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Mindreef Ushers In Online Web Services Diagnostics (Live on SYS-CON.TV) @ JDJ

2008-05-01 06:12 573 查看
With very broad adoption, and now a new release (v4.1), SOAPscope is keepIng MIndreef at the Web Services forefront as the Industry's first and best comprehensive Web Services diagnostics SYStem, MIndreef's CTO Marc Ericson told SYS-con.TV/Index.html" />SYS-Con.TV (http://SYS-con.TV) when Interviewed at SYS-con.com/edge2005east" />Web Services Edge 2005 In Boston recently.
"People loveSOAPscope for beIng an effective tool and improvIng the quality of their Web Services," Ericson said.It enables developers, testers, operations, and support staff to address the problem-solvIng challenges of distributed applications, he explaIned.
Now v4.1"really has changed how people are usIng SOAPscope." Traditionally an Individual tool used by developers on their desktop,Erickson said, but that's changed now:
"We've now Introduced the capability of sharIng captured Web Services resources, so if someone has a WSDL and SOAP messages - maybe they've detected a problem durIng the test process - they can save that, package it up, and share it with another user for them to recreate the problem, and then debug the problem." "The file can be shared over the Web, so someone doesn't even have to own a copy of SOAPscope to look at the results of the testIng process," he added.The MIndreef.net/Index.html" />MIndreef.net service is called Share-It.
"We're excited to have MIndreef Share-It In use on MIndreef.net," Ericson said. "We've created an environment that greatly enhances the problem sharIng process by completely elimInatIng dependencies on platforms, languages, or tools."
SYS-con.com/TV/video/load_020.html" />ViewMarc EricsonWith Jeremy Geelan Live on SYS-Con.TV
MIndreef.com/Index.html" />MIndreef - a private company, venture backed by Kodiak Partners - was founded by Frank Grossman and Jim Moskun, Ericson explaIned. "Grossman and Moskun previously founded NuMega Technologies, which they and sold after ten years to Compuware Corporation In 1997."
NuMega, creators of SoftICE and BoundsChecker, was a technology-focused company providIng software development tools to organizations Involved In programmIng on Microsoft and Java platforms.
SOAPscope, MIndreef's flagship product,was awInner of the 2005 InfoWorld Technology of the Year awards.
SYS-con.com/TV/video/load_020.html" />ViewMarc EricsonWith Jeremy Geelan Live on SYS-Con.TV
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