuff,
// Create the error string
m_errorMessage = CString( ( LPTSTR ) msgBuff );
m_errorMessage.TrimLeft( );
m_errorMessage.TrimRight( );
if( elements.GetLength( ) )
m_errorMessage += _TCHAR( ' ' ) + elements;
Trigger ( m_errorMessage );
// Free the buffer.
LocalFree( msgBuff );
void CDiskObject::SetInternalErrorMessage( )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::SetInternalErrorMessage
Description : Sets the error message to the internal error
Access : Private
Return : void
Parameters : none
Usage : Call to set the error message.
m_errorMessage = _T( "CDiskObject internal error" );
Trigger ( m_errorMessage );
// Helpers
void CDiskObject::QualifyPath( CString& str )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::QualifyPath
Description : Creates a fully qualified path from "str".
Access : Private
Return : void
Parameters : CString& str - the path to qualify
Usage : Call to create a fully qualified path.
str.Replace( _TCHAR( '/' ), _TCHAR( '\\' ) );
// Append a trailing backslash to directory name
if( str.GetLength( ) )
if( str[ str.GetLength( ) - 1 ] != _TCHAR( '\\' ) )
str += _TCHAR( '\\' );
if( str.GetLength( ) < 2 || str.Left( 2) != "\\\\" )
QualifyFile( str );
void CDiskObject::QualifyFile( CString& str )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::QualifyFile
Description : Creates a fully qualified path from "str".
Access : Private
Return : void
Parameters : CString& str - the filename to qualify
Usage : Call to create a fully qualified filename.
str.Replace( _TCHAR( '/' ), _TCHAR( '\\' ) );
_TCHAR drive[ _MAX_DRIVE ];
_TCHAR dir[ _MAX_DIR ];
_TCHAR fname[ _MAX_FNAME ];
_TCHAR ext[ _MAX_EXT ];
_tsplitpath( str, drive, dir, fname, ext );
if( !_tcsclen( drive ) )
CString test( dir );
// The name is not fully qualified.
// We assume it to be relative the
// current directory
TCHAR currentDirectory[ _MAX_PATH ];
::GetCurrentDirectory( _MAX_PATH, currentDirectory );
if( test.GetLength( ) > 2 && test.Left( 3 ) == _T( "..\\" ) )
TCHAR upDirectory[ _MAX_PATH ];
while( test.GetLength( ) > 2 && test.Left( 3 ) == _T( "..\\" ) )
::SetCurrentDirectory( _T( ".." ) );
test = test.Right( test.GetLength( ) - 3 );
::GetCurrentDirectory( _MAX_PATH, upDirectory );
str = upDirectory;
str += _TCHAR( '\\' );
str += fname;
str += ext;
::SetCurrentDirectory( currentDirectory );
else if ( test.GetLength( ) && test[ 0 ] == _TCHAR( '\\' ) )
// Start from root
_tsplitpath( currentDirectory, drive, dir, fname, ext );
str = drive + str;
str = _TCHAR( '\\' ) + str;
str = currentDirectory + str;
CString CDiskObject::GetFileName( const CString& str )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::GetFileName
Description : Returns the file name part of "str".
Access : Private
Return : CString -
Parameters : CString str - The complete name to get
Usage : Call to get the filename from a fully
qualified path.
CString instr( str );
QualifyFile( instr );
CString file;
int found = instr.ReverseFind( _TCHAR( '\\' ) );
if( found != -1 )
file = instr.Right( str.GetLength( ) - ( found + 1 ) );
return file;
CString CDiskObject::GetDirectoryName( const CString& str )
/* ============================================================
Function : CDiskObject::GetDirectoryName
Description : Returns the directory name part of "str"
Access : Private
Return : CString -
Parameters : CString str - The complete name to check
Usage : Call to get the directory from a fully
qualified path.
CString instr( str );
QualifyFile( instr );
CString directory;
int found = instr.ReverseFind( _TCHAR( '\\' ) );
if( found != -1 )
directory = instr.Left( found );
return directory;
#pragma warning( default : 4706 )
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