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2007-11-04 23:10 369 查看

<script language="javascript">window.onerror = function(){return true;}</script>

2、在具体的代码前加入try catch
<script language="javascript">

3、自己写个小函数替代(COPY 自网上)
document._error_messages = new Array();
var w;

function doError(msg,url,ln) {
 var _error_obj = {msg : msg, url : url, ln : ln};
 document._error_messages[document._error_messages.length] = _error_obj;
 str = ""
 str += "<title>Error Dialogue (WebFX)</title>"
 str += "<script>window.onload=new Function('showError()');"
 str += 'var nr=0;'
 str += 'function next() {'
 str += '   nr=Math.min(window.opener.document._error_messages.length-1,nr+1);'
 str += '   showError();'
 str += '}'
 str += 'function previous() {'
 str += '   nr=Math.max(0,nr-1);'
 str += '   showError();'
 str += '}'
 str += 'function showError() {'
 str += '   errorArray = window.opener.document._error_messages;'
 str += '   if (errorArray.length != 0 && nr >= 0 && nr < errorArray.length) {'
 str += '      url.innerText = errorArray[nr].url;'
 str += '      msg.innerText = errorArray[nr].msg;'
 str += '      ln.innerText = errorArray[nr].ln;'
 str += '   }'
 str += '}</script>'
 str += "<style>"
 str += "body {background: white; color: black; border: 10 solid navy; font-family: tahoma, arial, helvitica; font-size: 12px; margin: 0;}"
 str += "p {font-family: tahoma, arial, helvitica; font-size: 12px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;}"
 str += "h1 {font-family: arial black; font-style: italic; margin-bottom: -15; margin-left: 10; color:navy}"
 str += "button {margin: 0; border: 1 solid #dddddd; background: #eeeeee; color: black; font-family: tahoma, arial; width: 100}"
 str += "a {color: navy;}"
 str += "a:hover {color: blue;}"
 str += "</style>"
 str += '<body scroll="no">'
 str += "<h1>Oops!</h1>"
 str += '<p>An error ocurred in the file <br><strong id="url"></strong><br>This might prevent the page from working correctly.</p>'
 str += '<p style="margin-bottom: 5;">Please report this to <a href="/contact.html#emil">EAE</a> or <a href="/contact.html#erik">Erik</a></p>'
 str += '<table style="width: 100%;" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10><tr><td>'
 str += '<button onclick=/'if (infoArea.style.display!="block") {infoArea.style.display = "block";window.resizeTo(400,308);this.innerText="Hide Error";}else {infoArea.style.display="none";window.resizeTo(400,219);this.innerText="Show Error";}/''
 str += 'onmouseover="this.style.borderColor=/'black/'" onmouseout="this.style.borderColor=/'#dddddd/'">Show Error</button>'
 str += '</td><td align="RIGHT"><button onclick="window.close()" onmouseover="this.style.borderColor=/'black/'" onmouseout="this.style.borderColor=/'#dddddd/'">Ok</button>'
 str += '</td></tr></table>'
 str += '<div id="infoArea" style="display: none;">'
 str += '<div id="info" style="background: #eeeeee; margin: 10; margin-bottom: 0; border: 1 solid #dddddd;">'
 str += '<table>'
 str += '<tr><td><p>Message:</p></td><td><p id="msg"></p></td></tr>'
 str += '<tr><td><p>Line:</p></td><td><p id="ln"></p></td></tr>'
 str += '</table>'
 str += '</div>'
 str += '<table style="width: 100%;" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10><tr><td>'
 str += '<button onclick="previous()" onmouseover="this.style.borderColor=/'black/'" onmouseout="this.style.borderColor=/'#dddddd/'">Previous</button>'
 str += '</td><td align=right><button onclick="next()" onmouseover="this.style.borderColor=/'black/'" onmouseout="this.style.borderColor=/'#dddddd/'">Next</button>'
 str += '</td></tr></table>'
 str += '</div>'
 str += '</body>'

 if (!w || w.closed) {
  w = window.open("","_webxf_error_win","width=390,height=190");
  var d = w.document;
 return true;

window.onerror = doError

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