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Effective C# 1:Always Use Properties Instead of Accessible Data Members

2008-09-10 18:28 519 查看
1: Always Use Properties Instead of Accessible Data Members[/b]


The C# language promoted properties from an ad-hoc convention to a
first-class language feature. If you're still creating public variables in your
types, stop now. If you're still creating get and set methods by hand, stop
now. Properties let you expose data members as part of your public interface
and still provide the encapsulation you want in an object-oriented environment.
Properties are language elements that are accessed as though they are data
members, but they are implemented as methods.

C#将属性从一些特殊习惯(ad-hoc:Wiki:Ad hoc is a Latin phrase which means "for this [purpose]". It
generally signifies a solution designed for a specific problem or task,
non-generalisable, and which cannot be adapted to other purposes.)提升为第一等的语言特性。如果你现在在你的类型中,仍然在创建公共变量,立刻住手吧!如果你现在仍然在手工创建get/set方法,立刻住手吧!属性让你将数据成员作为公共接口的一部分暴露出来,同时,依然提供了面向对象环境中你想要的封装性。属性是这样的一种语言元素:像数据成员一样被访问;像方法(函数)一样被实现。

Some members of a type really are best represented as data: the name
of a customer, the x,y location of a point, or last year's revenue. Properties
enable you to create an interface that acts like data access but still has all
the benefits of a function. Client code accesses properties as though they are
accessing public variables. But the actual implementation uses methods, in
which you define the behavior of property accessors.


The .NET Framework assumes that you'll use properties for your
public data members. In fact, the data binding code classes in the .NET
Framework support properties, not public data members. Data binding ties a
property of an object to a user interface control, either a web control or a
Windows Forms control. The data binding mechanism uses reflection to find a
named property in a type:

.NET框架假设你会为公共数据成员使用属性。事实上,.NET框架中的数据绑定类支持属性,而不支持公共数据成员。数据绑定将一个对象的属性与一个用户接口控件结合起来,这个控件可以是Web控件,也可以是Windows Form控件。数据绑定机制使用反射在一个类型中寻找已命名的属性。

textBoxCity.DataBindings.Add("Text", address, "City");

The previous code binds the Text property of the textBoxCity control
to the City property of the address object. (See Item 38
for more details.) It will not work with a public data member named City; the
Framework Class Library designers did not support that practice. Public data
members are bad practice, so support for them was not added. Their decision
simply gives you yet another reason to follow the proper object-oriented
techniques. Let me add a quick note for the grizzled C++ and Java programmers:
The data binding code does not look for get and set functions, either. You
should be using properties instead of the convention of get_ and set_ functions
in those languages.


Yes, data binding applies only to those classes that contain
elements that are displayed in your user interface logic. But that doesn't mean
properties should be used exclusively in UI logic. You should still be using
properties for other classes and structures. Properties are far easier to
change as you discover new requirements or behaviors over time. You might soon
decide that your customer type should never have a blank name. If you used a
public property for Name, that's easy to fix in one location:

是的,数据绑定仅仅应用于这样的类中:包含需要在用户接口逻辑上显示的元素。但是这并不意味着属性只能被用于UI逻辑,在其他的类或者结构中你也应该使用属性。过了一段时间,当你发现有新需求或新行为时,属性更加容易进行改变。你可能很快就决定Customer类型不应该再有一个空白名字。如果你使用公共的Name属性,那就很容易了,只需要在一个地方进行修改:public class Customer


private String name;

public String Name


get { return name; }



if ((value == null) || (value.Length == 0))


throw new ArgumentException("Name cannot be blank", "Name");


name = value;




If you had used public data members, you're stuck looking for every
bit of code that sets a customer's name and fixing it there. That takes more
time much more time.


