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孙鑫VC学习笔记:第十七讲 (一) 用剪贴板实现进程间的通信

2007-12-25 14:33 519 查看



BOOL OpenClipboard( );
Return Value
Nonzero if the Clipboard is opened via CWnd, or 0 if another application or window has the Clipboard open.
Opens the Clipboard. Other applications will not be able to modify the Clipboard until the CloseClipboard Windows function is called.
The current CWnd object will not become the owner of the Clipboard until the EmptyClipboard Windows function is called.
打开了剪贴板之后,还必须调用EmptyClipboard ,才能使当前窗口拥有剪贴板。

The EmptyClipboard function empties the clipboard and frees handles to data in the clipboard. The function then assigns ownership of the clipboard to the window that currently has the clipboard open.
BOOL EmptyClipboard(VOID)

Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
Before calling EmptyClipboard, an application must open the clipboard by using the OpenClipboard function. If the application specifies a NULL window handle when opening the clipboard, EmptyClipboard succeeds but sets the clipboard owner to NULL.

The SetClipboardData function places data on the clipboard in a specified clipboard format. The window must be the current clipboard owner, and the application must have called the OpenClipboard function. (When responding to the WM_RENDERFORMAT and WM_RENDERALLFORMATS messages, the clipboard owner must not call OpenClipboard before calling SetClipboardData.)

HANDLE SetClipboardData(
UINT uFormat, // clipboard format
HANDLE hMem // data handle

Specifies a clipboard format. This parameter can be a registered format or any of the standard clipboard formats. For more information, see Registered Clipboard Formats and Standard Clipboard Formats.
Handle to the data in the specified format. This parameter can be NULL, indicating that the window provides data in the specified clipboard format (renders the format) upon request. If a window delays rendering, it must process the WM_RENDERFORMAT and WM_RENDERALLFORMATS messages.
After SetClipboardData is called, the system owns the object identified by the hMem parameter. The application can read the data, but must not free the handle or leave it locked. If the hMem parameter identifies a memory object, the object must have been allocated using the GlobalAlloc function with the GMEM_MOVEABLE and GMEM_DDESHARE flags.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle of the data.
If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
The uFormat parameter can identify a registered clipboard format, or it can be one of the standard clipboard formats. For more information, see Registered Clipboard Formats and Standard Clipboard Formats.
The system performs implicit data format conversions between certain clipboard formats when an application calls the GetClipboardData function. For example, if the CF_OEMTEXT format is on the clipboard, a window can retrieve data in the CF_TEXT format. The format on the clipboard is converted to the requested format on demand. For more information, see Synthesized Clipboard Formats.

The GlobalAlloc function allocates the specified number of bytes from the heap. Win32 memory management does not provide a separate local heap and global heap.
Note The global functions are slower than other memory management functions and do not provide as many features. Therefore, new applications should use the heap functions. However, the global functions are still used with DDE, the clipboard functions, and OLE data objects.
This function is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit versions of Windows.
HGLOBAL GlobalAlloc(
UINT uFlags,// 指定如何分配内存,NULL则用缺省的GMEM_FIXED
DWORD dwBytes // number of bytes to allocate

Specifies how to allocate memory. If zero is specified, the default is GMEM_FIXED. This value can be one or more of the following flags, except for the incompatible combinations that are specifically noted.
如果指定为GMEM_FIXED,那么GlobalAlloc 分配内存将其地址直接转换为32位的HGLOBAL 的值返回。 也就是说直接返回内存分配的地址。
如果指定的是GMEM_MOVEABLE,那么返回的HGLOBAL 的值不是实际分配的地址,而是一个指向进程中句柄表条目的指针,该条目包含实际分配的指针。剪贴板中要用这个值。
分配可移动的内存. In Win32, memory blocks are never moved in physical memory, but they can be moved within the default heap. 在Win32中,物理内存块是不能被移动的,但是它们可以在缺省的堆中被移动。当我们创建进程的时候,系统要为进程分配缺省的堆。
The return value is a handle to the memory object. To translate the handle into a pointer, use the GlobalLock function.
This flag cannot be combined with the GMEM_FIXED flag.
Combines the GMEM_FIXED and GMEM_ZEROINIT flags.
Combines the GMEM_MOVEABLE and GMEM_ZEROINIT flags.
This flag is provided primarily for compatibility with 16-bit Windows. However, this flag may be used by some applications to enhance the performance of DDE operations and therefore can be specified if the memory is to be used for DDE. .
Ignored. This flag is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit Windows.
In Win32, you must explicitly call the GlobalDiscard function to discard a block.
This flag cannot be combined with the GMEM_FIXED flag.
Ignored. This flag is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit Windows.
Ignored. This flag is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit Windows.
Ignored. This flag is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit Windows.
Ignored. This flag is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit Windows.
Ignored. This flag is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit Windows.
Initializes memory contents to zero.
Specifies the number of bytes to allocate. If this parameter is zero and the uFlags parameter specifies the GMEM_MOVEABLE flag, the function returns a handle to a memory object that is marked as discarded.

The GlobalLock function locks a global memory object and returns a pointer to the first byte of the object's memory block.
This function is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit versions of Windows.
LPVOID GlobalLock(
HGLOBAL hMem // handle to the global memory object

Note The global functions are slower than other memory management functions and do not provide as many features. Therefore, new applications should use the heap functions. However, the global functions are still used with DDE and the clipboard functions.
The internal data structures for each memory object include a lock count that is initially zero.
For movable memory objects, GlobalLock increments the count by one, and the GlobalUnlock function decrements the count by one.
For each call that a process makes to GlobalLock for an object, it must eventually call GlobalUnlock. Locked memory will not be moved or discarded, unless the memory object is reallocated by using the GlobalReAlloc function.
The memory block of a locked memory object remains locked until its lock count is decremented to zero, at which time it can be moved or discarded.
Memory objects allocated with the GMEM_FIXED flag always have a lock count of zero. For these objects, the value of the returned pointer is equal to the value of the specified handle.
If the specified memory block has been discarded or if the memory block has a zero-byte size, this function returns NULL.
Discarded objects always have a lock count of zero.

BOOL CloseClipboard( VOID );
The CloseClipboard function closes the clipboard.

BOOL EmptyClipboard( VOID );
The EmptyClipboard function empties the clipboard and frees handles to data in the clipboard. The function then assigns ownership of the clipboard to the window that currently has the clipboard open.


BOOL IsClipboardFormatAvailable(UINT format);
The IsClipboardFormatAvailable function determines whether the clipboard contains data in the specified format.


The GetClipboardData function retrieves data from the clipboard in a specified format.
The clipboard must have been opened previously.
HANDLE GetClipboardData(
UINT uFormat // clipboard format

The IsClipboardFormatAvailable function determines whether the clipboard contains data in the specified format.
BOOL IsClipboardFormatAvailable(
UINT format // clipboard format
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