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ADO.NET 2.0 数据异步处理改善用户体验

2008-01-19 12:51 555 查看
支持异步处理的提供程序有 System.Data.SqlClient
异步方法 BeginExecuteNonQuery EndExecuteNonQuery
BeginExecuteXmlReader EndExecuteXmlReader
BeginExecuteReader EndExecuteReader
begin前缀方法返回的是IAsyncResult 用于追踪一步方法的执行状态
IAsyncResult .AsnycState 用户自定义的状态对象
IAsyncResult .AsnycWaitHandle 呼叫代码的等待形式,是等其中的一个异步方法完成还是全部完成
IAsyncResult .CompletedSynchronously 获取所有异步方法是否同时完成
IAsyncResult .Iscompleted 是否执行完毕,可以根据此属性进行下部动作

/**///// obtain connection strings from configuration files or

//// similar facility

//// NOTE: these connection strings have to include "async=true", for

//// example:

//// "server=myserver;database=mydb;integrated security=true;async=true"

//string connstrAccouting = GetConnString("accounting");

//string connstrHR = GetConnString("humanresources");

/**///// define two connection objects, one for each database

//using (SqlConnection connAcc = new SqlConnection(connstrAccounting))

//using (SqlConnection connHumanRes = new SqlConnection(connstrHR))


// // open the first connection

// connAcc.Open();

// // start the execution of the first query contained in the

// // "employee_info" stored-procedure

// SqlCommand cmdAcc = new SqlCommand("employee_info", connAcc);

// cmdAcc.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

// cmdAcc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@empl_id", employee_id);

// IAsyncResult arAcc = cmdAcc.BeginExecuteReader();

// // at this point, the "employee_info" stored-proc is executing on

// // the server, and this thread is running at the same time

// // now open the second connection

// connHumanRes.Open();

// // start the execution of the second stored-proc against

// // the human-resources server

// SqlCommand cmdHumanRes = new SqlCommand("employee_hrinfo",

// connHumanRes);

// cmdHumanRes.Parameters.AddWithValue("@empl_id", employee_id);

// IAsyncResult arHumanRes = cmdHumanRes.BeginExecuteReader();

// // now both queries are running at the same time

// // at this point; more work can be done from this thread, or we

// // can simply wait until both commands finish - in our case we'll

// // wait

// SqlDataReader drAcc = cmdAcc.EndExecuteReader(arAcc);

// SqlDataReader drHumanRes = cmdHumanRes.EndExecuteReader(arHumanRes);

// // now we can render the results, for example, bind the readers to an ASP.NET

// // web control, or scan the reader and draw the information in a

// // WebForms form.


string custid = "ALFKI";

string orderid = "10643";

// NOTE: connection strings denoted by "connstring" have to include

// "async=true", for example:

string connstring = "server=(local);database=northwind;integrated security=true;async=true";

// we'll use three connections for this

using (SqlConnection c1 = new SqlConnection(connstring))

using (SqlConnection c2 = new SqlConnection(connstring))

using (SqlConnection c3 = new SqlConnection(connstring))


// get customer info


SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(

"SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID=@id", c1);

cmd1.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Char, 5).Value = custid;

IAsyncResult arCustomer = cmd1.BeginExecuteReader();

// get orders


SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerID=@id", c2);

cmd2.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Char, 5).Value = custid;

IAsyncResult arOrders = cmd2.BeginExecuteReader();

// get order detail if user picked an order

IAsyncResult arDetails = null;

SqlCommand cmd3 = null;

if (null != orderid)



cmd3 = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [Order Details] WHERE OrderID=@id", c3);

cmd3.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = int.Parse(orderid);

arDetails = cmd3.BeginExecuteReader();


// build the wait handle array for WaitForMultipleObjects

WaitHandle[] handles = new WaitHandle[null == arDetails ? 2 : 3];

handles[0] = arCustomer.AsyncWaitHandle;

handles[1] = arOrders.AsyncWaitHandle;

if (null != arDetails)

handles[2] = arDetails.AsyncWaitHandle;

// wait for commands to complete and render page controls as we

// get data back

SqlDataReader r;

DataTable dt;

for (int results = (null == arDetails) ? 1 : 0; results < 3; results++)


// wait for any handle, then process results as they come

int index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(handles, 5000, false); // 5 secs

if (WaitHandle.WaitTimeout == index)

throw new Exception("Timeout");

switch (index)


case 0: // customer query is ready

r = cmd1.EndExecuteReader(arCustomer);

if (!r.Read())


lblCustomerID.Text = r.GetString(0);

lblCompanyName.Text = r.GetString(1);

lblContact.Text = r.GetString(2);



case 1: // orders query is ready

r = cmd2.EndExecuteReader(arOrders);

dt = new DataTable();


dgOrders.DataSource = dt; // data-bind to the orders grid




case 2: // details query is ready

r = cmd3.EndExecuteReader(arDetails);

dt = new DataTable();


dgDetails.DataSource = dt; // data-bind to the details grid






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