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Quartz.NET 1.0正式发布

2008-11-10 21:35 363 查看
Quartz.NET 项目在Marko Lahma的领导下,经历了2年多时间的开发,bug修复和新特性开发终于发布了1.0版本,这个版本对Quartz.NET来说是一个重大的里程碑。这个版本对应Java的Quartz 1.6.2版本。


[QRTZNET-125] - TimeZones are not handled correctly when reading XML job configuration

[QRTZNET-127] - CronExpression does not handle custom TimeZone correctly in GetTimeAfter in 2.0 build

[QRTZNET-128] - RemoteScheduler does not delegate IsJobGroupPaused and IsTriggerGroupPaused to remote scheduler

[QRTZNET-131] - NthIncludeDayTrigger doesn't utilize custom TimeZone correctly

[QRTZNET-132] - NullReferenceException when computing next fire time for misfired triggers

[QRTZNET-133] - SimpleThreadPool.CreateWorkerThreads does not respect threadCount parameter value

[QRTZNET-136] - NativeJob is broken


[QRTZNET-126] - Apply AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute to DLL

New Feature

[QRTZNET-129] - Support for connectionStrings section in App.config

[QRTZNET-134] - New pool implementation -- ZeroSizeThreadPool

[QRTZNET-135] - Support job-data-map for triggers in XML

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