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2008-06-14 19:34 1241 查看

User Defined Function Reference

Below is a list of the user defined functions for catagory: IE Management. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.

User Defined FunctionDescription
_IE_ExampleDisplay a new browser window pre-loaded with documents to be used in IE.au3 examples or your own testing
_IE_IntroductionDisplay introductory information about IE.au3 in a new browser window
_IE_VersionInfoReturns an array of information about the IE.au3 version
_IEActionPerform any of a set of simple actions on the Browser.
_IEAttachAttach to the first existing instance of Internet Explorer where the search string sub-string matches based on the selected mode.
_IEBodyReadHTMLReturns the HTML inside the <body> tag of the document.
_IEBodyReadTextReturns the Text inside the <body> tag of the document.
_IEBodyWriteHTMLReplaces the HTML inside the <body> tag of the document.
_IECreateCreate an Internet Explorer Browser Window.
_IECreateEmbeddedCreate a Webbrowser object suitable for embedding in an AutoIt GUI with GuiCtrlCreateObj().
_IEDocGetObjGiven any DOM object, returns a reference to the associated document object.
_IEDocInsertHTMLInserts HTML Text in or around an element.
_IEDocInsertTextInserts Text in or around an element.
_IEDocReadHTMLReturns the full HTML source of a document.
_IEDocWriteHTMLReplaces the HTML for the entire document.
_IEErrorHandlerDeRegisterDisable a registered user COM error handler
_IEErrorHandlerRegisterRegister and enable a user COM error handler
_IEErrorNotifySpecifies whether IE.au3 automatically notifies of Warnings and Errors (to the console)
_IEFormElementCheckboxSelectSet the value of a specified form element.
_IEFormElementGetCollectionReturns a collection object variable representing all Form Elements within a given Form.
_IEFormElementGetObjByNameReturns an object reference to a Form Element by name.
_IEFormElementGetValueReturns the value of a given Form Element.
_IEFormElementOptionSelectSet the value of a specified form element.
_IEFormElementRadioSelectSet the value of a specified form element.
_IEFormElementSetValueSet the value of a specified Form Element.
_IEFormGetCollectionReturns a collection object variable representing the Forms in the document or a single form by index.
_IEFormGetObjByNameReturns an object reference to a Form by name.
_IEFormImageClickSimulate a mouse click on an <input type=image>. Match by sub-string match of alt text, name or src.
_IEFormResetReset a specified Form setting the values back to their loaded defaults.
_IEFormSubmitSubmit a specified Form.
_IEFrameGetCollectionReturns a collection object containing the frames in a FrameSet or the iFrames on a normal page or a single Frame or iFrame by index.
_IEFrameGetObjByNameReturns an object reference to a Frame or iFrame by name.
_IEGetObjByIdReturns an object variable by id or name.
_IEGetObjByNameReturns an object variable by name or id.
_IEHeadInsertEventScriptInserts a Javascript into the Head of the document.
_IEImgClickSimulate a mouse click on an image. Match by sub-string match of alt text, name, or src.
_IEImgGetCollectionReturns a collection object variable representing the IMG tags in the document or a single image by index.
_IEIsFrameSetChecks to see if the specified Window contains a FrameSet.
_IELinkClickByIndexSimulate a mouse click on a link by 0-based index (in source order).
_IELinkClickByTextSimulate a mouse click on a link with text sub-string matching the string provided.
_IELinkGetCollectionReturns a collection object containing all links in the document or a single link by index.
_IELoadWaitWait for a browser page load to complete before returning.
_IELoadWaitTimeoutRetrieve or set the current value in milliseconds _IELoadWait will try before timing out.
_IENavigateDirects an existing browser window to navigate to the specified URL.
_IEPropertyGetReturns a select property of the Browser or DOM element.
_IEPropertySetSet a select property of the Browser or DOM element.
_IEQuitClose the browser and remove the object reference to it.
_IETableGetCollectionReturns a collection object variable representing all the tables in a document or a single table by index.
_IETableWriteToArrayReads the contents of a Table into an array.
_IETagNameAllGetCollectionReturns a collection object all elements in the document or document hierarchy in source order or a single element by index.
_IETagNameGetCollectionReturns a collection object of all elements in the object with the specified TagName or a single element by index.
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