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.Net Micro Framework研究—数据的永久存储

2008-01-21 21:13 459 查看
.Net Micro Framework不支持文件系统(目前该项功能正在研发之中),所以无法像Windows和windows ce平台那样把需要永久保存的数据保存到文件之中。内存中保存的数据只要系统一掉电,所有的数据也都消失了,这对一些需要保存参数的应用来说真是不妙。


感谢Donald Thompson 和 Rob S. Miles,从他们的大作上找到了问题的解决办法。办法就是把对象保存到Flash(EEPROM)中(有点像对象的二进制序列化)。


using System;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;

namespace DataStorage
public class Program
public static void Main()
FlashDatas fd = FlashDatas.Load();
fd.Flag = "adfg";
//fd.AddItem(new FlashData(55, "1aaa"));
//fd.AddItem(new FlashData(66, "2bbb"));
//fd.AddItem(new FlashData(77, "3ccc"));
//fd.AddItem(new FlashData(88, "4ddd"));

private class FlashData
public DateTime date;
public int iData;
public string sData;
public FlashData(int iData, string sData)
date = DateTime.Now;
this.iData = iData;
this.sData = sData;

public override string ToString()
return date.ToString() + " " + iData.ToString() + " " + sData;

private class FlashDatas
public DateTime CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
public string Flag = @"http://yfsoft.blog.51cto.com/";
public ArrayList Items = new ArrayList();

public void dump()
foreach (FlashData Item in Items)
if (Item != null)
public void AddItem(FlashData Item)

public static FlashDatas Load()
ExtendedWeakReference ewr = ExtendedWeakReference.RecoverOrCreate(
typeof(FlashDatas),                       //类型,任意类都可以,其名称起到一个索引作用
0,                                        //ID号,这个数据比较有用,不同ID号代表不同数据
ExtendedWeakReference.c_SurvivePowerdown);//该标志和.c_SurviveBoot 区别不大
ewr.Priority = (Int32)ExtendedWeakReference.PriorityLevel.Important;

FlashDatas data = ewr.Target as FlashDatas;
if (data == null)
data = new FlashDatas();
return data;

public void Save()
ExtendedWeakReference ewr = ExtendedWeakReference.RecoverOrCreate(typeof(FlashDatas), 0, ExtendedWeakReference.c_SurvivePowerdown);
ewr.Priority = (Int32)ExtendedWeakReference.PriorityLevel.Important;
ewr.Target = this;



ExtendedWeakReference Members

The following tables list the members exposed by the ExtendedWeakReference type.

Public Constructors

Name Description

ExtendedWeakReference Initializes a new instance of the ExtendedWeakReference class, referencing a specified object.

Public Fields

Name Description

c_SurviveBoot Contains a flag specifying that the current weak reference will be recoverable after the device reboots.

c_SurvivePowerdown Contains a flag specifying that the current weak reference will be recoverable after the device powers down and restarts.

Public Properties

Name Description

Flags Gets the flags specifying the states from which the current weak reference should be recoverable.

Id Gets the ID associated with the current ExtendedWeakReference object.

Priority Gets or sets the priority level for the current ExtendedWeakReference object.

Selector Gets the selector for the current ExtendedWeakReference object.

Public Methods

Name Description

PushBackIntoRecoverList Flags an ExtendedWeakReference object as a candidate for recovery after the device reboots or powers down and restarts.

Recover Recovers a specific ExtendedWeakReference object.

RecoverOrCreate Attempts to recover a specific ExtendedWeakReference object, and creates a new instance of this class if the recovery attempt fails.
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