Because properties are implemented with methods, adding
multithreaded support is easier. Simply enhance the implementation of the get
and set methods to provide synchronized access to the data:

因为属性是用方法来实现的,所以添加多线程支持很容易。对get/set方法进行简单的加强就可以提供对数据同步访问的支持:public class Customer


private String name;

public String Name




lock (this)


return name;





lock (this)


name = value;





Properties have
all the language features of methods. Properties can be virtual:

属性具有方法的所有语言特性。属性可以是Virtual的: public class Customer


private String name;

public virtual String Name


get { return name; }

set { name = value; }



It's also easy
to see that you can extend properties to be abstract or even part of an
interface definition:

很容易看出来,可以将属性扩展为abstract,甚至是接口的一部分:public interface INameValuePair


object Name




object Value





Last, but
certainly not least, you can use interfaces to create const and nonconst
versions of an interface:

最后一条,但是不意味着最不重要,可以使用接口创建const 和 nonconst版本的接口:public interface IConstNameValuePair


object Name




object Value





public interface INameValuePair


object Value







public class Stuff : IConstNameValuePair, INameValuePair


private String name;

private object value;

public object Name


get { return name; }


object IConstNameValuePair.Value


get { return value; }


public object Value


get { return value; }

set { this.value = value; }



Properties are
full-fledged, first-class language elements that are an extension of methods
that access or modify internal data. Anything you can do with member functions,
you can do with properties.


The accessors
for a property are two separate methods that get compiled into your type. You
can specify different accessibility modifiers to the get and set accessors in a
property in C# 2.0. This gives you even greater control over the visibility of
those data elements you expose as properties:


public class Customer


private String name;

public virtual String Name


get { return name;}

protected set { name = value;}



The property
syntax extends beyond simple data fields. If your type should contain indexed
items as part of its interface, you can use indexers
(which are parameterized properties). It's a useful way to create a property
that returns the items in a sequence:

属性的语法对简单数据字段进行了扩展。如果你的类型要将索引作为接口的一部分,可以使用索引器(这是参数化的属性)。创建可以返回一个队列中的某一项的属性,这是一个有用的方法。public int this[int index]




return values[index];




values[index] = value;



Indexers have
all the same language support as single-item properties: They are implemented
as methods you write, so you can apply any verification or computation inside
the indexer. Indexers can be virtual or abstract, can be declared in
interfaces, and can be read-only or read-write. Single-dimension indexers with
numeric parameters can participate in data binding. Other indexers can use
noninteger parameters to define maps and dictionaries:


public Address this[String name]




return values[name];




values[nam] = value;



In keeping with
the multidimensional arrays in C#, you can create multidimensional indexers,
with similar or different types on each axis:

为了与C#中的多维数组保持一致,你可以创建多维的索引器,在每个纬度上使用相同的或者不同的类型都可以。public int this[int x,int y]




return ComputeValue(x, y);



public int this[int x,string name]




return ComputeValue(x, name);



Notice that all
indexers are declared with the this keyword. You cannot name an indexer.
Therefore, you can have, at most, one indexer with the same parameter list in
each type.


This property
functionality is all well and good, and it's a nice improvement. But you might
still be tempted to create an initial implementation using data members and
then replace the data members with properties later when you need one of those
benefits. That sounds like a reasonable strategy but it's wrong. Consider this
portion of a class definition:

属性的功能已经很好了,这是很好的改进。但是仍然有这样的可能:使用数据成员临时创建了一个初步实现,以后,当需要一个或者多个属性的优点时,再使用属性来替换。这听起来是一个不错的策略,但是是错误的。考虑下面一个类定义的一部分: public class Customer


public String Name;


It describes a
customer, with a name. You can get or set the name using the familiar member

它描述了一个customer,包含有一个name。可以使用下面熟悉的语法来获取/设置Name:Customer customerOne = new Customer();

string Name = customerOne.Name;

customerOne.Name = "This company,Inc.";

That's simple
and straightforward. You are thinking that you could later replace the Name
data member with a property, and the code would keep working without any
change. Well, that's sort of true.


Properties are
meant to look like data members when accessed. That's the purpose behind the
new syntax. But properties are not data. A property access generates different
MSIL than a data access. The previous customer type generates the following
MSIL for the Name field:


.field public string Name

Accessing the field generates these statements:

对字段的访问将生成下面的MSIL: IL_000e: ldloc.0

IL_000f: ldfld string Namespace.Customer::Name

IL_0014: stloc.1

Storing a value
in the field generates this:

向字段写入数据将生成下面的MSIL: IL_0015: ldloc.0

IL_0016: ldstr "This company,Inc."

