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2008-03-21 09:20 246 查看
来段老V的代码 很古老的
mov ecx, 0Ah ; CX=function# (0Ah=get_version)
mov eax, 'VMXh' ; EAX=magic
mov dx, 'VX' ; DX=magic
in eax, dx ; specially processed io cmd
; output: EAX/EBX/ECX = data
cmp ebx, 'VMXh' ; also eax/ecx modified (maybe vmw/os ver?)
je under_VMware


bool IsInsideVMWare()
bool rc = true;

push edx
push ecx
push ebx

mov eax, 'VMXh'
mov ebx, 0 // any value but not the MAGIC VALUE
mov ecx, 10 // get VMWare version
mov edx, 'VX' // port number

in eax, dx // read port
// on return EAX returns the VERSION
cmp ebx, 'VMXh' // is it a reply from VMWare?
setz [rc] // set return value

pop ebx
pop ecx
pop edx
rc = false;

return rc;

bool IsInsideVPC()
bool rc = false;

_asm push ebx
_asm mov ebx, 0 // Flag
_asm mov eax, 1 // VPC function number

// call VPC
_asm __emit 0Fh
_asm __emit 3Fh
_asm __emit 07h
_asm __emit 0Bh

_asm test ebx, ebx
_asm setz [rc]
_asm pop ebx
// The except block shouldn't get triggered if VPC is running!!

return rc;


int DCVM ()
unsigned char m[2+4], rpill[] = "/x0f/x01/x0d/x00/x00/x00/x00/xc3";
*((unsigned*)&rpill[3]) = (unsigned)m;

printf ("idt base: %#x/n", *((unsigned*)&m[2]));
if (m[5]>0xd0) printf ("虚拟机/r/n", m[5]);
else printf ("真实机器/r/n");
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>

int LdtCheck()
unsigned char m[2];
__asm sldt m; //L,not i
printf("LDTR: %2.2x %2.2x/n", m[0], m[1]);
return (m[0] != 0x00 && m[1] != 0x00) ? 1 : 0;

int main(int argc, char * argv[])

if (LdtCheck())
printf("Virtual Machine detected./n");
printf("Native machine detected./n");

return 0;

#include <stdio.h>

inline int idtCheck ()
unsigned char m[2];
__asm sidt m;
printf("IDTR: %2.2x %2.2x/n", m[0], m[1]);
return (m[1]>0xd0) ? 1 : 0;

int gdtCheck()
unsigned char m[2];
__asm sgdt m;
printf("GDTR: %2.2x %2.2x/n", m[0], m[1]);
return (m[1]>0xd0) ? 1 : 0;

int ldtCheck()
unsigned char m[2];
__asm sldt m;
printf("LDTR: %2.2x %2.2x/n", m[0], m[1]);
return (m[0] != 0x00 && m[1] != 0x00) ? 1 : 0;

int main(int argc, char * argv[])

if (ldtCheck())
printf("Virtual Machine detected./n");
printf("Native machine detected./n");

return 0;

C:/WINDDK/3790>cl test.c
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 12.00.8168 for 80x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-1998. All rights reserved.

test.c(7) : warning C4409: illegal instruction size
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 6.00.8168
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved.

' 检测程序是否运行于 VPC 虚拟机中
' 返回: 真表示运行在虚拟机中
' ------------------------------------------------
' 以下代码仅仅适用于在非标准模块中
' 这些代码根据BBS中bigwahaha提供的代码实现,本人未
' 进行测试检验, 有环境测试OK的用户请及时反馈
Private Function IsInsideVPC() As Boolean
' push ebp
' mov ebp,esp ;esp,retAdr,this,retVal

' assume fs:nothing
' push offset @F
' push fs:[0]
' mov fs:[0],esp

' push ebx
' xor ebx,ebx
' dec ebx ; 初始 EBX = TRUE (VB)
' mov eax, 1 ; VPC function number
' db 0Fh,3Fh,07h,0Bh
' ;设定返回值
' mov eax,[ebp+3*4]
' mov [eax],ebx
' pop ebx
' pop fs:[0]
' add esp,4
' leave
' xor eax,eax ;返回 S_OK
' ret 2*4
' @@:
' mov edx,dword ptr [esp+0CH]
' add dword ptr ds:[edx+0B8h],4 ; regEip
' xor eax,eax
' mov dword ptr ds:[edx+0A4h],eax ; regEbx,eax
' mov dword ptr ds:[edx],10007h ; ContextFlags,CONTEXT_FULL
' ret 4 * 4
End Function

' 检测程序是否运行于 VMWare 虚拟机中
' 返回: 真表示运行在虚拟机中
' ------------------------------------------------
' 以下代码仅仅适用于在非标准模块中
' 这些代码根据BBS中bigwahaha提供的代码实现,本人未
' 进行测试检验, 有环境测试OK的用户请及时反馈
Private Function IsInsideVMWare() As Boolean
' push ebp
' mov ebp,esp ;esp,retAdr,this,retVal
' assume fs:nothing
' push offset @IsInsideVMWare_error
' push fs:[0]
' mov fs:[0],esp
' push ebx
' mov eax, 'VMXh'
' xor ebx,ebx ; any value but not the MAGIC VALUE
' mov ecx, 10 ; get VMWare version
' mov dx, 'VX' ; port number
' in eax, dx ; read port
' ; on return EAX returns the VERSION
' xor edx,edx
' cmp ebx, 'VMXh' ; is it a reply from VMWare?
' jnz @F
' dec edx
' @@:
' ;设定返回值
' mov eax,[ebp+3*4]
' mov [eax],edx
' pop ebx
' pop fs:[0]
' add esp,4
' leave
' xor eax,eax ;返回 S_OK
' ret 2*4
' @IsInsideVMWare_error:
' mov edx,dword ptr [esp+0CH]
' inc dword ptr ds:[edx+0B8h] ; regEip
' xor eax,eax
' mov dword ptr ds:[edx],10007h ; ContextFlags,CONTEXT_FULL
' ret 4 * 4
End Function
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