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JAVASCRIPT基础学习篇(5)--ECMAScript Basic1(EcmaScript 基本类型)

2009-02-23 11:05 471 查看
第一章 基本类型

一、The basic concepts of ECMAScript are the following:(最基本语法)
1、Everything is case-sensitiv(区分大小写)
2、Variables are loosely typed。(松散类型变量)
只需使用var关键字来定义变量如:var visible = true;
End-of-line semicolons are optional(行尾的分号是可选的即不一定有)
如以下均可:var test1 = “red” var test2 = “blue”;
3、Comments are the same as in Java, C, and Perl(注释与其它如java一样可使用//或/* */来注释。)
4、Braces indicate code blocks(括号表明代码块)

1、 变量声明:
var test = “hi”, age = 25;
变量不一定在声明的时候就初始化值,如:var test;即声明了一个变量test但未初始化。
var test = 'sfsf';
test = 40

2、 变量名约束:
In terms of variables names, a name must follow two simple rules:
The first character must be a letter, an underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($).
All remaining characters may be underscores, dollar signs, or any alphanumeric characters.
All the following variable names are legal:
var test;
var $test;
var $1;
var _$te$t2;

Camel Notation:(第一个单词小写,以后每个单词首字母大写)
var myTestValue = 0, mySecondTestValue = “hi”;
Pascal Notation:(每个单词首字母大写)
var MyTestValue = 0, MySecondTestValue = “hi”;
Hungarian Type Notation:(每个单词首字母大写,但在最前面加上变量类型符)
var iMyTestValue = 0, sMySecondTestValue = “hi”;

如下:var test ="hello"
test2 = test + "world"
结果为: hello world

break else new var
case finally return void
catch for switch while
continue function this with
default if throw
delete in try
do instanceof typeof

abstract enum int short
boolean export interface static
byte extends long super
char final native synchronized
class float package throws
const goto private transient
debugger implements protected volatile
double import public

四、基本类型变量与引用类型变量(Primitive and Reference Values)
Primitive values are simple pieces of data that are stored on the stack, which is to say that their
value is stored directly in the location that the variable accesses.
Reference values, on the other hand, are objects that are stored in the heap, meaning that the value stored in the variable location is a pointer to a location in memory where the object is stored.
ECMAScript primitive types(基本类型变量有):Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, or String
In many languages, strings are considered a reference type and not a primitive type because a string can vary in length. ECMAScript breaks from this tradition.

The typeof operator takes one parameter: the variable or value to check.
typeof(50) //parameter is value
var str = "sfsfsf"
typeof(str) //parameter is variable
“undefined” if the variable is of the Undefined type.
“boolean” if the variable is of the Boolean type.
“number” if the variable is of the Number type.
“string” if the variable is of the String type.
“object” if the variable is of a reference type or of the Null type.

六、The Undefined type
Note that a variable having the value of undefined is different from a value being undefined
var temp;
alert(typeof temp) //返回undefined,但变量temp已经声明
alert(typeof temp2); //也返回undefined,但变量temp2从未声明
alert(temp) //返回undefined
alert(temp2) //报错提示:temp2未定义,未定义的变量不能参与运算。
function testFunc() {
//leave the function blank
alert(testFunc() == undefined); //outputs “true”
alert(typeof testFunc()) //outputs "undefined"

七、The Null type
the Null type, has only the special value null
alert(null == undefined); //outputs “true”
Even though the values are both true, they are considered to have different meanings. Whereas
undefined is the value assigned when a variable is declared and not initialized, null is the value used
to represent an object that doesn’t exist

八、The Boolean type
It has two values, true and false。
Even though false isn’t equal to 0, 0 is converted to false

九、The Number type
定义整型:var iNum = 55;
定义8进制整型: var iNum = 070;
For an octal literal,the first digit must be a zero (0), and the following digits can be any octal digit (0 through 7)
定义十六进制:var iNum = 0x1f
To create a hexadecimal literal, the first digit must be a zero (0) followed by the letter x, followed by any
number of hexadecimal digits (0-9 and A-F).
var s = 4.5;
The interesting thing about this form of floating-point literal is that it is actually stored as a string until it’s needed for calculation.
var fNum = 3.125e7; 表赤的中3.125 * 107

When a calculation results in a number greater than Number.MAX_VALUE, it is assigned a value of
Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, meaning that it has no numeric value anymore. Likewise a calculation
that results in a number less than Number.MIN_VALUE is assigned a value of Number.NEGATIVE_
INFINITY, which also has no numeric value. If a calculation returns an infinite value, the result cannot
be used in any further calculations.
Infinity. Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY has a value of Infinity, whereas Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY has a value of –Infinity.
The isFinite() method can be called on any number to ensure that the number isn’t infinite.
var iResult = iNum* some_really_large_number;
if (isFinite(iResult)) {
alert(“Number is finite.”);
} else {
alert(“Number is infinite.”);