IL_001b: stfld string Namespace.Customer::Name

Don't worry we're
not going to look at IL all day. But here, it is important because we are about
to see how changing between data members and properties breaks binary
compatibility. Consider this version of the customer type, which is created by
using properties:

不用担心,我们不会整天都看IL的。但是在这,我们读IL是为了看在数据成员和属性之间的改变是如何打破二进制代码的兼容性的。下面是Customer类型的属性实现版本: public class Customer


private String name;

public String Name


get { return name; }

set { name = value; }



When you write
C# code, you access the name property using the exact same syntax:

写C#代码时,访问Name属性是使用的同样的语法:Customer customerOne = new Customer();

string Name = customerOne.Name;

customerOne.Name = "This company,Inc.";

But the C#
compiler generates completely different MSIL for this version. The Customer type
has this:

但是C#编译器生成了完全不同的MSIL。Customer类型是这样的:.property instance string Name()


.get instance string NameSpace.Customer::get_Name()

.set instance void NameSpace.Customer::set_Name(string)

} // end of property Customer::Name

.method public hidebysig specialname instance void

set_Name(string 'value') cil managed


// 代码大小 9 (0x9)

.maxstack 8

IL_0000: nop

IL_0001: ldarg.0

IL_0002: ldarg.1

IL_0003: stfld string NameSpace.Customer::name

IL_0008: ret

} // end of method Customer::set_Name

.method public hidebysig specialname instance string

get_Name() cil managed


// 代码大小 12 (0xc)

.maxstack 1

.locals init ([0] string CS$1$0000)

IL_0000: nop

IL_0001: ldarg.0

IL_0002: ldfld string NameSpace.Customer::name

IL_0007: stloc.0

IL_0008: br.s IL_000a

IL_000a: ldloc.0

IL_000b: ret

} // end of method Customer::get_Name

Two major
points must be understood about how property definitions translate into MSIL.
First, the .property directive defines the type of the property and the
functions that implement the get and set accessors of the property. The two functions
are marked with hidebysig and specialname. For our purposes, those designations
mean that these functions are not called directly in C# source code, and they
are not to be considered part of the formal type definition. Instead, you
access them through the property.

对于属性定义如何转化成MSIL,有主要的两点必须理解。首先,.properity 直接定义了属性的类型以及实现属性get/set访问符的方法。这两个方法被 hidebysig 和specialname来标记。对我们的目的来说,这样的设计意味着:这些方法在C#源代码里面不是被直接调用的,它们不被考虑成正式类型定义的一部分。取而代之,你使用属性来访问它们。

Sure, you
expected different MSIL to be generated for the property definition. More
important to this discussion, there are changes to the MSIL generated for the get
and set access to the property as well:

当然,你希望属性的定义生成不同的MSIL。这次讨论中,更重要的是,属性get或者set,生成的MSIL也有了变化: IL_000e: ldloc.0

IL_000f: callvirt instance string NameSpace.Customer::get_Name()

IL_0014: stloc.1

IL_0015: ldloc.0

IL_0016: ldstr "This company,Inc."

IL_001b: callvirt instance void NameSpace.Customer::set_Name(string)

The same C#
source to access the name of a customer compiles to very different MSIL
instructions, depending on whether the Name member is a property or a data
member. Accessing a property and accessing a data member use the same C#
source. It's the work of the C# compiler to translate the source into different
IL necessary for properties or data members.


properties and data members are source compatible, they are not binary
compatible. In the obvious case, this means that when you change from a public
data member to the equivalent public property, you must recompile all code that
uses the public data member. Chapter 4,
"Creating Binary Components," discusses binary components in detail,
but remember that the simple act of changing a data member to a property breaks
binary compatibility. It makes upgrading single assemblies that have been
deployed much more difficult.


While looking
at the IL for a property, you probably wonder about the relative performance of
properties and data members. Properties will not be faster than data member
access, but they might not be any slower. The JIT compiler does inline some
method calls, including property accessors. When the JIT compiler does inline
property accessors, the performance of data members and properties is the same.
Even when a property accessor has not been inlined, the actual performance
difference is the negligible cost of one function call. That is measurable only
in a small number of situations.


Whenever you
expose data in your type's public or protected interfaces, use properties. Use
an indexer for sequences or dictionaries. All data members should be private,
without exception. You immediately get support for data binding, and you make
it much easier to make any changes to the implementation of the methods in the
future. The extra typing to encapsulate any variable in a property amounts to
one or two minutes of your day. Finding that you need to use properties later
to correctly express your designs will take hours. Spend a little time now, and
save yourself lots of time later.

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