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2007-10-17 09:41 204 查看



(1)直接调用Directory类的静态方法。 string[] Directory.GetFiles(三个参数);其中第三个参数确定是否包含子目录

GetFiles(string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)#region GetFiles(string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)


// Summary:

// Returns the names of files in the specified directory that match the specified

// search pattern, using a value to determine whether to search subdirectories.


// Parameters:

// searchOption:

// One of the System.IO.SearchOption values that specifies whether the search

// operation should include all subdirectories or only the current directory.


// path:

// The directory to search.


// searchPattern:

// The search string to match against the names of files in path. The parameter

// cannot end in two periods ("..") or contain two periods ("..") followed by

// System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar or System.IO.Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar,

// nor can it contain any of the characters in System.IO.Path.InvalidPathChars.


// Returns:

// A String array containing the names of files in the specified directory that

// match the specified search pattern. File names include the full path.


// Exceptions:

// System.UnauthorizedAccessException:

// The caller does not have the required permission.


// System.ArgumentNullException:

// path or searchpattern is null.


// System.IO.IOException:

// path is a file name.


// System.ArgumentException:

// path is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one

// or more invalid characters as defined by System.IO.Path.InvalidPathChars.

// -or- searchPattern does not contain a valid pattern.


// System.IO.PathTooLongException:

// The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum

// length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than

// 248 characters and file names must be less than 260 characters.


// System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException:

// The specified path is invalid (for example, it is on an unmapped drive).

public static string[] GetFiles(string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption);



使用两个函数string[] Directory.GetFiles()//三个参数,这里空着第三个参数,

和获得 子目录的函数 public static string[] GetDirectories(string path);
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