NaN :Not a Number非数值
alert(NaN == NaN); //outputs “false”
alert(isNaN(“blue”)); //outputs “true”
alert(isNaN(“123”)); //outputs “false”

十、The String type
The String type is unique in that it is the only primitive type that doesn’t have a definite size.
String literals are specified by using either double quotes (“) or single quotes (‘).
Literal Meaning
/n Newline
/t Tab
/b Backspace
/r Carriage return
/f Formfeed
// Backslash
/’ Single quote
/” Double quote
/0nnn A character represented by octal code nnn (where n is an octal digit 0-7)
/xnn A character represented by hexadecimal code nn (where n is a hexadecimal digit 0-F)
/unnnn A Unicode character represented by hexadecimal code nnnn (where n is a hexadecimal digit 0-F)

十一、Converting to a string
var bFound = false;
alert(bFound.toString()); //outputs “false”
var iNum1 = 10;
var fNum2 = 10.0;
alert(iNum1.toString()); //outputs “10”
alert(fNum2.toString()); //outputs “10”

var iNum = 10;
alert(iNum1.toString(2)); //outputs “1010”
alert(iNum1.toString(8)); //outputs “12”
alert(iNum1.toString(16)); //outputs “A”

十二、Converting to a number
var iNum1 = parseInt(“1234blue”); //returns 1234
var iNum2 = parseInt(“0xA”); //returns 10
var iNum3 = parseInt(“22.5”); //returns 22
var iNum4 = parseInt(“blue”); //returns NaN
var iNum1 = parseInt(“10”, 2); //returns 2
var iNum2 = parseInt(“10”, 8); //returns 8
var iNum2 = parseInt(“10”, 10); //returns 10
var iNum1 = parseInt(“010”); //returns 8
var iNum2 = parseInt(“010”, 8); //returns 8
var iNum3 = parseInt(“010”, 10); //returns 10

The parseFloat() method works in a similar way to parseInt(), looking at each character starting in
position 0. It also continues until the first invalid character and then converts the string it has seen up to that point. For this method, however, the decimal point is a valid character the first time it appears. If two decimal points are present, the second is considered invalid and the parseFloat() method converts the string up until that position. This means that the string “22.34.5” will be parsed into 22.34.
Another difference when using parseFloat() is that the string must represent a floating-point number
in decimal form, not octal or hexadecimal. This method ignores leading zeros, so the octal number 0908 will be parsed into 908, and the hexadecimal number 0xA will return NaN because x isn’t a valid character for a floating-point number. There is also no radix mode for parseFloat()与.
var fNum1 = parseFloat(“1234blue”); //returns 1234.0
var fNum2 = parseFloat(“0xA”); //returns NaN
var fNum3 = parseFloat(“22.5”); //returns 22.5
var fNum4 = parseFloat(“22.34.5”); //returns 22.34
var fNum5 = parseFloat(“0908”); //returns 908
var fNum6 = parseFloat(“blue”); //returns NaN

十三、Type Casting
Three type casts are available in ECMAScript
Boolean(value) – casts the given value as a Boolean
Number(value) – casts the given value as a number (either integer or floating-point)
String(value) – casts the given value a string

The Boolean() type cast returns true when the value is a string with at least one character, a number
other than 0, or an object (discussed in the next section); it returns false when the value is an empty
string, the number 0, undefined, or null.
var b1 = Boolean(“”); //false – empty string
var b2 = Boolean(“hi”); //true – non-empty string
var b3 = Boolean(100); //true – non-zero number
var b4 = Boolean(null); //false - null
var b5 = Boolean(0); //false - zero
var b6 = Boolean(new Object()); //true – object

The Number() type cast works in a manner similar to parseInt() and parseFloat(), except that it
converts the entire value, not just part of it.
Remember that parseInt() and parseFloat() only convert up to the first invalid character (in strings), so “4.5.6” becomes “4.5”. Using the Number() type cast, “4.5.6” becomes NaN
Number(false) 0
Number(true) 1
Number(undefined) NaN
Number(null) 0
Number(“5.5”) 5.5
Number(“56”) 56
Number(“5.6.7”) NaN
Number(new Object()) NaN
Number(100) 100
The only difference between type casting as a string and using toString() is that the type cast can produce a string for a null or undefined value without error:
var s1 = String(null); //”null”
var oNull = null;
var s2 = oNull.toString(); //won’t work, causes an error
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