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git 学习笔记

2007-12-21 14:47 549 查看

http://www.b***/documents/gittutorcn.htm http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-git/index.html http://linux.yyz.us/git-howto.html http://www.b***/documents/gittutorcn.htm




git-commit -a -m "...."

git-commit -m "...." -i filename

git-branch branchname new branch

git-branch list branch

git-checkout branchname checkout

git-branch -D branchname delete branch



git-whatchanged history


Kernel Hackers' Guide to git

Getting Started

Installing git

git requires bootstrapping, since you must have git installed in order
to check out git.git (git repository), and linux-2.6.git (kernel
repository). You may find that your distribution already provides a usable version
of git. If so, try that first.

Fedora Core 3 and later: git-core package is in Fedora Extras
yum install git-core

If your distro doesn't have a package already, you should start by downloading a daily snapshot of the git source code.
Download the latest stable release from:

tarball build-deps: zlib,
libcrypto (openssl)

install tarball:

unpack && make && sudo make prefix=/usr/local install

After reading the rest of this document, come back and update your copy
of git to the latest:

Download a linux kernel tree for the
very first time

$ git-clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git linux-2.6

NOTE: The kernel tree is very large. This constitutes downloading
several hundred megabytes of data.

Basic Tasks

Update local kernel tree to latest 2.6.x upstream ("fast-forward

$ cd linux-2.6

$ git pull git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git

Undo all local modifications:

$ git checkout -f

Check in your own modifications (e.g. do some hacking, or apply
a patch)

# go to repository

$ cd linux-2.6

# make some modifications

$ vi drivers/net/sk98lin/skdim.c

# NOTE: Run git-add and git-rm if adding or removing files.

# check in all modifications

$ git commit -a

List all changes in working dir, in diff

Display changes since last git-update-index:

$ git diff

Display changes since last commit:

$ git diff HEAD

Obtain summary of all changes in working

$ git status

List all changesets

$ git log

List all changesets belonging to a specific

(in this case, net/ieee80211/ieee80211_module.c)
$ git-whatchanged net/ieee80211/ieee80211_module.c


List all branches

$ git branch

Make desired branch current in working directory

$ git checkout $branch

Create a new branch, and make it current

$ git checkout -b my-new-branch-name master

Examine which branch is current

$ git branch

(the branch with the asterisk '*' beside it is current)

Obtain a diff between current branch, and master branch

In most trees with branches, .git/refs/heads/master contains the current
'vanilla' upstream tree, for easy diffing and merging. (in trees
without branches, 'master' simply contains your latest changes)

$ git diff master..HEAD

(this is equivalent to git diff HEAD, when used with HEAD

Obtain a list of changes between current branch, and master branch

$ git log master..HEAD

(this is equivalent to git log, when used with HEAD branch)

or rather than full changeset descriptions, obtain a one-line summary of
each changes:
$ git log master..HEAD | git shortlog

Merge changes from one branch into another

Let us suppose that you do work on branch A and branch B, and after work
on those two branches is complete, you merge the work into mainline
branch M.
$ git checkout M	# switch to branch M

$ git pull . A		# merge A into M

$ git pull . B		# merge B into M

Misc. Debris

Apply all patches in a Berkeley mbox-format file

First, make sure that the tools subdirectory of the git-core
repository is in your PATH.

$ cd my-kernel-tree-2.6

$ git-applymbox /path/to/mbox /path/to/signoff.txt

The file /path/to/mbox is a Berkeley mbox file, containing one
or more patches to be committed to the git repository. The
optional file /path/to/signoff.txt is the text file that
is appended to each changeset description. For the Linux kernel, this
typically includes the

Signed-off-by: Your Name <your@email.com>

line that is common to almost all kernel submissions.

Don't forget to download tags from time to time.

git pull only downloads sha1-indexed object data, and the
requested remote head. This misses updates to the
.git/refs/tags/ and
.git/refs/heads/ directories. For tags, run git pull
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