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2007-11-22 11:44 190 查看


语  法:split [--help][--version][-<行数>][-b <字节>][-C <字节>][-l <行数>][要切割的文件][输出文件名]


参  数:
-<行数>或-l<行数>  指定每多少行就要切成一个小文件。
-b<字节>  指定每多少字就要切成一个小文件。
-C<字节>  与-b参数类似,但切割时尽量维持每行的完整性。
--help  显示帮助。
--version  显示版本信息。
[输出文件名]  设置切割後文件的前置文件名,split会自动在前置文件名後再加上编号。



Split a file into pieces.


split [-linecount | -l linecount ] [ -a suffixlength ] [file [name] ]

split -b n [k | m] [ -a suffixlength ] [ file [name]]

-linecount | -l linecount Number of lines in each piece. Defaults to 1000 lines. -a suffixlength Use suffixlength letters to form the suffix portion of the filenames of the split file. If -a is not specified, the default suffix length is 2. If the sum of the name operand and the suffixlength option-argument would create a filename exceeding NAME_MAX bytes, an error will result; split will exit with a diagnostic message and no files will be created. -b n Split a file into pieces n bytes in size. -b n k Split a file into pieces n*1024 bytes in size. -b n m Split a file into pieces n*1048576 bytes in size. file The path name of the ordinary file to be split. If no input file is given or file is -, the standard input will be used. name The prefix to be used for each of the files resulting from the split operation. If no name argument is given, x will be used as the prefix of the output files. The combined length of the basename of prefix and suffixlength cannot exceed NAME_MAX bytes; see OPTIONS.


split -b 22 newfile.txt new - would split the file "newfile.txt" into three separate files called newaa, newab and newac each file the size of 22.

split -l 300 file.txt new - would split the file "newfile.txt" into files beginning with the name "new" each containing 300 lines of text each

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