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2008-04-03 09:50 435 查看
Q:I have an application that adds an icon to the system tray. When Windows® Explorer goes down, many times it restarts automatically, but has lost its tray icons. Since my application is still running, do you know of a way I can detect that I need to re-add my tray icon to get my application UI back without requiring a reboot?
Jeff Multhaup
Boise, Idaho
A: Sure, it's easy-provided you have Windows 98 or the Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0 desktop installed. Whenever Internet Explorer 4.0 starts the taskbar, it broadcasts a registered message TaskbarCreated to all top-level parent windows. This is your cue to recreate the icons. If you're using MFC, all you have to do is define a global variable to hold the registered message and implement an ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE handler for it.
A:有的,在安装了Windows98或者Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0的系统上很容易办到。当IE4.0启动任务栏,它会向所有注册了“TaskBarCreated”消息的顶级窗口进行广播,用来提醒你重建图标。如果你使用MFC,你要做的就是定义一个全局变量保存该注册消息并在ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE中注册一个消息处理函数。
[code]const UINT WM_TASKBARCREATED = ::RegisterWindowMessage(_T("TaskbarCreated"));

[code]BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMainFrame, CFrameWnd)


[code]END_MESSAGE_MAP(CMainFrame, CFrameWnd)

The handler itself should reinstall whatever icons you need.
[code]LRESULT CMainFrame::OnTaskBarCreated(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)


[code]    VERIFY(InstallIcons());

[code]    return 0;


[code]BOOL CMainFrame::InstallIcons()


[code]    NOTIFYICONDATA nid;

[code]    //

[code]    // stuff nid with args

[code]    //

[code]    return Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD, &nid);


What could be easier? You should implement InstallIcons as a separate function instead of calling Shell_NotifyIcon directly from OnTaskBarCreated since presumably you will want to also call it when your app starts up.
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